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             Tuesday 26 sepTember 2017
            Arubans Present Live Performance at Artexpo Eindhoven

            EINDHOVEN  -  At  Artexpo  a  lot  of  attention.  Profes-
            Eindhoven  (www.kunstex-     sional  model  actress  from
  , a live performance  Aruba,  Zuleika  Coffie  and
            inspired  by  ‘Maternity’  got  daughter   Lilian,   posed

                                                                      once  more  for  the  profes-  The  promotion  will  also
                                                                      sional  Caribbean  painter   be  combined  with  ‘street
                                                                      Gustave  Nouel  (GN  www.    sketching’  workshops  from
                                                             ).     GN,  that  they  also  liked  a
                                                                                                   lot, as one of the main ac-
                                                                      The speed painting perfor-   tivities during the Artexpo in
                                                                      mance was successful and     2018.
                                                                      the  organizer  of  Artexpo   The  timeless  series  of  ‘Ma-
                                                                      Eindhoven proposed to re-    ternity’ paintings of GN, will
                                                                      peat this performance next   culminate in a book that is
                                                                      year.                        in process. A publisher from
                                                                                                   Volendam will publicize this
            High School Students Help Victims in St. Maarten                                       Zuleika  Coffie  was  the
                                                                                                   model for this whole series,
                                                                                                   as a pregnant woman, un-
                                                                                                   til  after  becoming  mother  book  ‘Maternity’  (in  4  lan-
                                                                                                   of Lilian. Some of the paint-  guages)  in  Aruba  in  an
                                                                                                   ings of then series ‘Materni-  effective  way,  so  the  in-
                                                                                                   ty’ have already been ex-    ternational  promotion  of
                                                                                                   hibited  in  several  galleries  these  Arubans  can  start.
                                                                                                   in Holland and also during  A  dynamic  team  in  Aru-
                                                                                                   Aruba Art Fair (AAF) 2016.   ba  is  preparing  the  first
                                                                                                   Intention  is  to  present  the  presentation.q

            ORANJESTAD - Besides several hotels (Manchebo Spa & Beach Resort, Holiday Inn) reli-
            gious organizations and individual initiatives, students from Aruba have also decided to
            help the victims of hurricane Irma at St. Maarten.

            The high school Colegio Arubano sent a letter to all parents asking to collect articles for
            the people of St. Maarten. Canned food, bottles of water, diapers for babies, sanitary
            towels, clothes and bathroom articles like soap were on the list. The action was in coop-
            eration with the Arubaanse Padvinders Gilde (jamborees).q
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