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Wednesday 3 august 2022 locAl
Survival of our ancient expressions Episode CLXIV-165
Etnia Nativa through Island Insight facilitates cultural
awareness, education and safeguards Aruba’s heri-
tage by elevating each reader into an island keeper
state of mind. Be encouraged to discover in every epi-
sode the true native effect, live it and discover more
reasons to love Aruba behind our beaches by liven up
your stay in an incredibly wonderful way through this
cultural blog.
Our island is a tiny tourist destination with a fragile eco-
system, covering thousands of years of history. Here is
where Etnia Nativa’s main objective comes to mind
through educating the readers over Aruba’s heritage.
We believe in when you love and value what you
have; ones greatest desire becomes to protect it.
In this episode we will try to share our perspective and
concerns regarding the native heritage of Aruba since
during the next week, starting on August 9, the Day of sacred, social, economic and cultural their territory is essential and vital for
the Indigenous Peoples will be celebrated, an event boudaries and borders that enclosed communal existence. Today this respon-
that recognizes the achievements and contributions the of influence and activities of the sibility falls on the heirs of these original
of these peoples our predecessors. It is precisely these peoples. Crops of corn, beans, squash, inhabitants and the promotors at “Etnia
peoples who and through their ancestral knowledge, cassava, peanuts as well as vegetables, Nativa” (Native Ethnicity) by making lo-
guided us to adapt, mitigate and reduce climate risks fruits, cotton and tabaco were com- cals and visitors aware of our unfathom-
and environmental disasters. mon; in addition, they took advantage able resources that, without due atten-
of the riches of the mangrove forests tion, could be lost forever.
For indigenous people, the territory is the womb that and the great variety of fish and shell-
nuture and gave rise to the existence of their cultures, fish. In addition to sharing cultural knowl-
morality and right to their native identity. edge Aruba also has a considerable
At that time Aruba was covered with group of indigenous descendants
The ancestral way of the territorial ownership is carac- lush flora and general conditions were who advocate a cure for the island,
terize by the right to the land as a collective proper- much more favorable than today. The grouped in various environmental orga-
ty. This sence of responsibility takes care and protect. landscape and topography of the is- nizations, NGO`s and Native warriors ac-
Practized and enjoyed by our native communities. Aru- land in many areas offered perfect lay- tion group who stands in defense of our
bans are descendants of ancient farmers, fisherman, outs that formed zones where people fragile ecosystem and our endangered
seafarders who mirated a few thousan years ago from could walk for hours under the canopy heritage running a sad fate of extinction
tropical forests of South America, Arawak-speaking of Aruba’s mesquite forest, trees that by overexploitation. It is very important
peoples who arrived in the continental coastal areas blocked out sunlight, however there that Aruba recognize and support na-
and they populated the islands of the Caribbean Sea. were also open grasslands or savannas tive identity, preserving it for our future
In “our beloved rock” (Episode 153 ) it was the legend- covered in grass. cacti and xerophytes, generations.
ary Caquetio tribe who had the first contact with the while other hilly and rocky or wetlands
Castilians. and salt flats. Cultural awareness, interests and dici-
The territories of this legendary Caquetian tribe cov- pline facilitates sustainable develop-
ered a geographic area delimited by permanent For the indigenous, the relationship with ment at its core. The benefits of pre-
serving one`s own culture is essential to
keep true history alive. The real identity,
the collective memories and the men-
tality of belonging to the natural world.
If you love Aruba its origins and its cul-
tural heritage, be part of the exclusive
visitors of Etnia Nativa: a cozy museum/
Etnia Nativa a private residential houses
collections of native art, archaeologi-
cal artifacts and historic furniture, while
the facilities themselves are the result of
the transformation of recycled materi-
als. Meet Anthony Croes, our columnist
at his home! Book your visit Whatsapp
+ 297 592 2702- or mail: etnianativa03@