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sports Diabierna 8 OctOber 2021
Big Ten welcomes changes as new basketball era begins
(AP) — When Big Ten where Warren announced “It’s about time it’s happened
basketball returned to In- the 2019-20 men’s confer- for our student-athletes,”
dianapolis on Thursday, it ence tournament had been Michigan coach and former
seemed like a whole new canceled. Fab Five star Juwan How-
world. ard said. “I just hope with
Players and coaches are ready the new NIL that it’s not
Coaches openly embraced to perform in front of full taken advantage of, people
the branding power and ben- houses again after playing aren’t taking advantage of our
efits players received from most of last season in front young men and women.”
the name, image and likeness of nearly empty arenas. Five
rules changes. of the 28 men’s and women’s Illinois center Kofi Cock-
teams will have new coaches, burn is a perfect example of
Players talked about how the four of whom are people of who can benefit. The first-
extra money has helped. color. team, all-conference selec-
tion decided to return for his
Transfer talk was no longer The more dramatic changes third season only after pass-
taboo, the men’s and wom- might arise between two is- ing up the chance to leave for learning how to deal with a
en’s teams shared the stage sues that could change the the NBA and turning down After a breakout freshman different recruiting tool —
— on the same day and at the sport — NIL deals and roster other offers to transfer. season, Iowa guard Caitlin the transfer portal.
same time — and everyone management. Clark spent this summer
seemed relieved to see the The payoffs came Monday leading the Americans to the More than 2,000 players en-
first of two media days held When NCAA officials when Cockburn and more FIBA U19 world champi- tered the portal last season,
in person. opened the door for athletes than 20 others Illinois ath- onship in Hungary and was a number Maryland coach
to profit off their celebrity letes signed an endorsement named the tourney’s MVP. Mark Turgeon believes will
“This is my first basketball and compete immediately deal with T/CCI Manufac- When she returned home, shrink quickly in the com-
media day,” said Big Ten after transferring, coaches turing in Decatur, Illinois, Clark found she also was in ing years. But Turgeon and
Commissioner Kevin War- started rethinking how they to promote manufacturing high demand for NIL deals. other coaches are convinced
ren, now in his third year on did business. jobs. Financial details were the less-inhibiting transfer
the job. “I was a college bas- not immediately available but “There’s definitely has been rule will alter how they build
ketball player. I love college While some, such as Illinois every dollar helps and T/CCI a lot of things rolling in, but programs.
athletics, every sport. But I coach Brad Underwood, pre- is already promoting #Cool- I have a lot of people around
adore basketball. It’s good to ferred taking a hands-off ap- LikeKofi and designed T- helping,” she said. “It’s been “It’s certainly here to stay,”
be back in the arena here.” proach to the NIL deals, oth- shirt with the phrase. cool to see a lot of different Ohio State coach Chris Holt-
ers, such as Iowa women’s student-athletes doing a lot mann said. “I think you’ll
Rather than holding the tra- coach Lisa Bluder, seem fully “It’s definitely a plus,” Cock- of different things. I haven’t see less programs recruit
ditional tip-off festivities near aware of every offer coming burn said. “I know college seen anything negative. I freshmen every year. I think
conference headquarters in in. athletes are really apprecia- think it’s been good. It’s more teams will wait until
suburban Chicago, league tive of this opportunity all something that’s been a long the spring. It does probably
officials moved the event to But all of the coaches agreed over the world. I know I am. time coming for student-ath- allow you to potentially re-
Gainbridge Fieldhouse, the — this is better for the ath- It’s a great thing that’s going letes.” build quicker than maybe the
site of both Big Ten tourna- letes. on. It’s a step closer to what traditional way used to be for
ments and the same venue we can achieve.” Coaches, meanwhile, are certain programs.”
Defending AL champ Rays poised to open ALDS against Red Sox
(AP) — The Tampa Bay step toward a return to the season, Tampa Bay won 11 of jors a few weeks, are slated this whole year,” Kiermaier
Rays have won more World Series, where they lost the final 15 meetings on the to start the first two games of said. “We never relied on one
games than any other to the Los Angeles Dodgers way to claiming its second the ALDS. person. There’s a new hero
team in the American last fall. straight AL East crown by any given day. I think that
League over the past two eight games over big-budget “I still feel like the majority of is just what makes us so fun
seasons, going about their With one of baseball’s low- Boston and the even heavier our roster are guys on league and dangerous.”
business with a quiet con- est payrolls and a roster de- spending New York Yankees. minimum. But, man, we
fidence that has the full void of big names, Tampa breed them differently over The Red Sox — in the play-
attention of the Boston Bay wins with a youthful, The Red Sox beat the Yankees here, I promise you that,” offs for the first time since
Red Sox. selfless blend of defense, 6-2 at home in the AL wild- Kiermaier said. “I mean, you 2018, when they won the
pitching and timely hitting card game Tuesday night, ad- got guys like Wander Franco World Series — know that all
The AL East rivals meet in a that’s served the team well vancing to face the Rays. and our starters, depending too well.
best-of-five Division Series in reaching the playoffs three on who we run out ... we got
that begins Thursday night consecutive years. “We have some experience,” guys who can play.” “I know they won the season
at Tropicana Field, with the center fielder Kevin Kier- series, but if you look at the
defending league champion After dropping four straight maier said Wednesday before The Rays showed that a year games, it’s a 1-0 game with
Rays looking to take the first to the Red Sox early in the turning his thoughts toward ago when rookie Randy Aro- a wild pitch in the ninth in-
a talented collection of rook- zarena had a record-setting ning. There was a sun ball
ies who helped Tampa Bay breakout postseason after at Fenway when we were up
weather a rash of injuries to Tampa Bay rolled to the best 7-1,” Boston manager Alex
win a franchise-record 100 record in the AL during the Cora said.
games. pandemic-shortened, 60-
game regular season. “I know they’re really good.
Rookie shortstop Wander They have a great team.
Franco has played up to his “I’ve said it throughout this Coming into the season, a
billing as the top prospect in whole year, we do not have lot of people thought they
baseball since hitting a hom- a set lineup. Some guys play were the best team in the big
er in his major league debut more than others. But, you leagues. But we feel we have
against the Red Sox in June. know, man, 1 through 26 — a good team, and we’re here,”
Young pitchers Shane Mc- doesn’t matter who we put he added. “We’ll show up.
Clanahan and Shane Baz, in there, we’ve had guys that We’ll play and see where it
who’s only been in the ma- have produced throughout takes us.”