Page 12 - UTILITIES MRT 3 2016
P. 12


       BUSINESSThursday 3 March 2016

Stocks made small gains as energy companies surge                                                                                                        CEO says Exxon
                                                                                                                                                       set for acquisitions,
MARLEY JAY                                                                                                      forecast. The company
                                                                                                                                                         investing in firm
AP Markets Writer                                                                                               cited the strong dollar,
                                                                                                                                                       DAVID KOENIG
NEW YORK (AP) — Stocks                                                                                          competition from lower-                AP Business Writer
                                                                                                                                                       DALLAS (AP) — Exxon is
eked out tiny gains                                                                                             cost generic products, and             interested in acquisitions
                                                                                                                                                       while oil prices are low, but
Wednesday as oil prices                                                                                         reduced spending from                  CEO Rex Tillerson says sell-
                                                                                                                                                       ers have unrealistic price
continued to recover and                                                                                        farmers because of lower               expectations.
                                                                                                                                                       Tillerson said Wednesday
investors hoped the worst                                                                                       crop prices. The stock tum-            that Exxon Mobil Corp. is in
                                                                                                                                                       financial position to pursue
is over for the beleaguered                                                                                     bled $7.19, or 7.8 percent,            acquisitions or change its
                                                                                                                                                       spending plans depending
energy industry. Telecom-                                                                                       to $85.30.                             on what happens to the oil
munications companies,                                                                                          The news pressured other               Earlier this week Exxon
                                                                                                                                                       raised $12 billion from
which have climbed as                                                                                           materials companies in-                a bond sale, increasing
                                                                                                                                                       speculation that it could
the rest of the market has                                                                                      cluding fertilizer maker CF            seek to scoop up com-
                                                                                                                                                       petitors. Tillerson said Exxon
struggled this year, also                                                                                       Industries, which fell $1.51,          hasn’t made any deals yet
                                                                                                                                                       because potential sellers
rose.                                                                                                           or 4.2 percent, to $34.74.             are acting like homeown-
                                                                                                                                                       ers who think their house is
Indexes wavered between                                                                                         Spirits maker Brown-For-               worth more than it is.
                                                                                                                                                       Those other companies,
tiny gains and losses for      Trader Anthony Riccio works on the floor of the New York Stock                   man, whose brands in-                  he said, have burdened
most of the day, then          Exchange. Stocks eked out tiny gains Wednesday as oil prices                     clude Jack Daniels and Ko-             themselves with debt dur-
climbed steadily in the last   continued to recover and investors hoped the worst is over for                   rbel, also lowered its profit          ing the oil slump, making
90 minutes of trading. Oil     the beleaguered energy industry.                                                 estimates because of the               them less attractive take-
prices increased for the                                                                                        strong dollar. The compa-              over targets.
                                                                                       (AP Photo/Richard Drew)  ny makes 60 percent of its             “Some of the value has
                                                                                                                sales overseas. It’s also be-          been destroyed and the
seventh time in eight days,    The price of oil has been    12 cents to $36.93 a barrel                         ing affected by cutbacks               expectation (of sale price)
an encouraging sign af-        plunging for almost two      in London.                                          in spending by travelers               hasn’t changed,” he said
ter many months of sharp       years, from over $100 a      Energy stocks did the best                          and weak economies in                  at Exxon’s annual meeting
declines. After Tuesday’s      barrel in mid-2014 to $26    in the market. Murphy Oil                           some emerging markets.                 with investors in New York.
big gains, the market is the   a barrel last month. That    climbed $2.08, or 12.1 per-                         Its stock fell $1.47 to $96.19.        Asked about oil prices, Til-
highest it’s been since the    decimated profits at en-     cent, to $19.30, and Mara-                          A strong dollar hurts  U.S.            lerson said they could still
first week of the year.        ergy companies and hurt      thon Oil picked up $1.14,                           companies in a couple of               fall. U.S. benchmark crude
The Dow Jones industrial       banks that lent money to     or 14.3 percent, to $9.10.                          ways when they do busi-                has rallied since late Janu-
average rose 34.24 points,     them. Oil has staged a       Telecom stocks also rose,                           ness overseas: it makes                ary and gained 23 cents to
or 0.2 percent, to 16,899.32.  modest recovery over the     with Verizon Communica-                             their products more expen-             $34.64 a barrel in New York
The Standard & Poor’s 500      last couple of weeks.        tions up 66 cents to $52.12.                        sive compared to locally-              on Wednesday afternoon,
index gained 8.10 points,      Benchmark U.S. crude rose    Verizon and AT&T are trad-                          produced goods, and it re-             but it is still nearly 70 per-
or 0.4 percent, to 1,986.45.   26 cents to close at $34.66  ing at their highest prices in                      duces their revenue when               cent below its price in June
The Nasdaq composite in-       a barrel in New York, its    more than a year.                                   it’s translated back into              2014.
dex added 13.83 points, or     highest closing price since  Agribusiness giant Mon-                             dollars.                               “We’re still overproduc-
0.3 percent, to 4,703.42.      Jan. 5. Brent crude gained   santo took its biggest one-                                                                ing, oversupplying a mar-
                                                                                                                                                       ket that doesn’t need it,
                                                            day loss in five years after                                                               doesn’t want it,” and the
                                                                                                                                                       global economy is too
ARUBA TIME TRAVEL it slashed its annual profit                                                                                                         weak to boost demand
                                                            FOR SALE                                                                                   much, he said.
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                                                                                                                                                       Tillerson said that helped
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                                                                                                                                                       the only cause. He said
       For more info call the experts!                                                                                                                 it was “hard to predict”
                                                                                                                                                       when supply and demand
            (297)630-1307                                                                                                                              might balance again.
                                                                                                                                                       Exxon, which is based in Ir-                                                                                                       ving, Texas, reaffirmed that
                                                                                                                                                       it will cut capital spending
                                                            Beautiful, 2-story family home in                   Your dream home in upscale             25 percent this year; other
                                                            Bucurui, area Noord, paved road:                    neighborhood Arashi, Malmok.           oil companies are doing
                                                            The house is in a perfect, well-                    A must see: Professionally designed    the same to cope with
                                                            maintained condition. This                          3-story villa, divided into 5          lower prices.
                                                            spacious house consists of 3                        bedrooms (master bedroom on top
                                                            bedrooms (one with walk-in                          floor), 5 bathrooms, fully equipped
                                                            closet), 2 bathrooms, a fully                       kitchen, laundry room, dining, living
                                                            equipped kitchen, dining and                        and library room, fully air-
                                                            living. The house is fully air-                     conditioned, completely fenced
                                                            conditioned, has a privately                        and with electrical gate. Pool and
                                                            fenced garden and beautiful                         pool deck of 175 m2/1.880 sq.ft.,
                                                            landscaping. Additional spacious                    beautiful landscaping, covered
                                                            basement of 80.9 m2 / 871 sq.ft.,                   BBQ-area and sitting/dining area
                                                            with laundry room, separate full                    and 2 car garages. Spacious one
                                                            bathroom, garage, storage,                          bedroom apartment with bath,
                                                            corridor, laundry and indoor stairs.                living and dining. Spectacular
                                                            Located close to the main road                      ocean and golf course views. Arashi
                                                            from O’stad to Noord. Property                      Beach across the street. Long lease
                                                            Land 497 m2/5.350 sq.ft., built up                  land 1.865 m2/20.000 sq.ft., built up
                                                            area 242.7m2 / 2.612 sq.ft.                         area of 685m2 / 7373.28 sq.ft.
                                                            Asking price: US. $ 335.000                         Asking price: US. $ 3,5 MN

                                                   - Tel: 525.25.25
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