Page 13 - ATA
P. 13
Saturday 24 February 2018
Spend a Day in Aruba’s Nature
BALASHI - Cunucu, mean- place to be this weekend if Arubans to create a plat- a Trail run of 5 kilometer will maybe you crave for some
ing a farm, is the traditional you would like to taste the form for knowledge of flora be organized, this run will Yoga at 10AM. It is all pos-
way of living in the coun- real Aruban countryside. and fauna. To cherish the start at 6:30AM and finish- sible. So from 6:30AM to
tryside. Cunucu297 is your This is an initiative of young wisdom of ‘grandma’ and es at 8AM. The run will go about 3PM there will be a
‘grandpa’ and pass along through beautiful nature in lot of wonderful stuff to do
a valuable part of the cul- Rooi Taki and Franse Pas. on the ‘cunucu’ and this
tural heritage. You will also be able to do day will also be like their
some biking as from 7AM to soft opening.
This weekend, on Sunday, 11AM the Enduro Mountain Music will be provided by
you can visit Cunucu297 to Bike Event will happen. If multitalented artist Caleto.
experience country life, but you prefer some dancing Please find some more in-
you can also be very ac- and workout moves, join formation on Facebook
tive. It will be the first time the Zumba at 8:15AM or Cunucu297.q