Page 25 - MIN SOC APRIL 1,2016
P. 25

                                                                                                                                                                 Friday 1 April 2016

McDonald’s adding 1,500 outlets in China, S.Korea, Hong Kong 

BEIJING (AP) — McDon-             respond to Asian custom-         dards with local insights        owned by the company               lets to local owners, with
ald’s Corp. said Thursday         ers. McDonald’s, based in        and expertise from part-                                            a long-term goal of mak-
it plans to open 1,500 new        Oak Brook, Illinois, is over-    ners who share our vision        instead of franchisees. The        ing 95 percent owned by
restaurants in China, South       hauling its  business  under     and values,” Easterbrook                                            franchisees. The company
Korea and Hong Kong as            CEO Steve Easterbrook af-        said in a statement. “These      company deems those                reported earlier that sales
it looks to faster-growing        ter acknowledging it failed      actions build on our turn-                                          worldwide rose 5 percent
markets to help drive a           to keep up with changing         around efforts and will ad-      “high-growth markets,”             at established locations in
global turnaround.                tastes. The total number of      vance local ownership, en-                                          the final quarter of 2015.
McDonald’s said it is look-       global diners visiting its res-  able faster decision-mak-        which it says have stronger        In the high-growth mar-
ing for partners to help fi-      taurants fell last year.         ing and achieve restaurant                                          kets unit, sales climbed 3
nance that expansion. The         “Asia represents a signifi-      growth.” McDonald’s cur-         expansion and franchis-            percent. U.S. sales rose 5.7
company said it also will         cant area of opportunity         rently has 2,800 restaurants                                        percent and those in Britain
give local managers more          for McDonald’s to blend          in China, South Korea and        ing potential. The compa-          and Canada rose 4.2 per-
decision-making power to          our global quality stan-         Hong Kong, most of them                                             cent.
                                                                                                    ny previously announced

                                                                                                    plans to identify strategic

                                                                                                    partners in two other Asian

                                                                                                    markets, Taiwan and Ja-

                                                                                                    pan. McDonald’s says it

                                                                                                    plans to turn over more

                                                                                                    company-owned  out-

GE asks US to drop “systemically important” tag for Capital 

NEW YORK (AP) — General           its assets by 52 percent to      A General Electric logo is displayed at a store in Cranberry Township, Pa. General Electric said
Electric Co. asked the U.S.       $265 billion, the company        Thursday, March 31, 2016, that the company has asked regulators to drop the “too big to fail” tag
to drop the “too big to fail”     said Thursday. Financing re-     for its capital unit, a remnant of the financial crisis. MetLife just won a major victory over the same
tag for GE Capital, saying        ceivables are down 74 per-       policy.
that its financing operations     cent to $72 billion. Loans
are a shadow of what they         secured by real estate are                                                                                                             (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)
were when the Federal Re-         down 77 percent, GE said.
serve placed it under strict      Loans to consumers are           Lew.                             company to meet in per-            worst financial downturn
oversight in the aftermath        down 95 percent, from $72        “As Secretary Lew has stat-      son with Council staff, and        since the Great Depression,
of the global economic cri-       billion to $4 billion. Those     ed, there is a clear process     evaluates whether any              remains to be seen.”
sis almost a decade ago.          loans are down to zero in        for de-designation,” the         changes at the company,            “Before the financial crisis,
The company has been              the U.S.                         Treasury said in a press re-     or in its regulation or mar-       some of the largest, riskiest
in broad retreat over the         On Wednesday, the com-           lease Thursday. “Each year       kets, justify a rescission of      nonbank financial com-
past year from its financial      pany announced the $485          the Council carefully re-ex-     the designation.”                  panies were not subject to
ventures, largely because         million sale of its GE Asset     amines each of its previous      How fast it will act, with the     adequate oversight,” the
of the cost and risk of com-      Management.                      designations, invites each       U.S. still recovering from the     Council said in its release.
plying with boundaries set        “We have completed over
by the Federal Reserve. It’s      80 percent of our project-
shed billions in financial as-    ed asset reductions; exited
sets as it returns to its indus-  leveraged lending and U.S.
trial roots.                      consumer lending; exited
GE Capital was listed a           nearly all middle market
“systemically important fi-       lending; reduced real es-
nancial institution,” by the      tate debt by more than 75
Financial Stability Over-         percent and real estate
sight Council following the       equity by 100 percent; and
financial collapse of 2008,       reduced outstanding com-
a company deemed to be            mercial paper almost 90
so large and entwined with        percent,” said GE Capital
the U.S. financial system         Chairman and CEO Keith
that it could threaten the        Sherin in a printed state-
entire economy if it failed.      ment.
That, General Electric said       The Financial Stability Over-
Thursday, has changed.            sight Council is chaired by
GE Capital has reduced            Treasury Secretary Jacob

US applications for jobless aid rise, but still near lows 

JOSH BOAK                         week average rose 3,500          ket stirred concerns at the      show that employers hired          job gains have translated
AP Economics Writer               to 263,250. The number of        start of the year. Applica-      roughly 200,000 workers in         into more spending at res-
WASHINGTON (AP) — More            people receiving unem-           tions are a proxy for layoffs,   February as the unemploy-          taurants and online retail-
Americans sought unem-            ployment checks has fallen       so the steady lows indicate      ment rate held at an eight-        ers. Many Americans have
ployment benefits last            6.3 percent over the past        that businesses are still look-  year low of 4.9 percent.           also stepped up their pur-
week, but applications still      year to 2.17 million. Weekly     ing to hire.                     KEY DRIVERS: The U.S. econ-        chases of homes and cars,
stayed near historic lows         claims have now been be-         Weekly jobless claims have       omy has shown signs of du-         which has further aided
that point to a stable job        low 300,000 for 55 straight      remained below the cru-          rability, as financial volatility  growth.
market.                           weeks, the longest streak        cial threshold of 300,000 for    and economic weakness              Still, the manufacturing sec-
THE NUMBERS: Applica-             since 1973.                      more than a year, a level        have rocked major trading          tor has been struggling be-
tions for jobless aid rose        THE TAKEAWAY: Employers          that usually corresponds         partners such as China, Ja-        cause of slipping demand
11,000 to a seasonally ad-        are confident that the U.S.      with monthly gains in ex-        pan and parts of Europe.           in foreign markets and a
justed 276,000, the Labor         economy will continue to         cess of 200,000.                 Consumers have largely             strong dollar that makes
Department said Thurs-            grow, after global pressures     Economists expect that           provided the foundation            U.S. goods more expensive
day. The less-volatile four-      and an uneven stock mar-         Friday’s jobs report will        for continued growth. Prior        overseas.
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