Page 33 - ARUBA BANK
P. 33
a26 condolencia
Diahuebs 28 september 2017
Pasobra Dios a stima mundu Those we love remain with us, for
Asina tanto ku el a duna su Yu love itself lives on, And cherished
“Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin Unigenito, pa tur ku pone fe memories never fade because a
falta di nada Den dje no bai perdi, ma haña loved one’s gone… Those we love
Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta Bida eterno. Juan 3:16 can never be more than a Thought
ponemi sosega. apart, for as long as there is memory
E ta hibami na awa trankil, Cu inmenso tristesa na nos curason, They’ll live on in the heart.
Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”. nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:
Salmo: 23 With sadness but thankful for the
Aura Silvinia Thielman-Kock good years we spend together we
Cu inmenso tristeza na nos announce the passing of:
curazon nos ta participa * 12 Ferbuari 1944 † 24 September 2017
fayecimento di nos difunto
stima: Na nomber di su: Ortencia Francisca Richardson
Better known as:” Tencia”
Casa Stima: Cris Thielman Sunrise: March 13th, 1946
Bernadina Theresita Peters Sunset: September 21st, 2017
Mihor conoci como “Nina” Yiunan: Cris junior y Elsa Thielman-Rasmijn
*04-08-1955 - †24-09-2017 Johnny Thielman (Poy) She leaves to mourn her:
Gilbert Thielman y Marja Versteeg
Casa: Rudy Josepha Marijsella y Rudolf (Dolfi) Croes Thielman Mother: Maud Viola Wilson-Riley in Aruba
Sons: Johan & Violeta Rustenberg and family in Aruba/
Yiu: Rodney Jansen y pareha Mescos Yiu: Renald y Jacky Croes-Ospina Geraldo & Hilde Rustenberg and family in
Maria Gamache Netherlands
Nieto(a)nan: Cris-Juneaux Thielman Daughter: Kimberly Richardson & Laurent Appels in
Jeisua Rasmijn Curacao
Manera yiu: Charisse Orman
Nicole Thielman Grandchildren: Dulce Rustenberg, Nigel Rustenberg,
Angelina Thielman Jamil Ras, Darrel Rustenberg, Vorjenare Rutsenberg,
Nieto y nieta: Joshua Clarks Ginoushka Thielman y Shandiro Noguera Jasmine Rustenberg, Darren Rustenberg
Marley Nina Jansen Darrell Willems y Shahira Henriquez Great-grandson: Dyllan in Netherland
Sef Ferdinand Jansen Jasmile Thielman y Shawn Mackintoch Sisters: Mercedes Richardson& family in Aruba
Xiarah Orman Jaymir Thielman Teolinda & Roberto Rafael and family in Aruba
Teresita Richardson in Aruba
Zavienne Orman Antoine Croes Telma & Piet Vantooren and family in Netherlands
Rudsheline Croes Brothers: †Fernando Richardson
Rumannan: Bisanietonan: Miguel-Angel Thielman Rolando & Delia Richardson and family in Aruba/
Margarita Ignacia y Famia na Hulanda Jayshaun Thielman Netherlands
Anna Maria Richardson y Famia na Aruba y Jadienne Thielman Elmando & Marlene Richardson and family in Aruba/
Shaundrick Mackintoch
Hulanda Dayvlon Willems Wilfredo & Maria Wilson and family in Aruba
Gabrielle Peters na U.S.A. Rumannan: Loreto y Greta Kock-Croes Patricio Wilson & Dora
Adelicia (Delia)Vrolijk Nieces and Nephews and their respective family
Primo y primo Subrino y subrinanan: Ernand Coffi y Ileana Labega Cousins: Esther Riley, Brothers & sisters in Curacao and
Sobrina y sobrina: Na Aruba, Curacao, Bonaire, Michael y Detty Coffi-Wever family in Netherlands/St. Croix
Beatrice Nephonoceno-Riley, brothers & sisters in
BelgÏe y Hulanda Geraldine Coffi Curacao/Netherlands
Suzette Kock y famia Janet Hope, brothers & sisters in Netherlands
Ex-Colleganan: Aruba Beach Club y Casa Del Mar Arlene y John Hogan y famia Shirley Gomez & family in Curacao/Netherlands
Amigonan y Bisiñanan: Na tur Bernadina su bon Gregory Kock Agatha Gomez, brothers & sisters in Curacao/Saba
bisiñanan y amigonan cu semper tawata tey p’e Swa: Edwin y Frida Thielman-Ruiz Dr. Kenneth Vieira & family in Netherlands/Suriname
Eileen Mohampersad-Vieira & family in Netherlands/
durante e aña nan y specialmente den su ultimo Tanta Grandi: Annette “ Tanta Nechi” Maduro y Suriname
ora nan, nos kier a extende un palabra di DANKI y Mama di su nieta nan: Marisol Ledesma Good friends: Cheryl Richardson, Evelyn Hughes,
cu DIOS BENDICIONA BOSO nan semper. E Omo y tanta: Armando Lampe y famia Yvonne Richardson, Delphina Decastro, Cecilia
atencion y cariño boso a duna na nos Bernadina stima, Stella Lampe y famia Romney-Wilson, Marlene & John Hassel, Bill Buckley.
ta significa hopi pa nos. Bon Amigo di cas y su dokter stima Jaime Falconi y Roberto Leer, Glenda Hoftijzer
She was related to: Riley, Taylor, Gomez, Jones,
famia Heyliger, Woods, Smiers, Hope, Whitfield, Zevenstone,
Demas Famia: Peters, Wilson, Ignacia, Richardson, Primo y primanan. Bisiñanan Lobbrecht, Janga, Simmons, Richardson,Rustenberg, Brown, Wilson,
Silva, Rosina, Thomas, Elskamp, Davelaar, Spratt, Rodriguez y Croes Rock, Cranston, Duinkerk, Rombley, Apples, Hughes,
Pourier, Josepha, Hooi, Courtar Demas famianan: Kock, Thielman, Coffi. Rasmijn, Vantooren, Lobles, Vieira, Ras, Van Heyningen, Blijden
Lampe, Croes, Wever, Maduro, Leonardo, Helder, and many more family and friends too numerous to
Ta invita pa acto di entiero cu lo tuma lugar na Misa Willems, Versteeg, Sint jago, Figaroa, Ruiz y Janga mention.
Pro Cathedral San Francisco na Playa diasabra 30 Si en caso den nos tristeza nos por a lubida algún Dress code: Preferable Colors
september 2017 di 3’or pa 4’or di atardi. Despues lo persona of famia, nos ta pidi nos mas sincero disculpa
sali pa Santana Central Sabana Basora. Instead of wreaths and flower there will be a donation
box for Edmund Harms Foundation
Acto di entiero ta tuma lugar diabierna 29 september
Oportunidad pa condolencia lo ta na Auroa Funeral 2017 pa 11or di Mainta na Ad Patres Funeral Home We apologize if during our grief we forgot to mention
Home diabierna 29 september 2017 di 7’or pa 9’or di y despues saliendo pa Santana Catolico san Nicolas. any name or family
anochi. Nos defunto stima lo ta reposa for di 9or di mainta na
Ad Patres. The funeral will take place on wednesday october 04,
Disculpa nos si den nos momento di tristeza nos por a 2017 at 3:30 pm at Church of Christ (Pastoor Hendrik
Str. # 107) and from there to the Central Burial Ground
lubida un of otro nomber di famia. Adres pa condolencia: Ad Patres Funeral Home in Sabana Basora. The body of “Tencia” will be laid out
diahuebs 28 september 2017 for di 7:00 pm
pa 9:00 pm from 1:00 pm at Church of Christ.
Recordando e persona alegre cu Bernadina tawata e
famia ta pidi pa por fabor no bin bisti na rouw. Masha Nos ta lamenta cu después di entiero nos no ta ricibi Opportunity for condolences: Ad Patres Funeral Home
danki. bishita di condolencia na cas tuesday october 03, 2017 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Disculpa nos pero despues di entiero nos no ta ricibi Staff y personal di Ad Patres funeral home ta extende Staff and Management of Ad Patres funeral home extend
bishita di condolencia na cas nos mas sincero condolencia na famia di e fayecida. their most sincere condolences to the family.
Condolencia por wordomanda riba nos website: Condolences can be sent through our e-mail address or website