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                                                                                                           LOCAL Thursday 23 March 2023

            Aruba attends the UN Water Conference 2023

            (Oranjestad)—From  March  intersectoral       collabora-  the  world  that  still  do  not
            22  to the 24 , the Aruban  tions.                        have access to water. This
            delegacion  will  be  repre-                              requires urgent action from
            senting  the  island’s  nature  We  survive  on  water.  It  is  leaders  around  the  world
            during  the  water  confer-  an essential resource that is  to guaranty sustainable dis-
            ence  in  New  York.  This  crucial for the well-being of  tribution of water for all ba-
            year,  the  United  Nations  people,  energy  and  food  sic human needs.
            Water Conference is being  production, a healthy eco-
            co-organized by the Neth-    system,  climate  adapta-    In  Aruba,  we  have  to  re-
            erlands and Tajikistan.      tion,  reduction  of  poverty  member  that  our  water
                                         etc. Water is central when  resource  is  our  ocean;  the
            The goal of this conference  it  comes  to  sustainable  ocean  that  not  only  sur-
            is  to  gather  stakeholders  developments,  but  con-    rounds  us,  but  that  also
            from  different  sectors  to  tamination  and  excessive  connects us with the world
            accelerate  the  implemen-   use of our water resources  around  us.  That  is  why  it  is
            tation of water policies and  has brought negative con-   important to know and un-    sponsible  actions  can  be  is  currently  participating
            to  improve  the  impact  of  sequences  for  people’s  derstand  the  challenges  taken  to  bring  sustainable  in  the  different  sessions,
            the challenges surrounding  health,  ecosystems  and  that  other  countries  face  solutions.                      where they will discuss the
            water  around  the  world.  economic  activity.  Access  and  to  also  establish  col-                             compromises Aruba made
            The  three  principles  that  to clean water is a basic hu-  laborative goals, especially  Minister  Ursell  Arends  (Na-  with the UN for the Sustain-
            guide the conference is in-  man right. Even so, there all  with the other islands in the  ture), along with Prime Min-  able  Development  Goals
            clusivity, taking action and  millions  of  people  around  Caribbean.  That  way,  re-  ister  Evelyn  Wever-Croes  (SDGs).q

            Educational screening report: cooperation and exchange of knowledge in the
            region and amongst countries in the Dutch kingdom is a good idea

            Since  February  of  2021,  Inspec-  education  and  the  labor  market,  Recommendations  in  terms  of  in the system is optimized. Some ex-
            tion of Education in Aruba and The  like for example, the collecting of  qualified  staff,  necessary  knowl-  amples  include  making  decisions
            Netherlands  began  their  study  on  data surrounding the needs of the  edge  and  good  management,  for limiting school costs in general,
            the quality of education in Aruba.  labor market on Aruba and the or-   and  specialties  during  moments  the  investment  in  skills  and  super-
            In the report “Screening Report”, 13  ganization Platform Education and  where  legislations  are  implement-  vision  of  teachers,  building  main-
            recommendations were brought to  Labor (PEL), and its responsibilities.  ed—for  all  these  recommenda-     tenance  etc.  This  also  includes
            attention for improving the quality                                     tions, available staff is limited.   accountability  for  the  internal  su-
            of education on the island.         For  a  better  definition  of  the  rec-                                pervision  and  participation,  mak-
                                                ommendations  of  the  system,  the  Besides the phases of the agenda,  ing  it  visible  how  these  decisions
            A team of investigators began the  team  developed  an  agenda  of  the  team  points  out  that  a  good  contribute to better education.
            evaluation  of  the  quality  of  edu-  implementation  for  3  themes:  fi-  idea would be to explore the op-
            cation  in  Aruba  based  on  3  cen-  nance,  government  and  legisla-  portunities  for  cooperation  and  Additionally,  the  team  thinks  it  is
            tral  research  questions  related  to  tion.  To  further  elaborate  on  this,  exchange  of  knowledge  within  important  if,  for  example,  there  is
            the  basic  functions  of  education:  plans  about  the  financial  system,  the region and amongst countries  money available in the ‘Landspak-
            qualification,   socialization   and  the supervision of the budget, the  within  the  Dutch  Kingdom.  Kibra-  ket’ (Budget given by The Nether-
            assignment;  the  conditions  that  organization of the public schools  hacha—which  is  an  educational  lands  for  the  islands  in  the  Dutch
            make  these  basic  functions  and  and  the  actualization  of  educa-  association  in  the  Caribbean—is  kingdom). This will also be relevant
            the  management  of  these  func-   tional legislation are all included.   an  example  of  these  kinds  of  co-  in  the  necessary  investment  of
            tions possible.                                                         operation.  Cooperation  between  education  on  the  island:  “A  pre-
                                                The  recommendations  and  differ-  institutions in the region could also  cise justification is necessary in the
            The  report  indicates  that  recom-  ent  in  nature,  and  some  require  provide great results.           agenda,  because  aimless  invest-
            mendations  intended  for  the  im-  translation to a specific focus and                                     ments give less desirable results.”
            provement  of  education  and  the  in  the  phases  of  the  agenda.  At  In  terms  of  the  financial  conse-
            fortification of the educational sys-  the  same  time,  the  report  further  quences  of  these  recommenda-  Finally, the report states that it is im-
            tem  became  operational  in  one  explains  that  there  are  parts  of  tions, this has not yet been speci-  portant  to  structure  appropriately
            key  point.  Firstly,  concrete  agree-  the recommendation that can be  fied. Regardless, the team has this  and to use the long term financial
            ments  have  been  made  to  pro-   implemented sooner and could al-    to  say  about  the  financial  cover-  consequences of the demograph-
            mote  the  connection  between  leviate the pressure on the educa-      age  of  these  measures  in  the  re-  ic  tendencies.  On  one  hand,  this
                                                tional system for the time being.   port:                                is  how  the  effects  of  the  number
                                                                                    First of all, not all recommendations  of schools and the amount of ter-
                                                Two  examples  include:  1.  support  cost money. In this sense, the rec-  ritory that is needed for them. On
                                                for teachers through, for example,  ommendation for the government  the other hand, the finance, which
                                                the  deployment  of  (additional)  of  adopting  a  professionally  or-  is the results of the number of stu-
                                                internal  supervising  teachers  and  ganized structure in which exists a  dents and their contribution, keeps
                                                recovery  teacher;  2.  Offer  ac-  separation between management  the long term calculations stable.
                                                cess the focus on preschools and  and  supervision  with  strong  direc-
                                                crèches as part of the continuous  tors, good internal supervision and  It has also been noted that the de-
                                                line of education.                  employee participation is crucial.   crease in students results in a high-
                                                                                                                         er contribution from each student.
                                                An  important  focal  point  that  is  This  way,  the  gap  between  man-  This  is  only  effective  if  the  mea-
                                                mentions in the elaboration of the  agement and supervision and the  sures  for  improvement  proposed
                                                recommendations is the available  usage  of  resources  is  smaller  and  in  the  report  are  simultaneously
                                                staff to be able to implement this.  thus improvement and investment  implemented.q
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