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P. 7
local Tuesday 1 November 2022
A Flight to the Future
DCCA’s 1st International Sustainable Air Transportation event
ORANJESTAD – “The month N.V., as DCCA Chairman. week, speeches and pre-
has finally arrived where sentations will be given,
the Dutch Caribbean The Dutch Caribbean panel discussions will be
Cooperation of Airports Cooperation of Airports held, masterclasses will be
(DCCA) will kick off the 1st (DCCA) is cooperation be- provided, and daily electric
International Sustainable tween all six Caribbean Air- flight demonstrations will be
Air Transportation event - A ports within the Kingdom of performed with the Pipistrel
Flight to the Future – being the Netherlands. DCCA’s Velis Electro at Aruba Air-
held between 6-11 Octo- objective is to improve the port. The Pipistrel Velis Elec-
ber 2022. general quality of each tro is the 1st certified elec-
individual airport by facili- tric aircraft in the world. The
“We are excited to wel- tating mutual assistance knowledge shared during
come both local and in- and efficient exchange the week of the event will
ternational attendees from of information, transfer of be different each day. Key
the Dutch Caribbean is- knowledge and sharing of themes will be:
lands, The Netherlands and expertise with the goal of Discover the Undiscovered, Velis Electro up close. ing entities that in one way,
the (Latin) America region achieving economies of focusing on Sustainable Participants to A Flight to or another will positively
to share knowledge and scale. DCCA aims to pres- Aviation; the Future event include impact travel between the
create dialogue on the fu- ent future focused alterna- Built for Experience, focus- a wide variety of local islands in the (near) future.
ture of aviation and also on tive air transportation op- ing on Sustainable Tourism, and international stake-
interisland connectivity in tions to improve interisland Pushing the limits: chang- holders within the aviation Free virtual registrations
the Dutch Caribbean. We connectivity between the ing the Future, focusing on and tourism industry of the are still available for the
are honored to be able to Dutch Caribbean Islands Sustainable Airport Opera- Dutch Caribbean islands event which is set to be
host this event in Aruba and and is organizing the 1st in- tions, and the wider Latin Amer- livestreamed via YouTube
are more than proud to ternational Sustainable Air Reality Check, focusing on ica & Caribbean region. on November 7 through
have the first electric flights Transportation event called current Research and In- These include airport col- November 10, 2022. For
in the Caribbean with the - A Flight to the Future - in vestments, leagues, airline CEOs, tour- more information on the
Pipistrel Velis Electro per- Aruba from November 7 and Connecting Genera- ism authorities, Civil Avia- event and the virtual reg-
formed during that week” through 11, 2022. tions, which will give the lo- tion authorities, education istration, please visit our
said Joost Meijs, CEO of cal community the chance partners, environment part- DCCA website www.dc-
Aruba Airport Authority During the entire event to experience the Pipistrel ners and persons represent- .q
As part of the diversification strategy
Aruba Tourism Authority working on Latin American market
ORANJESTAD – Recently, a with discussion of strategy
delegation of Aruba Tour- for 2023 and tactical ac-
ism Authority was in Bo- tion which the market de-
gota, Colombia to com- fined. The goal for 2023 is
plete a wide schedule of to attract the visitors that
meetings and other im- spend the most, and to
portant encounters with attract a total of 3 per-
colleagues of ATA Latin cent more visitors from
America (LATAM). the region. The budget for
2023 and the strategy for
The week of meetings among other 5 markets of
opened with an internal LATAM (Brazil, Argentina,
encounter between ATA Chile, Peru and Colombia)
Aruba and ATA LATAM. Af- were also discussed.
terwards the focus was on
2022, with agencies also This was the last meeting
present. It is expected that of Miriam Dabian as di-
2022 will close with a total rector of Tourism Office of
of 85,000 visitors from the Latin America. A special ATA to express gratitude market. around 100,000 visitors ev-
region. encounter with great par- and emphasize the com- ery year (during non-pan-
The schedule continued ticipation which allowed mitment of Aruba with the There were also meetings demic years). This market
with Aruba’s airport, with continues being reestab-
Avianca, Wingo and Sar- lished after the pandemic.
pa. The focus continues on
reestablishing the capac- For 2023, ATA expects
ity that was seen in 2019. positive results due to the
The focus also continues different factors on which
on new hubs in Colombia, they will be working,
as has been the case this among others, strategy,
year. After the collapse marketing and more air
of the Venezuelan mar- connection.q
ket, Latin America brings