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                                                                                                       sports Diabierna 31 December 2021

                          Ja Morant scores 41 points, Grizzlies beat slumping Lakers

            (AP) — Ja Morant scored  sealed the win with two free
            41 points, Desmond Bane  throws with 5.1 seconds to go
            added  20  and  the  Mem-    Ahead by six at the half, the
            phis Grizzlies overcame a  Lakers  pushed  their  advan-
            14-point second-half defi-   tage to 14 at 80-66 during a
            cit to beat the Los Angeles  third  quarter  in  which  Los
            Lakers 104-99 on Wednes-     Angeles made six 3-pointers.
            day night.                   James had three of those.

            LeBron  James  led  Los  An-  The  Grizzlies  were  able  to
            geles with 37 points — a day  battle back and trim the lead
            short  of  his  37th  birthday  to five at 83-78 at the end of
            —  and  13  rebounds  and  a  the quarter. Morant made in a
            season-high eight 3-pointers.  deep 3-pointer at the buzzer.
            Russell  Westbrook  added  a
            triple-double with 16 points,  In  the  fourth  quarter,  the
            10 rebounds and 12 assists.  Lakers were slowed by four-
                                         minute    scoring   drought
            The  Grizzlies  improved  to  which  allowed  the  Grizzlies
            22-14 with their third straight  to erase a 92-87 deficit with
            victory, while the Lakers fell  12 straight points. With 8:12
            to 17-19 with their sixth loss  to go, Memphis led 99-92
            in seven games.
                                         “Coming  out  in  the  third
            Morant, making a strong bid  quarter it got away from us,”
            for the All-Star Game, scored  Lakers forward Malik Monk  Reaves  missed  the  previous  six games and Bazemore the  last five.
            25 of his points in the second  said.  “It  was  super  frustrat-
            half, including 14 in the third  ing because we’ve been doing
            quarter. He scored 11 of the  that all year.”
            Grizzlies’ final 15 points.
                                         Grizzlies  starting  forward
            “What an unbelievable night  Dillon  Brooks  sat  out  his
            by Ja,” Memphis coach Tay-   third  straight  game  because
            lor  Jenkins  said.  “When  he  of  health  and  safety  proto-
            got  going  it  kind  of  fueled  cols.
            everyone  else.  We’ve  said  it
            from  Day  1,  he’s  built  for  Grizzlies: Morant and James
            moments like this.”          became the third pair of op-
                                         ponents  in  NBA  history
            Jenkins  also  was  impressed  to  each  amass  35  or  more
            with  Morant’s  defense  (two  points, 10 or more rebounds
            steals,  two  blocks)  and  re-  and  six  or  more  3-pointers
            bounding.  He  had  10  re-  in a game... . . .John Konchar
            bounds.                      entered  the  league’s  health
                                         and safety protocols Tuesday
            “I  was  taking  what  the  de-  after  making  the  first  two
            fense gave me and it turned  starts of his career.
            out  good  for  us,”  Morant
            said.  ”That’s  normally  how  Lakers:  Interim  head  coach
            I attack every game. Tonight  David  Fizdale  said  Morant
            was just my night.”          has  quickly  blossomed  into
                                         an elite player. “You are talk-
            Memphis  trailed  in  the  sec-  ing  about  one  of  the  best
            ond  half  until  Tyus  Jones  players in this league period.
            hit  in  a  floater  for  a  93-92  Period. The guy is a true su-
            lead  with  6:50  left.  Morant  perstar.”.  .  .  Austin  Reaves
            followed  with  consecutive  and  Kent  Bazemore  tested
            3-pointers for a 99-92 advan-  out of the NBA’s health and
            tage  with  4:28  to  go.  Bane  safety  protocols  Wednesday.
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