Page 8 - IVA FLIP 7 AUG 2017
P. 8
CLASSIFIED Monday 7 august 2017
American Green Inc. plans to build a pot paradise dOCTOR ON dUTY
Dr. Wijngaarde
the charge for a true Tel. 588 2992
Green Rush,” David Gwy- San Nicolas
ther, American Green’s VACATION SPECIAL Dr. Britt-Croes
president and CEO, said in Aruba Beach Club Tel. 584 1984
a statement. “The canna- week 30 July 29/ aug.5th EMERGENCIA 911
bis revolution that’s going units 4 pers. kitchen
on here in the U.S. has the 2 qsize bedr
power to completely revi- Close to the beach $650
talize communities in the Call: 583 4403 /560 3297
same way gold did during ________________________________207904 POLICE 100
the 19th century.” Indeed TIME SHARE FOR SALE RENT NOORD 527-3200
it was a gold rush that cre- Complete renovated STA. CRUZ 527-2900
ated Nipton in the early Divi Dutch Village SAN NICOLAS 584-5000
1900s when the precious wk 27, pool floor studio unit POLICE TIPLINE 11141
metal was found nearby. 13, all special asessment pd, FIRE DEPT. 115
Laura Cavaness sweeps out a lodge at the Hotel Nipton, But by the time Freeman, a $4200 week 26 divi Villa and FIRE DEPT. 582-1108
Thursday, Aug. 3, 2017, in Nipton, Calif. American Green Inc., Los Angeles geologist who golf unit 5509, 1 br 6/25 start DENTAL CLINIC 587-9850
one of the nation’s largest cannabis companies, announced it liked to look for gold in his $3900 and week 29 unit 5503, AMBULANCE 582-1234
has bought the entire 80 acre California desert town of Nipton. spare time, discovered the July 16 IMSAN 524-8833
(AP Photo/John Locher) place in the 1950s it was al- RED CROSS 582-2219
By JOHN LOCHER the years he’d installed ready a ghost town. Even 508 651 0016 Women in Difficulties
JOHN ROGERS a solar farm himself that worse it was 60 miles south ________________________________207549
Associated Press provides much of the tiny of Las Vegas and 10 miles PHARMACY
NIPTON, Calif. (AP) — Now town’s electricity. (16 kilometers) off the ma- HOUSE FOR SALE Oranjestad:
that one of the nation’s American Green says it jor highway that connects This beautiful family home Dakota Tel. 588 7364
San Nicolas
Features 3 bedrooms, 2 bath-
largest cannabis compa- plans to expand that farm that city to Los Angeles. Aloe Tel. 584 4606
nies has bought the en- and also bottle and sell “I like to say it’s convenient- rooms, kitchen fully fenced
backyard, pool entertainment
tire California desert town cannabis-infused water ly located in the middle of
of Nipton, a question re- from Nipton’s plentiful aqui- nowhere,” jokes Lang. areas. Property land $247,000 INFORMATION 118
For info call 00297 594 1496
mains: Will the new owners fer, joint moves that would Freeman bought the town TAXI-TAS 587-5900
rename the place Potsyl- make the town green in in 1985 anyway and spent PROF. TAXI 588-0035
vania? The name Weed more ways than one. the next 30 years lovingly ________________________________207737 TAXI D.T.S. 587-2300
already belongs to an old The buyers are also reach- restoring its boutique hotel FOR RENT SERVICE AUA 583-3232
mill town in Northern Cali- ing out to edibles manu- and general store, build- an executive 2 bedroom 280-2828
fornia. American Green facturers and other pot- ing canvas-covered “eco + 2 bathroom. Home in Pos CRuIsE sHIP
Inc. announced Thursday it industry businesses, hoping cabins” and stocking them Chiquito fully furnished with
is buying all 80 acres of Nip- they’ll be interested in relo- with wood-burning stoves a big garage, alarm system,
ton, which includes its Old cating to Nipton and bring- and swamp coolers. camara, jacuzzi. Complete aC
West-style hotel, a handful ing jobs with them. The small hotel has be- for $1,600
of houses, an RV park and The town’s current resi- come a popular destina- Call 563 1449
a coffee shop. Its plans are dents number fewer than tion with desert aficiona- ________________________________207904 August 9
to transform the old Gold two dozen and one of its dos and fans of the Old Freewinds
Rush town into what it calls major sources of revenue is West, even though it’s lo- DIVI PHOENIX 31 WK’S
“an energy-independent, the California Lottery tick- cated so close to a major Plus 40 more years! Aruba Airport 524-2424
cannabis-friendly hospital- ets the general store sells to rail line that moves freight 1 bdr 2 ba week 31 $13,500 American Airlines 582-2700
ity destination.” people who cross the state between Los Angeles and BLdga room 650 Avianca 588-0059
The town’s current own- line from Nevada because Salt Lake City that guests Call 203 494 5332 Aruba Airlines 583-8300
Jet Blue
er, Roxanne Lang, said they can’t buy them there. are handed earplugs with Surinam 582-7896
the sale is still in escrow, “We are excited to lead their room keys.q _________________________________207920 Venezolana 583-7674
but confirmed American Aruba Foundation
Green is the buyer. She For those Visually Incapasitated
declined to reveal price Tel. 582-5051
before the sale closes, but AL-ANON group
noted she and her late Sabana Liber #8, Noord
husband, Gerald Freeman, Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081
listed the property at $5 FUNDACIONS
million when they put it up Respetami
for sale last year. Tel. 582-4433
Asked what her husband
would think of the buy- Centro Diabetic Arubano
Tel. 524-8888
ers’ plans to turn Nipton
into the pot paradise of Narcotics Anonymous
the California desert, she Tel. 583-8989
laughed heartily. QUOTA Club
“I think he would find a lot Tel. 525-2672
of humor in that,” she fi-
nally said, adding that as Women in Difficulties
a Libertarian Freeman had Foundation
Tel. 583-5400
no problem with people
using marijuana, and as a Bloodbank Aruba
proponent of green power Tel. 587-0002
he’d be all in favor of en-
ergy independence. Over