Page 3 - Hospitaal
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The Government of Aruba has selected
 Mota-Engil as the preferred bidder to

    develop the Watty Vos Boulevard

LAST Friday, the Government of Aruba announced           The company’s bridge construction services consist of     now that the procedures of the Green Corridor are
                                                         road and railway objects, bridge construction with the    behind and that the international banks recognized
that Mota-Engil has been selected as the preferred bid-  self-supporting method, bridge construction with in-      the transparent and diligent manner Aruba has man-
der to develop the Watty Vos Boulevard.                  serting vehicular part into abutments on the work route   aged the PPP projects, has facilitated the way to reach
This is the second PPP transport infrastructure project  method, steel joint bridges, and load-bearing structures  a financial agreement.
which will be implemented in Aruba and one of four       reinforcement services, as well as underground routs
big projects of infrastructure of our country, next to   and tunnels made with the quarry method.                  According to the Minister of Infrastructure, mr. Benny
the renovation of the Hospital, Green Corridor and the   Its civil engineering services comprise commercial real   Sevinger, the Watty Vos Boulevard is a very important
New Container Port at Barcadera.                         estates, such as super markets and shopping centers;      project which connects to all ongoing projects on the
Mota-Engil is a multinational company of great           house building industry objects, including private        island. The Container Port of Barcadera is one of these
reputation and experience of Portuguese origin. This     houses and blocks of flats; multifunctional projects,     projects. 70% of the containers that arrive in Aruba are
multinational group exists for 68 years and figures      which include entertaining, hotel, and sport busi-        destined to the Noord area. The Watty Vos Boulevard
in the 30 most important companies in Europe in the      nesses; administrative and business buildings; and        will alleviate the traffic flow immensely.
construction sector.                                     industrial estate/offices.
                                                         Present in the meeting with press was mr. Nuno            The Watty Vos Boulevard will be converted in an im-
Mota-Engil engages in the construction and modern-       Figueirede as the repreenting Colombia and the New        portant ‘traffic artery’ for our country. The Financial
ization of motorways, roads, streets, and bridges. Its   Market for Mota-Engil, who led a delegation during        Closing phase will be completely finished for the end
road construction services include the construction,     these days in Aruba.                                      of 2015.
modernization, and renovation of airports, parking       The delegation met with the Department of Public          Mota Engil informed that the execution of the project
spaces, and side-walks, as well as sewerage systems      Works (DOW) on the next phase of the process which        will take two years. As the Green Corridor, the con-
construction, mass earth works, bituminous and con-      is the Financial Closing.                                 struction company will be responsible for the mainte-
crete pavement milling and cutting, and pavement         The Director of DOW, Ing. Marlon Croes, said that         nance of the projects for a period of 20 years.
reinforcement services.

ARUBA TRAVELLER - Monday, August 3 2015                                                                            9LOCAL
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