Page 56 - Min Vos, 9 April 2015
P. 56
9 APRIL 2015
Amigoe Express is a daily publication in English by Uitgeverij Amigoe N.V.
vents Every Thursday Amigoe will publish various articles featured during the past week.
NIGHTLIFE Express Yourself
Raphael Monsanto Fiona Henriquez
April 10
Riffort The things we feel, at times, are near impossible to put into words. Sometimes we
Ladies Night are so insanely happy, all we can do to show it is with a simple smile. When the
April 10 anger overwhelms us, we just scream for as loud and as long as possible.
Nollys - ex building depot
Santa Rosa By Francis Koolman or a sponge. The idea is to open up the portunity to be exposed and educated
I Love the 90’s ways in which an artist can express their to what is done throughout the art world.
April 10, 9 PM For the more creative and productive feelings and ideas. Being able to take a trip to Berlin, Ger-
Café de Tijd ones, art is a way to give our feelings a many also played a role in her develop-
Dance Classics look or a sound, instead of just words. Fiona’s exposure to the works of some ment because of its sheer size – one of
April 10, 8:30 PM Painting, drawing, and sculpting are of the masters of modern and contem- Fiona’s first trips to a big city with huge
Cabana Beach considered the more traditional styles porary art showed her new possibilities art scene and broadened her artistic ho-
I have a secret to tell of art, but as we know by now art has a for her own work. Having been born and rizons. Such new and novel experiences
April 10, 8:30 PM more broad definition: music, film, graffiti, raised in Curaçao, her education of the provide plenty of inspiration and drive.
The Alley dance etc. “Art is limitless,” says Fiona art world was a bit limited. The art scene
5 Years Miles Henriquez. Fiona states such a claim on Fiona’s home island contains numer- In Fiona’s return to Curaçao, she can
April 11, 10 PM based on her own experiences through- ous hidden treasures of art and styles of now pass on some of the knowledge she
Miles Jazz Café out the art world. Everything from what art, but it was when she made the deci- has acquired throughout the years to an
Galaxia III she has studied, witnessed, and pro- sion to leave her home island and to take even younger generation. As a teacher,
April 11, 9.30 PM duced regarding art informs her simple her studies to the Netherlands that Fio- she has the benefit of both teaching the
Saliña Galleries statement. It’s not only about what you na’s art really began to evolve. Names up and coming artists of Curaçao and re-
Container Fest create, but how and why you create it. like Michael Borremans, Marlene Dumas, learning and solidifying the lessons she
April 11, 9 PM and Francis Bacon might not sound fa- learned throughout her education. There
To be announced The classical forms of art such as sculpt- miliar to many people, but these are just is a certain thrilling sensation when a
Roy Louis, Andy Narell & ing, drawing, and painting present certain some of the names that figure heavily in teacher witnesses the unique interpreta-
Elmer Louis Live 2015 artistic limitations that many artists nowa- her own creations. From these artists, tion by the student of what was taught.
April 12, 7 PM days feel compelled to break through. Fiona learned the great possibilities with By seeing how art techniques and tricks
Brakkeput Mei Mei The term modern art is defined as art that art. are used in a slightly different manner,
All in White Pool Party ‘rejects traditionally accepted forms and the teacher learns from the student. Why
April 12, 5 PM emphasizes individual experimentation Fiona’s travels and exposure to many not draw the face like this? Or use these
Saint Tropez and sensibility’. In other words, you do forms of art and art pieces have also in- colors? The students take what Fiona
Raphael Monsanto not have to only use what was used be- fluenced her progression and mindset teaches; add their own flavor to it and
April 15, 7.30 PM - 10.30 fore to make art; you can use whatever about art. As one of those influences, create something unique and singular.
PM you like. Pieces of wood, glass, and steel Marlene Dumas said, “art is really some- She finds joy in seeing how the kids she
Zanzi can be used to create the sculpture in- thing you learn being around other peo- teaches express their art, their feeling,
Raphael Monsanto stead of clay. In place of brushes, you ple.” Throughout her studies in Curaçao and their ideas. The limits and definition
April 17 can use your fingers to paint the picture and the Netherlands, Fiona had the op- of art continue to expand and evolve.
Jack Sessions - Debbie (AP) — An apple a An apple a day may IN tShPeOT LIGHT
April 17, 7 PM day doesn’t neces- not keep the doctor
27 sarily keep the doctor Curaçao’s Best of the Best 2014 #1 DJ:
Toe Maar away. That’s according away, study says
April 18, 9 PM to proverb-busting re- DJ Alex Sargo
Hemmingway - Chill search that found daily
Raphael Monsanto apple eaters had just Recently Amigoe Express
April 18, 25 as many doctor visits launched the first edition of
Omundo as those who ate fewer “Curaçao’s Best of the Best
Raphael Monsanto & Gil- or no apples. of 2014” in which our young,
mar Fraites sympathetic and highly skilled
April 24, 8 PM - 11 PM The findings don’t mean Aleandro Sargo Ribeiro, better come to the idea to change
Bistro Le Clochard apples aren’t good for you known as DJ NRG or Alex Sargo his artistic name. “I’m working
Kings Night but they do underscore (19), won first place. A DJ jour- very hard to conquer more in-
April 26 that it takes more than just ney that started as a fun hobby ternational markets, so this is
Villa Maria one kind of food to make a turned out to be a professional the perfect timing to change
Koningsdag healthy diet and avoid ill- and dedicated experience, my name. Alex Sargo repre-
April 27, 3 PM ness. with a high amount of deter- sents everything in me, it’s
Café de Tijd mination, focus, perseverance an abbreviation of my name
Kadir & Friends For The About one-third of the Apple eaters had more ed- HOW ‘BOUT THEM and passion for music. DJ and and it’s short and easy to pro-
Cliniclowns adults studied said they ucation and were less likely APPLES? producer Alex Sargo will be the nounce,” he continues.
April 28, 7.30 PM had no more than one doc- to smoke than apple shun- next big international sensa-
Freewinds tor visit in the previous ners, and fewer of them Apples are a good source tion. Mark my words. Curaçao’s Best of the Best willing to give hand to hard-
Scarlet Ribbons year; the remainder re- were white. Apple eaters of vitamin C; one medium working youngsters. DJ Crash
May 10, 7.30 PM ported at least two visits. A were slightly less likely to apple has about 100 calo- By Desi Dijkhuizen “You know what’s awesome?” Caliber is no exception. Even
Avila Hotel preliminary analysis found use prescription drugs, but ries and provides nearly 20 he says suddenly. “DJ Carlito, though he is still very young,
Concierto Viva La Música apple eaters had slightly the study lacks information percent of the daily recom- Aleandro was never inter- who came up as #2 DJ of the he is very talented and this
Latina Curaçao 2015 fewer visits than apple on use of over-the-counter mended amount of fiber. ested in his studies, but was Curaçao’s Best of the Best great teamwork will definitely
May 29 - 30 avoiders — those who ate medication and alternative Apples also contain small always fascinated by music. was my coach, I learned a lot pay off. Just wait and see,”
Sambil Parking Lot less than one daily or no medicine. amounts of vitamin A, cal- At the age of 14, he started from him. Also DJ Boogieman he says with a wink. Talking
apples. But that difference cium and iron. playing with music and try- gave me tips and tricks of the about collaborations, Alean-
ART & CULTURE disappeared when the STUDY LIMITATIONS ing different programs on the DJ industry and DJ Juice is dro also mentioned Steve
researchers considered The proverb is thought to computer. He bought an inex- a great colleague too. It was Andreas, an Aruba native DJ
Latin Lounge weight, race, education, Adults’ food choices in the have originated in Wales pensive DJ booth to develop nice to see us in the top 3! I’m and producer. “We started
First Wednesday of the health insurance and other previous 24 hours don’t nec- in the 1800s. Apples, which his skills and little by little, he so proud we all made it!” he working together since April
month factors that can influence essarily reflect usual eating have a long shelf life, were started an exciting DJ career. says smiling. “I never felt any last year, but we are waiting to
8 PM - 12:30 AM frequency of medical visits. habits. The study lacks in- likely one of the few fruits “I was always bored in class. I competition between the DJ’s announce our debut in a big
New York Curaçao Restau- formation on other foods that were available through- couldn’t wait to graduate high on the island. I focus on my way. This could be in Miami,
rant STUDY DETAILS people ate and it isn’t rig- out the year, said Alice Li- school so I could focus on my own business and when I can Curaçao….we don’t know
Workshop pa Traha Fli orous enough to determine chtenstein, a Tufts Univer- passion: music,” he says. In help advise young talented yet.”
(How to make a kite) The researchers looked at whether people who choose sity professor of nutrition 2011 he was asked to play DJ’s I’m always willing to give It is a unique experience for a
April 11, 1 PM - 5 PM data on about 8,400 U.S. to eat apples are healthier or science and policy. She at different beach parties and a hand.” young and local DJ to perform
Sentro di bario adults who took part in unhealthier than those who wasn’t involved in the study. he felt the pressure to come on foreign stages. With a long
Groot Kwartier government health surveys don’t. The reason for the re- up with a catchy DJ name. Collaborations list of interesting international
Expo Marianne Cats in 2007-08 and 2009-10. ported doctor visits also isn’t Nutritionists generally Without thinking too much, he gigs on his curriculum, Alean-
Till April 16 The adults answered ques- included in the study. came up with DJ NRG; a sim- At this moment Aleandro is dro rocked the stage recently
Floris Suite Hotel tionnaires that included agree that apples can be a ple, young and popular name. collaborating with Crash Cali- in Miami. “I’m very thankful
MIL Reunion queries about foods they’d Lead author Matthew Davis, NRG conquered not only lo- ber, a fifteen year old up and for these great and unforget-
April 17, 7 PM eaten in the previous 24 a health services researcher good food choice. But, said cal parties, but also marked coming DJ, who works very table experiences. I believe
MIL hours and medical care at the University of Michi- a name in foreign countries; hard and has potential to be- that hard work definitely pays
Schijn in the past year. About 9 gan, said while the study Dr. Steven Zeisel, director like Surinam, Aruba and Bo- come a great DJ. “I’m always off. Your force creates the
April 19, 23 - 24, 7.30PM percent of adults studied questions the proverb, “to naire. He even got the chance door upon which opportunity
Teatro Luna Blou ate the equivalent of at really disprove it, you would of the University of North to perform in Boston (twice), knocks. And there’s still more
least one small apple daily. need a different study de- Atlanta and Miami. This suc- to come…”
Jeux de Couleurs Those who ate less than sign.” Carolina’s Nutrition Re- cessful growth made him
Till May 2, 9 AM - 2 PM that were considered apple
Landhuis Bloemhof shunners. search Institute, “One apple
Unique so Chic VIP Bingo
May 3, 2 PM isn’t going to be enough to
Santa Barbara Resort
Sara Kroos “Van Jewel- make a difference unless it’s
May 15 part of a healthy food pat-
Avila Hotel
Local handcraft market tern.”
‘Marshe di Artesania’
Every 2nd Saturday of the
month, 10 AM - 2 PM
Gallery Alma Blou
9 APRIL 2015
Amigoe Express is a daily publication in English by Uitgeverij Amigoe N.V.
vents Every Thursday Amigoe will publish various articles featured during the past week.
NIGHTLIFE Express Yourself
Raphael Monsanto Fiona Henriquez
April 10
Riffort The things we feel, at times, are near impossible to put into words. Sometimes we
Ladies Night are so insanely happy, all we can do to show it is with a simple smile. When the
April 10 anger overwhelms us, we just scream for as loud and as long as possible.
Nollys - ex building depot
Santa Rosa By Francis Koolman or a sponge. The idea is to open up the portunity to be exposed and educated
I Love the 90’s ways in which an artist can express their to what is done throughout the art world.
April 10, 9 PM For the more creative and productive feelings and ideas. Being able to take a trip to Berlin, Ger-
Café de Tijd ones, art is a way to give our feelings a many also played a role in her develop-
Dance Classics look or a sound, instead of just words. Fiona’s exposure to the works of some ment because of its sheer size – one of
April 10, 8:30 PM Painting, drawing, and sculpting are of the masters of modern and contem- Fiona’s first trips to a big city with huge
Cabana Beach considered the more traditional styles porary art showed her new possibilities art scene and broadened her artistic ho-
I have a secret to tell of art, but as we know by now art has a for her own work. Having been born and rizons. Such new and novel experiences
April 10, 8:30 PM more broad definition: music, film, graffiti, raised in Curaçao, her education of the provide plenty of inspiration and drive.
The Alley dance etc. “Art is limitless,” says Fiona art world was a bit limited. The art scene
5 Years Miles Henriquez. Fiona states such a claim on Fiona’s home island contains numer- In Fiona’s return to Curaçao, she can
April 11, 10 PM based on her own experiences through- ous hidden treasures of art and styles of now pass on some of the knowledge she
Miles Jazz Café out the art world. Everything from what art, but it was when she made the deci- has acquired throughout the years to an
Galaxia III she has studied, witnessed, and pro- sion to leave her home island and to take even younger generation. As a teacher,
April 11, 9.30 PM duced regarding art informs her simple her studies to the Netherlands that Fio- she has the benefit of both teaching the
Saliña Galleries statement. It’s not only about what you na’s art really began to evolve. Names up and coming artists of Curaçao and re-
Container Fest create, but how and why you create it. like Michael Borremans, Marlene Dumas, learning and solidifying the lessons she
April 11, 9 PM and Francis Bacon might not sound fa- learned throughout her education. There
To be announced The classical forms of art such as sculpt- miliar to many people, but these are just is a certain thrilling sensation when a
Roy Louis, Andy Narell & ing, drawing, and painting present certain some of the names that figure heavily in teacher witnesses the unique interpreta-
Elmer Louis Live 2015 artistic limitations that many artists nowa- her own creations. From these artists, tion by the student of what was taught.
April 12, 7 PM days feel compelled to break through. Fiona learned the great possibilities with By seeing how art techniques and tricks
Brakkeput Mei Mei The term modern art is defined as art that art. are used in a slightly different manner,
All in White Pool Party ‘rejects traditionally accepted forms and the teacher learns from the student. Why
April 12, 5 PM emphasizes individual experimentation Fiona’s travels and exposure to many not draw the face like this? Or use these
Saint Tropez and sensibility’. In other words, you do forms of art and art pieces have also in- colors? The students take what Fiona
Raphael Monsanto not have to only use what was used be- fluenced her progression and mindset teaches; add their own flavor to it and
April 15, 7.30 PM - 10.30 fore to make art; you can use whatever about art. As one of those influences, create something unique and singular.
PM you like. Pieces of wood, glass, and steel Marlene Dumas said, “art is really some- She finds joy in seeing how the kids she
Zanzi can be used to create the sculpture in- thing you learn being around other peo- teaches express their art, their feeling,
Raphael Monsanto stead of clay. In place of brushes, you ple.” Throughout her studies in Curaçao and their ideas. The limits and definition
April 17 can use your fingers to paint the picture and the Netherlands, Fiona had the op- of art continue to expand and evolve.
Jack Sessions - Debbie (AP) — An apple a An apple a day may IN tShPeOT LIGHT
April 17, 7 PM day doesn’t neces- not keep the doctor
27 sarily keep the doctor Curaçao’s Best of the Best 2014 #1 DJ:
Toe Maar away. That’s according away, study says
April 18, 9 PM to proverb-busting re- DJ Alex Sargo
Hemmingway - Chill search that found daily
Raphael Monsanto apple eaters had just Recently Amigoe Express
April 18, 25 as many doctor visits launched the first edition of
Omundo as those who ate fewer “Curaçao’s Best of the Best
Raphael Monsanto & Gil- or no apples. of 2014” in which our young,
mar Fraites sympathetic and highly skilled
April 24, 8 PM - 11 PM The findings don’t mean Aleandro Sargo Ribeiro, better come to the idea to change
Bistro Le Clochard apples aren’t good for you known as DJ NRG or Alex Sargo his artistic name. “I’m working
Kings Night but they do underscore (19), won first place. A DJ jour- very hard to conquer more in-
April 26 that it takes more than just ney that started as a fun hobby ternational markets, so this is
Villa Maria one kind of food to make a turned out to be a professional the perfect timing to change
Koningsdag healthy diet and avoid ill- and dedicated experience, my name. Alex Sargo repre-
April 27, 3 PM ness. with a high amount of deter- sents everything in me, it’s
Café de Tijd mination, focus, perseverance an abbreviation of my name
Kadir & Friends For The About one-third of the Apple eaters had more ed- HOW ‘BOUT THEM and passion for music. DJ and and it’s short and easy to pro-
Cliniclowns adults studied said they ucation and were less likely APPLES? producer Alex Sargo will be the nounce,” he continues.
April 28, 7.30 PM had no more than one doc- to smoke than apple shun- next big international sensa-
Freewinds tor visit in the previous ners, and fewer of them Apples are a good source tion. Mark my words. Curaçao’s Best of the Best willing to give hand to hard-
Scarlet Ribbons year; the remainder re- were white. Apple eaters of vitamin C; one medium working youngsters. DJ Crash
May 10, 7.30 PM ported at least two visits. A were slightly less likely to apple has about 100 calo- By Desi Dijkhuizen “You know what’s awesome?” Caliber is no exception. Even
Avila Hotel preliminary analysis found use prescription drugs, but ries and provides nearly 20 he says suddenly. “DJ Carlito, though he is still very young,
Concierto Viva La Música apple eaters had slightly the study lacks information percent of the daily recom- Aleandro was never inter- who came up as #2 DJ of the he is very talented and this
Latina Curaçao 2015 fewer visits than apple on use of over-the-counter mended amount of fiber. ested in his studies, but was Curaçao’s Best of the Best great teamwork will definitely
May 29 - 30 avoiders — those who ate medication and alternative Apples also contain small always fascinated by music. was my coach, I learned a lot pay off. Just wait and see,”
Sambil Parking Lot less than one daily or no medicine. amounts of vitamin A, cal- At the age of 14, he started from him. Also DJ Boogieman he says with a wink. Talking
apples. But that difference cium and iron. playing with music and try- gave me tips and tricks of the about collaborations, Alean-
ART & CULTURE disappeared when the STUDY LIMITATIONS ing different programs on the DJ industry and DJ Juice is dro also mentioned Steve
researchers considered The proverb is thought to computer. He bought an inex- a great colleague too. It was Andreas, an Aruba native DJ
Latin Lounge weight, race, education, Adults’ food choices in the have originated in Wales pensive DJ booth to develop nice to see us in the top 3! I’m and producer. “We started
First Wednesday of the health insurance and other previous 24 hours don’t nec- in the 1800s. Apples, which his skills and little by little, he so proud we all made it!” he working together since April
month factors that can influence essarily reflect usual eating have a long shelf life, were started an exciting DJ career. says smiling. “I never felt any last year, but we are waiting to
8 PM - 12:30 AM frequency of medical visits. habits. The study lacks in- likely one of the few fruits “I was always bored in class. I competition between the DJ’s announce our debut in a big
New York Curaçao Restau- formation on other foods that were available through- couldn’t wait to graduate high on the island. I focus on my way. This could be in Miami,
rant STUDY DETAILS people ate and it isn’t rig- out the year, said Alice Li- school so I could focus on my own business and when I can Curaçao….we don’t know
Workshop pa Traha Fli orous enough to determine chtenstein, a Tufts Univer- passion: music,” he says. In help advise young talented yet.”
(How to make a kite) The researchers looked at whether people who choose sity professor of nutrition 2011 he was asked to play DJ’s I’m always willing to give It is a unique experience for a
April 11, 1 PM - 5 PM data on about 8,400 U.S. to eat apples are healthier or science and policy. She at different beach parties and a hand.” young and local DJ to perform
Sentro di bario adults who took part in unhealthier than those who wasn’t involved in the study. he felt the pressure to come on foreign stages. With a long
Groot Kwartier government health surveys don’t. The reason for the re- up with a catchy DJ name. Collaborations list of interesting international
Expo Marianne Cats in 2007-08 and 2009-10. ported doctor visits also isn’t Nutritionists generally Without thinking too much, he gigs on his curriculum, Alean-
Till April 16 The adults answered ques- included in the study. came up with DJ NRG; a sim- At this moment Aleandro is dro rocked the stage recently
Floris Suite Hotel tionnaires that included agree that apples can be a ple, young and popular name. collaborating with Crash Cali- in Miami. “I’m very thankful
MIL Reunion queries about foods they’d Lead author Matthew Davis, NRG conquered not only lo- ber, a fifteen year old up and for these great and unforget-
April 17, 7 PM eaten in the previous 24 a health services researcher good food choice. But, said cal parties, but also marked coming DJ, who works very table experiences. I believe
MIL hours and medical care at the University of Michi- a name in foreign countries; hard and has potential to be- that hard work definitely pays
Schijn in the past year. About 9 gan, said while the study Dr. Steven Zeisel, director like Surinam, Aruba and Bo- come a great DJ. “I’m always off. Your force creates the
April 19, 23 - 24, 7.30PM percent of adults studied questions the proverb, “to naire. He even got the chance door upon which opportunity
Teatro Luna Blou ate the equivalent of at really disprove it, you would of the University of North to perform in Boston (twice), knocks. And there’s still more
least one small apple daily. need a different study de- Atlanta and Miami. This suc- to come…”
Jeux de Couleurs Those who ate less than sign.” Carolina’s Nutrition Re- cessful growth made him
Till May 2, 9 AM - 2 PM that were considered apple
Landhuis Bloemhof shunners. search Institute, “One apple
Unique so Chic VIP Bingo
May 3, 2 PM isn’t going to be enough to
Santa Barbara Resort
Sara Kroos “Van Jewel- make a difference unless it’s
May 15 part of a healthy food pat-
Avila Hotel
Local handcraft market tern.”
‘Marshe di Artesania’
Every 2nd Saturday of the
month, 10 AM - 2 PM
Gallery Alma Blou