Page 12 - HOH
P. 12
LOCAL Wednesday 1 november 2023
Aruba to me
ORANJESTAD — You are Please do note: By submit- reader every day again.
back and we would like to ting photos, text or any oth-
portrait you! By inviting you er materials, you give per- For today we received a
to send us your favorite va- mission to The Aruba Today lovely message from Des-
cation picture while enjoy- Newspaper, Caribbean mond Leahy from Surfside
ing our Happy Island. Speed Printers and any of Beach, South Carolina,
its affiliated companies to USA.
Complete the sentence: use said materials, as well
Aruba to me is ……. Send as names, likeness, etc. for She wrote to us saying:
your picture with that text promotional purposes with- “Aruba to me is the friend-
(including your name and out compensation. ly native people and the
where you are from) to: Last but not least: check beautiful beaches.” out our website, Instagram Thank you for sending us this
and we will publish your and Facebook page! wonderful message sharing
vacation memory. Isn’t Thank you for supporting what Aruba means to you
that a special way to keep our free newspaper, we with us and our readers!q
your best moments alive? strive to make you a happy
Aruba’s Nature is to be Cherished
ST. CRUZ — The national and other aquatic inverte- certain activities have on
park Arikok comprises al- brates. The Roseate Spoon- our nature, for example
most 18 % of the island. Its bill remains an uncommon the ATV vehicles cause a
rugged terrain, desert-like sight as they are vulnerable lot of dust, noise and leave
hills filled with tall cacti, to degradation of feeding tire tracks. Animals live in
breathtaking coastline and and nesting habitats (Wet- these areas where the ve-
protected local flora and lands). (Source: arikok na- hicles run, often with high
fauna welcome you to be tional park) speed and with detrimen-
explored. There is numer- tal consequences to flora
ous wildlife to discover like the in total seven species Bubali Magic The aforementioned is just and fauna. Motorized vehi-
for example the sea turtle of sea turtle lay their eggs This beautiful close-up im- a part of what Aruba’s na- cles are forbidden to drive
who lays his eggs on the on Aruba's beaches? In age of the pink bird is cour- ture has to offer. We can- on the sand dunes in the
park’s beaches. There are the national park, a Least tesy of Michiel Overstee- not stress enough to go, see Northern part of the island
more places on the island Tern (Sternula antillarum) gen of the Aruba Birdlife for yourself. The island has and all beaches in Aruba
that are a preserved area keeps a strict eye on a very Conservation. This impor- the most beautiful beach- are forbidden for any mo-
like the Bubali Plas which is special event taking place tant foundation showcases es but it is also worthwhile torized vehicle. Treasure
a bird sanctuary. below on the beach: a and builds awareness of to go beyond this and get our island to enjoy it like
majestic Leatherback (Der- Aruba’s birds and other na- an idea of our entire island. you do: as a tropical and
The national park Arikok mochelys coriacea) heads tive flora and fauna. You Lately there is a discussion natural paradise. We truly
takes you on a memorable back to sea after laying may have seen a ‘pink going on about the effect appreciate it!q
journey of the islands past her eggs, while another cloud’ lately at the Bubali
offering unique geological, nest laid 2 months ago by or Spanish Lagoon Wet-
cultural and historical sites. the same female hatches. lands areas? It’s most likely
These can all be enjoyed A very rare occurrence to be Roseate Spoonbills
and explored either on of daytime nesting and (Ajaia ajaja) or ‘Chucharon
your own or during guided hatching. Sea turtles pre- Cora’ as they are known in
tours. A wide variety of ed- fer nesting in the cool and Papiamento. This unusual
ucational and informative dark hours of the night. And looking bird forages in shal-
programs and fun activities hatchlings usually wait for low muddy water while
is available. the cue of cooling surface sweeping its flattened bill
sand before emerging. from side to side to catch
Did you know that four of small fish, crustaeceans