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                     Friday 18 august 2023

            Progress toward parity for women on movie screens has stalled

            By JAKE COYLE                                                                                                       But other metrics show that
            AP Film Writer                                                                                                      the film industry regressed in
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  A  new                                                                                          some areas of diversity dur-
            study  on  inclusion  in  film                                                                                      ing the pandemic. In 2022,
            shows  just  how  much  of  a                                                                                       the  top  grossing  movies
            rarity  “Barbie”  is.  For  ev-                                                                                     featured 31% of leads from
            ery  woman  as  a  speak-                                                                                           underrepresented    ethnic
            ing  character  in  the  most                                                                                       groups,  down  from  37%  in
            popular films of 2022, there                                                                                        2021. Out of those 100 2020
            were more than two men,                                                                                             movies, 46 didn’t include a
            according to report by Uni-                                                                                         Latino speaking character.
            versity  of  Southern  Califor-                                                                                     “These  trends  suggest  that
            nia’s  Annenberg  Inclusion                                                                                         any improvement for peo-
            Initiative.                                                                                                         ple from underrepresented
            The  USC  report,  published                                                                                        racial/ethnic  groups  is  lim-
            Thursday, found that 34.6%                                                                                          ited,” said Smith. “While it is
            of  speaking  parts  were  fe-  This image released by Warner Bros. Pictures shows Margot Robbie in a scene from “Barbie.”   encouraging to see chang-
            male in the top 100 box-of-                                                                        Associated Press   es  for  leading  characters
            fice hits of last year. The An-                                                                                     and for the Asian commu-
            nenberg  Inclusion  Initiative  ingful  change  for  girls  and  which has made $1.2 billion  more than double the rate  nity,  our  data  on  invisibility
            has been annually tracking  women,”  said  Stacy  L.  worldwide  since  opening  of 2007 (20%).                     suggests  that  there  is  still
            that and many other met-     Smith, founder and director  last month and domestical-   Speaking  characters  from  much more to be done to
            rics since 2007.             of the Inclusion Initiative, in  ly has become the highest  underrepresented   ethnic  ensure  that  the  diversity
            And in its first such study in  a  statement.  “The  lack  of  grossing  movie  ever  from  groups  have  also  made  that  exists  in  reality  is  por-
            three  years,  USC  research-  progress  is  particularly  dis-  a  female  filmmaker.  Last  sizable  gains.  In  2022,  trayed on screen.”
            ers  found  that  in  many  ar-  appointing  following  de-  year, one in 10 of the big-  Black,  Hispanic,  Asian  and  Of the top 100 films in 2022,
            eas, progress toward parity  cades of activism and ad-    gest  box-office  films  were  other   non-white   minori-  just 2.1% of speaking char-
            on screen has stalled since  vocacy.”                     directed by women, down  ties  accounted  for  38.3%  acters were LGBTQ+ rough-
            the pandemic  and in some  In  analyzing  the  top  films  from  record  rates  in  2019,  of  speaking  characters,  ly  the  same  number  as  a
            respects  hasn’t  changed  in  ticket  sales,  the  report  2020 and 2021.             nearly  matching  the  U.S.  decade ago.
            all that much since 14 years  doesn’t  include  the  large  Some  findings  in  the  study  population  percentage  of  Of  the  100  films,  72  didn’t
            ago. In 2019, 34% of speak-  amount  of  films  produced  point  to  progress  in  inclu-  41%.  Most  notably,  Asian  feature  a  single  LGBTQ+
            ing  characters  were  fe-   for streaming platforms and  sivity  on  screen.  There  are  characters have gone from  character.  Only  one  was
            male. In 2008, it was 32.8%.  smaller releases. But it does  more  female  leading  or  3.4%  of  characters  in  2007  nonbinary.
            “It  is  clear  that  the  enter-  offer a snapshot of how Hol-  co-leading roles in the top  to 15.9% last year, a movie  The  number  of  characters
            tainment  industry  has  little  lywood is evolving  or not.  grossing movies than ever.  year  that  culminated  with  with  disabilities  has  also
            desire  or  motivation  to  im-  And it comes on the heels  Some  44%  of  such  lead  the best picture win for “Ev-  flatlined.  In  2022,  1.9%  of
            prove casting processes in  of the enormous success of  roles were girls or women in  erything  Everywhere  All  at  speaking  characters  were
            a way that creates mean-     Greta  Gerwig’s  “Barbie,”  2022,  a  historical  high  and  Once.”                    depicted with a disability.q

             Carlos Vives and Juanes combine forces for ‘Las Mujeres’

            By  LESLIE  AMBRIZ  and  MA-  officially  collaborated  for  to his breakthrough album,  music,  but  a  new  genera-  he says.
            RIA SHERMAN                  the first time to remake the  1993’s “Clásicos de la Pro-  tion  has  also  arrived.  It’s  They  attempted  to  record
            Associated Press             Carlos  Huertas’  vallenato  vincia”  both gorgeous col-  as  if  our  Colombian  music  a  cover  of  “Las  Mujeres”
            LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  Co-   classic, “Las Mujeres.”      lections  of  vallenato  stan-  stopped  being  part  of  a  together a few years back,
            lombian  superstars  Carlos  Vives originally covered the  dards  amped  up  with  the  museum to become a part  but  the  timing  didn’t  work
            Vives  and  Juanes  have  song in 2009 on the sequel  Grammy-award          winner’s  of  reality.  Contemporary,  out.  But  it  was  always  go-
                                                                      idiosyncratic pop flair.     with  new  sounds  and  with  ing  to  happen.  “One  day,
                                                                      To  celebrate  the  30th  an-  new  energy,”  says  Vives.  when we were making the
                                                                      niversary  of  the  first  install-  “And  that,  for  me,  is  what  music video, I said... ‘I had
                                                                      ment    and  Vives’  dedica-  Juanes  represents  as  a  to do this song with you be-
                                                                      tion  to  modernizing  clas-  part of the new Colombian  fore I die, because this had
                                                                      sic  Colombian  sounds    he  sound.  Juanes  arrived  on  to happen, and it gives me
                                                                      teamed  up  with  Juanes,  the scene to innovate.”       a lot of joy to finally be able
                                                                      the  rockstar  and  fellow  It  goes  both  ways.  Thirty  to be on a song with Car-
                                                                      countryman  who’s  known  years  ago,  Juanes  saw  los,” says Juanes.
                                                                      for  the  same  kind  of  sonic  Vives  in  concert  several  The  music  video  for  the
                                                                      innovation.  Their  take  on  times,  but  recalls  one  par-  remake  also  feels  particu-
                                                                      “Las  Mujeres”  evolves  the  ticularly   moving   perfor-  larly  modern,  showcasing
                                                                      sound and music video for  mance in Medellín around  women  of  various  ages,
                                                                      a 2023 audience.             “Clásicos  de  la  Provincia.”  ethnicities,   and   profes-
                                                                      Vives views it as an oppor-  “I experienced how he was  sions  a celebratory image
                                                                      tunity  to  bring  three  gen-  able to mix the element of  of  the  diversity  present  in
            This  combination  of  photos  shows,  from  left,  Juanes  with  the   erations of Colombian per-  folklore with rock, with pop,  Latin  America  and  across
            award for best pop rock album for “Origen” at the 22nd annual   formers  together:  Huertas,  and make it universal while  the  globe.  For  Vives  and
            Latin Grammy Awards on Nov. 18, 2021, in Las Vegas and Carlos   himself, and Juanes.   still  feeling  local.  That  was  Juanes,  it  doubles  as  a
            Vives accepting the Legacy Award at the Latin American Music   “I feel connected to my Co-  like  a  revelation,  it  was  a  message  of  progress  for
            Awards on April 20, 2023, in Las Vegas.
                                                     Associated Press   lombian ancestors through  great  inspiration  for  me,”  Colombia.q
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