Page 7 - RIU HOTEL
P. 7
LOCAL Saturday 7 July 2018
Riu Palace Antillas celebrated
Independence Day with a delicious BBQ
Continued from Page 14
The guests were proud and
happy with the gesture of
the hotel on this special
day. Some of the guests
were so happy and were
celebrating the indepen-
dence day waving the USA city hotel in 2010, RIU is ex- provide jobs for a total of
flag. panding its range of prod- 28,894 employees. RIU is
The event was a success for ucts with its own line of city currently the world’s 34th
Riu Palace Antillas demon- hotels called Riu Plaza. ranked chain, one of the
strating the importance of Caribbean’s most popular,
celebrating this important RIU Hotels & Resorts now the third largest in Spain in
day and cultural with the has 92 hotels in 19 coun- terms of revenue and the
American guests. tries which welcome over fourth largest in number of
4 million guests a year and rooms. q
About RIU:
The international RIU chain
was founded in Mallorca
by the Riu family in 1953
as a small holiday firm and
is still owned by the fam-
ily’s third generation. The
company specializes in
holiday resorts and over
70% of its establishments
offer its acclaimed All In-
clusive by RIU service. With
the inauguration of its first