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LOCAL Thursday 20 June 2024
Hilton Aruba Caribbean Resort & Casino Celebrates Pride Month
with a Wedding or Renewal of Vows Giveaway Contest on Social
Media and In-House Activities.
wedding or vow renewal at Hilton story, using the hashtag #HiltonAr-
Aruba, including the tropical ven- ubaPride, and tagging @HiltonAr-
ue, elegant catering, and stylish uba. The contest is running the en-
accommodations. tire month of June 2024, and the
winning couple will be contacted
All LGBTQ+ couples living in Aru- by July 15, 2024.
ba or the United States who are
looking to get married or renew Should you wish to consult a more
their wedding vows are eligible detailed version of the terms and
to enter the contest by posting a conditions, please visit: https://
photo or video on Facebook or
Instagram about their unique love html q
Hilton Aruba Caribbean Resort & able for purchase at Oscar’s Mar-
Casino is commemorating Pride ket, adjacent to the restaurant.
Month in a meaningful and inclu- Also, the garden’s famous water-
sive way, aiming to raise aware- fall has been lit in rainbow colors,
ness about love and equality glowing into the night in stunning
among guests and the local com- red, orange, yellow, green, blue
munity. and purple, creating a vibrant,
celebratory atmosphere.
During the month, beautiful rain-
bow cupcakes and loaves are The resort is also running a con-
available at the breakfast buffet test on both Facebook and Insta-
at Laguna restaurant and rain- gram, with one lucky couple win-
bow cake and cookies are avail- ning the Grand Prize of a dream
Aruba’s neighborhoods; the meaning behind their names
Just like any other coun- word Anaiboa, which con-
try, Aruba has unique and Anabui/Tierra Del Sol sists of Ana meaning flower
beautifully named neighbor- This neighborhood can be or the best and Iboa; the
hoods that all form a part of seen on Van Raders map juice of a cassava, which
its culture and development. and Werbata as Anna Boei. together would mean “the
Many of these names have Anna Boei is a name of which best juice of a cassava”.
a historical background and there isn’t much information
meaning that teaches us about its origin. If one assumes that the actu-
about the island and its rich al word heard was Anaboio
culture every day. The best historians were able instead, consisting of Ana
to deduce is that this name meaning the best and Boio
With this series, we want to came to be because of a (bohio); house, the iteration
take you on a journey of dis- miscommunication between of Anabui would mean “the Spanish for Land of the Sun. historians believe is that it
covery, where you’ll learn Van Spengler and the na- best house.” This is the origin The name is not an official comes from native descent,
not only the beautiful names tives who were living on the that has been more or less name, but the name of the during the time in the 19th
but the history behind it that island. In the Arawak/Taino speculated and assumed development proyect that century where Mestizos still
gives it life and meaning. language one can find the for the word Anabui and it’s took place. It is hoped that lived on Aruba. The name
meaning. the original and ‘old’ name can’t really be explain and
of Anabui is never lost and according to books on its his-
During the second world now it will be remembered tory seems to be more of a
war and later, this area was by both locals and tourists. sign of corruption.
used as a terrain for train-
ing of shooting by militia Angochi However, it seems to come
and latero n Korps Marin- This name can be seen on from combining A(n), which
iers (the marines of Aruba). the Werbata map with little is a generalizing prefix and
By the end of the previous and cursive letters. It is the Goeiza, which means ‘the
century a large part of Ana- unofficial name for the area spirit of a living man’. Ango-
bui was developed to have given by a tenant to the land chi remains more of a guess.
luxurious villas and a golf that was rented to him.
course, which lead to it get- This neighborhood’s abbre-
ting the name Tierra Del Sol, The biggest probability that viation is; An.q