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Saturday 23 June 2018
Tropicana Aruba Resort & Casino presents:
Worldly Breakfast while watching FIFA World Cup
the schedule of the great- small sample of beer. The
est football teams in the menu consists of dishes that
world and come on down match the match, mean-
to watch it while being ing that the variation dif-
spoilt. fers depending on whose
playing. Russian, Colom-
The eyes of the globe turn bian, Brazilian and more Naturally you can choose
towards Russia from Thurs- tastes are the players in the for the regular breakfast or
day on. With the action- field. The beers will also link the non-beer lovers they
packed month Tropicana to the playing teams. The can still have the worldly
will make sure you can lean chef prepares ‘arepas with breakfast without the beers.
back and indulge fully into shrimp and avocado’ and Grasp your change to en-
the drama. The Tropicana ‘shredded pork with cilan- joy to the fullest during this
Casino is packed with flat tro slaw’, ‘double-decker quadrennial internation-
screen TV’s, you are guar- with serrano ham, sausage al football tournament with
anteed to see the games and egg’, ‘empanada’s this finger-licking breakfast
without any disturbance. beef & potato, chicken at the best spot you can
When the game begins, & mushrooms and triple watch from.
the flight of breakfast items cheese’, ‘steak & eggs Call ahead as seats are lim-
will start. You are being sandwich with caramelized ited. This is a great opportu-
served while watching. onions and sunny side up nity for groups, family and
egg’, smoked salmon with friends.
EAGLE BEACH – The first screen TV’s while indulging Beer for Breakfast Russian dressing and root’,
matches of the exciting into an extensive break- It is something else, beer banana pancakes with Tropicana Aruba Resort &
2018 FIFA World Cup will be fast that serves you the tasting combined with chocolate syrup & queso Casino
played on June 14 . You best items from all over the bites that come from differ- paisa’. The beers pair the J.E. Irausquin Blvd. #248
do not want to miss out on world paired with a beer ent countries, it makes the flight item from sweet beer Noord, Aruba Dutch Carib-
a great opportunity: watch tasting. Talking about pure international flavors come to light beer. A mixture of bean
the matches of football enjoyment, Tropicana Ca- to their complete sense. European, Mexican and Tel: +297 586-9000 q
streaming off perfect flat sino knows its way. Check Every item comes with a American brands.