Page 7 - WEB
P. 7
30 Djaluna 16 Yüli 2018
Arthur Sealy ta analisá gritunan,
den sentido ku:
Mester kore ku
Beautiful Divi Flamingo Beach Resort is one of the many Divi Resorts based in the KRALENDIJK -- "Si mes- "Eskoho di votadó ta
Caribbean. For our busy resort and operations we are looking for enthusiastic
individuals who truly enjoy bringing Guest Service to the next level. ter kere tur loke bo ta tende dependé di e abilidat pa in-
na radio, televishon i sigur fluensiá e eskoho di e vo-
We are currently looking for: den medionan sosial, toka- tadó. Kua partido tin un
nte e aktual gobièrnu ta si- programa konkreto riba
An Executive Sous Chef gur ta bini un kambio. Pe- tereno di relashon ku Hula-
ro kon grandi e grupo aki ta nda, empleo, drecha karete-
Specifics of his job include all menu planning for day today operation and group
functions, considering cover forecasts, marketing conditions, sales volumes of the ningun hende sa. E grupo ranan, alsa nivel di salubri-
different menu items. Pricing of the menu in the conjunction with the managers tin hende ku ta bisa ku nun- dat, enseñansa, sueldonan
and the overall responsibility for production of the menu. A good knowledge of ka a mira un gobièrnu de- mínimo, penshun, tarifanan
standard recipes, portion control etc. is a must. masiado malu i un parti ta di awa i koriente i duna e
Requirements: bisa mester kore ku nan." votadó e oportunidat pa ko-
A related degree and a minimum of 5 years’ experience in the position of Chef with Arthur Sealy, historiadó, mpará e programanan, bus-
an outstanding operation is a must. (S)He must be technical trained, must have a den un deklarashon skirbí ka informashon i trese e me-
good basic foundation in mathematics and be able to calculate food an labor costs na prensa ta analisá desa- nsahe den otro palabra.
quickly and accurately. (S)He must have a good knowledge of all the fine pints of
food pre-preparation, production and final product is a must royonan riba tereno polítiko Pues por influensiá un
i di gobernashon. votadó ku ta kere siegamen-
Sealy sinembargo ta bisa te ku su pensamentu ta ko-
We offer excellent work conditions, competitive wages, good benefits, possibilities to ku awor e pregunta ta ki al- rekto. E votadó ta mira su
grow, training and development.
ternativa e grupo aki tin? posishon i ta pensa ku tur
If interested please submit your application, resume, diplomas and reference letters "Ta bai vota pa un otro par- desishon tin di aber ku su
attn. Human Resources Department. tido, ta keda sin bai vota òf posishon manera; bida ta
Divi Flamingo Beach Resort & Casino ta vota pa e mes partido- karu, penshun no ta yega,
Address: JA Abraham Blvd # 40 nan? Laga mi analisá e par- awa ku koriente ta karu, hür
Bonaire CN tinan di e grupo aki. Mi ta di kas ta haltu. Por influen-
Phone: 717-8285 ext. 483 duna e grupo ku ta bisa e siá un votadó na e manera
gobièrnu ta demasiado malu ku e votadó ta pensa ku e
dos opshon pa skohe: libra puntonan general manera
Boneiru di mal goberna- sueldo mínimo, ayudo di
shon. Si skohe pa opshon A, Hulanda, kas pagabel ta
bo ta libra Boneiru di mal konta p’é tambe."
gobernashon i si skohe pa
opshon B e chèns ta sola- Amargo
mente trinta porshento ku "Awor e pregunta ta ku si
ta libra Bonaire di mal go- e eksperensia amargo ku e
bernashon." gobièrnu no ta sirbi i mester
kore kuné ta nifiká ku ta ka-
Beautiful Divi Flamingo Beach Resort is one of the many Divi Resorts based in the Riesgo mbia. Mi tin sigur ku si no
Caribbean. For our busy resort and operations we are looking for enthusiastic
individuals who truly enjoy bringing Guest Service to the next level. Sealy ta sigur ku ta skohe bini un solushon pa pro-
pa A. "Opshon B ta enserá blema di e grupo e grupo ta
We are currently looking for: un riesgo pa motibu ku bo bai pensa laga nos warda
ta kere ku no ta bini kambio, wak kiko ta bai pasa", Ar-
A Manager Housekeeping pero komo e grupo no ta thur Sealy ta remarká.
grandi, opshon A ta igual ku Segun Sealy, ta un pro-
Schedules logistics and provides housekeeping instruction, maintenance requests, opshon B. Si puntra e grupo seso difísil pa trese kambio.
and housekeeping supplies/linen inventory and services. Actively manages the
department budget and develops cost containment plans to support Divi Flamingo’s ku ta bisa kore ku nan i E siguransa ku un votadó
goals and objectives. Communicates effectively with guests, staff, management and duna tambe dos opshon tin pa trese kambio a bira
corporate executives. Directing the efforts of the staff to ensure quality housekeeping manera: si skohe pa C no ta un pesadia ora ku mester
services and supply inventory for guests at all times throughout the resort. bini kambio i skohe opshon invertí pa trese kambio. Aki
Hiring, training, and leading the housekeeping team to ensure superior guest and D trinta porshento ta keda e palabra dependensia ta
associate satisfaction.
na mando i ta bini un ka- hunga un ròl grandi. Di otro
Requirements: mbio. Mi tin sigur ku ta sko- banda tin un grupo ku si a
A related degree and a minimum of 5 years’ experience as Assistant Housekeeping he pa opshon D. Awor op- mira e erornan di e gobièrnu
Manager or Housekeeping Manager. Formal Training in Hospitality Industry. Fluent in shon D ta meskos ku opshon i a invertí pa trese kambio
Papiamentu, English, Spanish and Dutch
B, pero na un otro manera Loke ta di aploudí.
We offer excellent work conditions, competitive wages, good benefits, possibilities to
JSC Construction B.V
grow, training and development.
If interested please submit your application, resume, diplomas and reference letters
attn. Human Resources Department. ta buska
2 tegelzetter
Divi Flamingo Beach Resort & Casino
Address: JA Abraham Blvd # 40 -Mester por pega tur sorto di tegel eo baño/pool/
Bonaire CN kushina ets. / i mester tin min.2 aña di eksperensia
Phone: 717-8285 ext. 483
e-mail: Pa inf. yama na tel. 782-7213