Page 9 - DESPA 13 FEB,2016
P. 9

6 VRIJDAG                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               AMIGOE
       12 FEBRUARI 2016

Televisieprogramma's                                                                                                                                                                                                        Informatie

Nederland                            22:33 Tekst-tv                     2:20   Kindertijd                                                                                                                                   Centraal Politie            100
                                     Zaterdag 13 februari               2:45   De Smurfen                                                                                                                                   Brandweer                   911
15:00   Journaal                     3:00 Langs de oevers               3:15   Zapp kids top 20                                                                                                                             Politie O’stad              102
15:30   Flikken Rotterdam                                               3:45   ZappLive                                                                                                                                     Politie San Nicolaas        104
16:25   Hello goodbye                             van de Yangtze        3:55   Zappsport                                                                                                                                    Politie St.Cruz             105
17:20   Studio sport Eredivisie      3:50 A place to call home          4:10   ZappLive                                                                                                                                     Politie Noord               107
17:55   Jinek                        4:45 Meldpunt!                     4:30   Checkpoint                                                                                                                                   Tipline Politie             11141
19:00   Journaal                     5:15 Landinwaarts                  4:55   ZappLive                                                                                                                                     Ziekenhuis                  527-4000
19:15   Jinek                        5:50 Lekker weertje                5:05   Kaal of kammen                                                                                                                               Dierenarts                  585-0400
20:15   Journaal                     6:30 De tiende van Tijl            5:25   ZappLive                                                                                                                                     Elmar centraal              523-7100
20:25   Journaal                     7:15 Jaap van Zweden: Een          5:45   SpangaS                                                                                                                                      Elmar storing               523-7147
20:55   Tekst-tv                                                        6:40   Caps club                                                                                                                                    WEB Aruba                   525-4600
                                                  Hollandse maestro op  8:15   Belle en het Beest                                                                                                                           SETAR                       582-2116
Zaterdag 13 februari                              wereldtournee         9:45   Superbrein                                                                                                                                   Taxi (TAS)                  587-5900
0:55 Nederland in beweging           7:51 Politieke partijen            10:10  Puberruil Zapp                                                                                                                               Taxi (ATT&T)                582-2010
3:40 Nederland in beweging           8:00 Journaal                      10:40  De wilde Kippenclub                                                                                                                          Taxi (PTS)                  588-0035
3:55 VPRO Vrije geluiden             8:10 Fryslân dok                   12:20  en de liefde                                                                                                                                 Taxi (Diamond)              587-2300
4:45 VPRO Boeken                     8:40 MAX maakt mogelijk            12:45  Sweet Love                                                                                                                                   Kankerbestrijding           582-0412
5:20 Close Up: Renoir - Het          9:00 Studio sport                  13:45  De BZT show                                                                                                                                  Stichting SAMBA             582-0903
                                     11:10 Nationale Taptoe 2015        13:55  Jeugdjournaal
             impressionisme voorbij  12:00 Journaal                     14:25  Superbrein
6:20 Het mooiste meisje              12:10 Binnenstebuiten              15:35  Pauls puber kookshow
                                     13:05 De wandeling                 16:40  Luther
             van de klas             13:40 De verandering               17:25  Mindf*ck
7:10 top 20               14:10 Nederland zingt              18:55  Beyoncé: Life is
7:50 Studio sport                    14:45 Blauw bloed                         but a dream
10:00 Studio sport                   15:30 Verborgen verleden                  Mr. Robot
11:00 Studio sport                   16:20 Andere tijden
12:00 Studio sport                   17:00 Nieuwsuur                                                                                                                                                                        —Oranjestad—                582-1234
12:57 Socutera                       17:35 Black work                                                                                                                                                                       Ambulance                   527-2782
13:00 Journaal                       18:30 Jeune & jolie                                                                                                                                                                    BGD Oranjestad              582-1720
13:15 EenVandaag                                                                                                                                                                                                            Veterinaire Kliniek         582-1623
13:50 Sportjournaal                  Nederland                          TeleCuraçao                                                                                                                                         Animal Shelter
14:05 Kassa
15:00 Journaal                       14:25   Brugklas                   15:30  Teatro te den bo Kas                                                                                                                         — San Nicolaas—             584-5050
15:25 Wie is de Mol?                 14:55   Jan rijdt rond             17:00  Hoben Positivo (r)                                                                                                                           Ambulance                   523-8833
16:25 Moltalk                        15:30   I love the 90’s test       18:00  Herensia                                                                                                                                     Centro Medico               527-2782
17:00 Cojones                        16:50   Weekendcrashers            19:00  Fashionista na Bista                                                                                                                         BGD San Nicolaas            584-5080
17:35 Studio sport Eredivisie        17:25   Cyberbully                 19:30  Curaçao On                                                                                                                                   Serlimar
18:35 Studio sport                   18:35   Studio spor                20:00  TeleNotisia
                                     19:05   De wereld draait door      20:45  Extra Plus
Nederland                            20:00   Weekendcrashers            21:00  Wega di Number Kòrsou
                                     20:30   De wereld draait door      21:10  Partispashon di Morto
15:00   Per seconde wijzer           21:22   Tekst-tv                   21:15  Pagina Sosial                                                                                                                                — Botica —
15:35   Opening Jeroen Boschjaar                                        21:30  TBA                                                                                                                                          4 Centro Medico
16:10   College tour                 Zaterdag 13 februari               23:00  TeleNotisia (r)                                                                                                                              Aloë                        584-5794
17:00   Nieuwsuur                    1:30 Kabouter Plop                                                                                                                                                                     Central                     584-4606
18:05   Transparent                  1:35 Pingu                         ATV                                                                                                                                                 Dakota                      585-1965
18:40   Tous les soleils             1:45 Sesamstraat: 10 voor ...                                                                                                                                                          Del Pueblo                  588-7364
20:18   De nachtzoen                 1:55 Sesamstraat                                                                                                                                                                       Eagle                       582-1253
20:30   Nieuwsuur                    2:10 Wickie de Viking                                                                                                                                                                  Kibrahacha                  587-9011
21:35   Nieuwsuur                                                                                                                                                                                                           Maria                       583-4908
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Noord                       585-8145
BVN                                                                     00:30  The Tonight Show Stariing                                                                                                                    Oduber                      586-4606
                                                                               Jimmy Fallon (NBC)                                                                                                                           Paradera                    582-1780
15:05:  NOS Journaal                 03:25:  Sesamstraat: 10 voor...    01:30  Late Night Seth Meyers                      COLOFON                                                                                          San Lucas                   588-6638
15:10:  Sesamstraat                  03:35:  Het Klokhuis                      (NBC)                                                                                                                                        San Nicolaas                584-5119
15:25:  Sesamstraat: 10 voor...      03:50:  NOS Jeugdjournaal          02:30  Last Call With Carson Daly       Uitgeverij Amigoe (Aruba) N.V.                 Administratie:                      Distributie:             Santa Anna                  584-8186
15:35:  Het Klokhuis                 03:55:  Jill                              (NBC)                           Tel: (297) 582-4333 Fax: (297) 582-2368  Zulaika Kelly (abonnementen)         Zulma Kock, Zulaika Kelly      Santa Cruz                  586-8181
15:50:  NOS Jeugdjournaal            04:10:  Blokken                    03:00  The Meredith Vieira Show                                                 Grecia Willems (advertenties)         Seroe Preto                 585-8028
15:55:  Jill                         04:40:  Thuis                             (NBC)                                    Bilderdijkstraat 16                                                                                 Trupiaal                    584-4833
16:10:  Blokken                      05:05:  Dagelijkse kost            04:00  Steve Harvey (NBC)                  Postbus 323, Oranjestad, Aruba                    Kantooruren:                                          583-8560
16:40:  Thuis                        05:20:  Dutch Marines Rowing       05:00  Early Today in NY                                                                 Opmaak:               Maandag t/m Vrijdag 8.00am-4.30pm
17:05:  Dagelijkse kost              06:00:  Challenge                  05.30  Today in New York (NBC)                       Directie:                          Zulma Kock                                                  — Mortuariums —             584-2299
17:20:  Dutch Marines                06:45:  VRT Journaal               08:00  Today (NBC)                               Sigrid Hammelburg                                                   Bankrekeningnummers:           Ad Patres                   588-6699
18:00:  Rowing Challenge             07:35:  De Wereld Draait Door      10:00  Today w/ Katie Lee & Hoda              Caribbean Mercantile Bank #20651903  Aurora                      584-8888
18:45:  VRT Journaal                 07:55:  NOS Journaal                      (NBC)                                                                             Verkoop:                                                   Olive Tree San Nicolaas     582-0000
19:35:  De Wereld Draait Door        08:00:  Weerbericht Europa/Afrika  12:00  Access Hollywood (NBC)                        Redactie:                                                      Banco di Caribe #81027801       Olive Tree Oranjestad
19:55:  NOS Journaal                 08:30:  NOS Opening                12:00  Noticia Awenochi (repeat)              Alex Lacle (coordinator)                Tiziana La Torre                   RBC #100031723
20:00:  Weerbericht Europa/Afrika    09:20:  Jeroen Boschjaar           13:00  Time Out (repeat)                                                 
20:30:  NOS Opening                  09:45:  TV Show                    13:15  15on15 (repeat)                            Linda Reijnders                                                    Klachten over bezorging ?
21:20:  Jeroen Boschjaar             10:45:  NOS Studio Sport           14:00  Days Of Our Lives (NBC)                    Mirte de Rozario                      Jamey Baire                          Mail naar
21:45:  TV Show                      10:50:  Eredivisie                 15:00  The Meredith Vieira Show                   Franciska Groen         
22:45:  NOS Studio Sport             11:45:  Nieuwsuur                         (NBC)                                                                                             
22:50:  Eredivisie                   12:00:  Weerbericht Amerika/       16:00  Steve Harvey (NBC)                           Bobby Spier
23:45:  Nieuwsuur                    12:30:  Caribiën                   17:00  The Ellen DeGeneres Show                Leanne van Spronsen                                                                                  — Stichtingen —
        Weerbericht Amerika/         12:50:  Jinek                             (NBC)                      
        Caribiën                     13:35:  Iedereen beroemd           18:30  News 4 New York (NBC)
        Jinek                        14:00:  VRT Journaal               19:00  Time Out (ATV)                  Het weer                                                                                                     Fundacion Anti-Droga Aruba
        Iedereen beroemd             14:25:  Fans of Flanders           19:15  15 on 15 (ATV)
                                     14:50:  Freek Vonk In              19:30  Noticia Awenochi (ATV)
Zaterdag 13 februari                         Latijns-Amerika            20:30  Access Hollywood (NBC)                                                                                                                       (FADA)                      583-2999
00:00: VRT Journaal                          Hart voor de zaak          22:00  Dateline (NBC)
00:30: NOS Opening                           Welkom in de               23:00  Noticia Mas Laat                                                                                                                             Fundacion Respetami         582-4433
                                             IJzeren Eeuw
             Jeroen Boschjaar                BinnensteBuiten                                                                                                                                                                Zwanger? Fundacion
02:20: Tussen Kunst en Kitsch                Weekoverzicht SpangaS
03:05: NOS Journaal                                                                                                              ZATERDAG                                              ZATERDAGNACHT                        CIZKA                       583-0331
03:10: Sesamstraat                                                                                                            13 februari 2016
                                                                                                               Gedeeltelijk bewolkt met windvlagen vanuit                                                                   Fundacion Diabetico         593-0507
                                                                                                               het oosten tussen 30 en 50 km/u.
                                                                                                                                                           Gedeeltelijk bewolkt met windvlagen vanuit                       Arubano                     593-4928
                                                                                                                                                           het oosten tussen 30 en 50 km/u.
Horoscoop                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Twelve Step Meeting

CELEBRITIES BORN ON THIS DAY: Brad Keselowski, 32; Christina Ricci, 36; Darren Aronofsky, 47;                                                                                                                               AA-NA- AL- ANON- OA 583-8989
Josh Brolin, 48.
Happy Birthday: Consider your options and take action. Be the driving force behind getting things              Zonsopgang  Zonsondergang                   Maansopgang                 Maansondergang                       Fundacion Amor Pa           568-4739
done. Don’t let anyone take over your life. It’s important to recognize what will make you happy                   07:04        18:47                              11:05                       23:49
and then dedicate your time, effort and knowledge to reaching your destination. Choose to sur-                                                                                                                              Prohimo                     564-8849
round yourself with people who work with you, not against you. Your numbers are 1, 12, 15, 24, 28,
30, 44.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     NA Acceptance Group         565-7500
ARIES (March 21-April 19): You may find it difficult to avoid doing or saying something you’ll regret. Con-
centrate on what you can do to improve yourself instead of focusing on the people around you and what          Max. Temp.  Neerslag                        Min. Temp.                  Neerslag                             Fundacion Centro
they are doing or saying. 3 stars                                                                                            0%                                                            10%
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Tie up loose ends and set your mind free from worry for the weekend. You               30                                           25                                                            Ecologico Aruba             562-8984
will impress people with your work ethic and your flexible way of handling situations. A chance for ro-
mance is on the horizon. 3 stars                                                                                                                                                                                            Bureau Sostenemi Misbruik
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Rise above any criticism that comes your way. Take note of what’s being said
and make subtle changes to steer clear of negativity in the future. Don’t promise to do something if you                                                                                                                    en mishandeling tegen
can’t follow through. Protect your reputation and stand behind your word. 4 stars
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Consider how to implement the changes necessary to end up with exactly                 Wind             Luchtvochtigheid            Wind                     Luchtvochtigheid                     minderjarigen               588-1010
what you want. Being creative with your space will help you make room to initiate your plans. Romance,         39 km/u                    68%              32 km/u                              78%
contracts and finances look promising. Don’t let emotional manipulation get in your way. 2 stars                                                                                                                            Fundacion C.V.A. voorkomen
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Take charge before someone else does. Nothing is worth arguing about. Set your            Oost      UV Index                          Oost
goal and head to the finish line. If someone doesn’t want to follow you, that’s OK. As long as you do your                 Extreem                                                                                          en zorg voor stroke         567-7004
own thing and satisfy your needs, you’ll be just fine. 5 stars
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Take time to play, but don’t go over budget trying to outdo someone else.            Dienstdoende huisartsen                   Aankomsttijden
Physical and mental challenges should be invigorating, not dangerous or costly. Live in the moment and         Vrijdag, 12 Februari                      Cruiseschepen
be true to yourself. 3 stars                                                                                   2016                                      Zondag 14 Feb ‘16
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): You may have to ruffle a few feathers to get what you want. Being a peace-
keeper is admirable, but not if it comes at too great a personal expense. Size up your personal situation,     Huisarts nachtdienst -                    Freewinds
be honest about what you want and follow through with your plans. 3 stars                                      Oranjestad                                05.30(Woe.10) – 23.00
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Participation is vital if you want to bring about worthwhile change. Greater        Huisartsenpost
opportunities will arrive through the people you encounter while helping others. Take care of someone you      Hospitaal 527-4580                       sudoku 11 feb
love, and you will improve your relationship. A change in the way you live looks promising. 3 stars            Dr. Angela
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Make travel plans or check out a new method of acquiring information
or techniques that you can use to get ahead. A domestic change will help to stabilize your emotions. Stick     Huisarts nachtdienst -
close to home and protect your belongings. 5 stars                                                             San Nicolaas
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Stick to your game plan regardless of what others do. It’s up to you to           Centro Medico
take responsibility for what transpires in your life. Don’t expect everyone to like your decisions. Walk away  San Nicolaas 524-8833
from impossible situations. Treat yourself to something nice. 2 stars                                          Dr. Wever
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Use your imagination, and you will come up with a plan that will help put
an end to a problem you have been dealing with. Don’t let someone else’s uncertainty bring you down. Do        Dienstdoende apotheken
whatever makes you happy. 4 stars
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Learn from past mistakes. Show more flexibility and try not to go too strong-       Apotheek nachtdienst
ly against the current. You’ve been given a second chance, and with positive energy and the willingness to     San Nicolaas
compromise, you can achieve what you set out to do. 3 stars                                                    Botica Seroe Preto

                                                                                                               Apotheek nachtdienst
                                                                                                               Botica St.Cruz

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