Page 21 - ATA
P. 21
LOCAL Monday 9 april 2018
Today Is Going To Be A Good Day
Continued from Page 14 up with the idea of build-
ing a lighthouse that could
The Lighthouse indicate the island’s east-
No, you would not think ern tip to ships with its light.
of this as a hidden gem.
The California Lighthouse will give you more informa-
is actually one of the most tion.
known highlights in Aruba
and many repeated guests Kayak in the Mangroves
most probably took the ride Mangel Halto at Savaneta
uphill already. But, there is is definitely a place not to
a significant change to this miss out on. The beauti-
tower. Since September ful beach with the natu-
2016 you can climb the ral mangroves is simply a
top. In 2015 Stichting Monu- beauty, but if you are into
mentenfonds started the a more active way to enjoy
restoration of the California the nature: take a kayak.
Lighthouse. While you are doing some
The project finished in workout -as it might get a
September 2016 and the little windy and rough-, you
Lighthouse is now open for will see the island from a
visitors to enjoy the beauti- different perspective.
ful view from the top. The You can even make a stop
construction of the Cali- to do some snorkeling at
fornia Lighthouse started the reef. Its fun, it’s healthy
in 1915. The name ‘Califor- and for sure something else.
nia’ came from a vessel of There are several compa-
the West India Company nies that offer kayak tours,
and Pacific Steamship Co. we had good experience
called ‘California’ that with The Shack Kayak Tours
shipwrecked in the area in Aruba, find them on Face-
1891. Therefore they came book. q