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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 19 July 2024
            Ursula von der Leyen reelected to a second 5-year term as

            European Commission president

            By MIKE CORDER and JEAN-                                                                                            voters who were asking for
            FRANCOIS BADIAS                                                                                                     change  and  who  now  will
            Associated Press                                                                                                    suffer the wicked choices of
            STRASBOURG, France (AP) —                                                                                           the green extremists.”
            Lawmakers at the European                                                                                           Von  der  Leyen  earlier  told
            Parliament on Thursday re-                                                                                          lawmakers she would “never
            elected Ursula von der Leyen                                                                                        accept  that  demagogues
            to a second 5-year term as                                                                                          and  extremists  destroy  our
            president  of  the  European                                                                                        European way of life. And I
            Union’s  executive  commis-                                                                                         stand here today ready to
            sion,  giving  her  a  comfort-                                                                                     lead  the  fight  with  all  the
            able majority and heading                                                                                           democratic  forces  in  this
            off  a  possible  leadership                                                                                        house.”
            vacuum.                                                                                                             In a speech that sought to
            Von der Leyen raised both                                                                                           shore up support across the
            fists in victory as the Parlia-                                                                                     political spectrum, von der
            ment  President  Roberta                                                                                            Leyen pledged to strengthen
            Metsola read out the result                                                                                         the EU economy, its police
            at the legislature. She called                                                                                      and border agencies, tackle
            her reelection a victory for                                                                                        migration and pursue policies
            her backers, lawmakers she                                                                                          tackling  climate  change
            called “pro-European, pro-                                                                                          while  also  helping  farmers
            Ukraine  (and)  pro-rule  of   European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, right, reacts after the announcement of   who  have  staged  protests
            law.”                        the vote at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, eastern France, Thursday, July 18, 2024.   against  what  they  call  sti-
            The reelection ensures lead-                                                                       Associated Press  fling  EU  bureaucracy  and
            ership  continuity  for  the  der attack from inside and  and to not do deals with the  Christian Democrat after a  environmental rules.
            27-nation bloc as it wrestles  from outside, and therefore  far right.                 speech in which she pledged  She  also  vowed  to  tackle
            with crises ranging from the  it is crucial that the demo-  “The majority against the far  to be a strong leader for Eu-  housing  shortages  across
            war  in  Ukraine  to  climate  cratic forces stand together  right must hold for the future.  rope in a time of crisis and  Europe and said she would
            change, migration and hous-  to defend our democracy.”    We must not let our guard  polarization.                  appoint a commissioner for
            ing shortages. Von der Leyen  The Greens/European Free  down in the face of grow-      The secret ballot came hot  the  Mediterranean  region
            said she and her supporters  Alliance  group  in  the  par-  ing far-right forces that work  on the heels of strong gains  due  to  the  multiple  chal-
            are working “for a strong Eu-  liament  voted  for  von  der  to strip away our rights and  by the far right in last month’s  lenges it faces.
            rope,” citing themes of pros-  Leyen after receiving assur-  destroy  our  democracy,”  election  for  the  European  She also took a swipe at Hun-
            perity, security and defense.  ances from her on her com-  said  the  group’s  president  Parliament.               garian Prime Minister Viktor
            “But the most important is the  mitment to Europe’s climate  Bas Eickhout.             Italy’s far-right League party  Orbán and his recent visit to
            overarching topic of strength-  initiatives,  improving  social  A clear majority of 401 law-  said in a statement that von  Russia shortly after his coun-
            ening our democracy,” she  policies including moves to  makers in the 720-seat legis-  der Leyen’s victory “has be-  try  took  over  the  rotating
            said. “Our democracy is un-  provide affordable housing  lature voted for the German  trayed the vote of millions of  six-month EU presidency. q

            A woman becomes commander of the Canadian Armed Forces

            for the first time

            By ROB GILLIES               Carignan was promoted to  been 50% female since he  as  Canada  continues  to  government  recently  said
            Associated Press             the  rank  of  general  during  took office in 2015.      face  criticism  from  NATO  that it would reach its NATO
            TORONTO (AP) — A woman  the  change-of-command  Carignan  is  no  stranger  to  allies for not spending 2% of  commitment  by  2032,  but
            has become the top com-      ceremony,     after   being  firsts.  She  was  also  the  first  its  gross  domestic  product  specifics  have  yet  to  be
            mander  of  Canada’s  mili-  chosen  by  Trudeau’s  gov-  woman  to  command  a  on defense. The Canadian  provided.q
            tary for the first time.     ernment  to  become  Can-    combat unit in the Canadi-
            Gen. Jennie Carignan offi-   ada’s  first  female  defense  an military, and her career
            cially  took  over  command  chief.                       has  included  deployments
            of  the  Canadian  Armed  Trudeau called it a historic  to Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia
            Forces  in  a  ceremony  at  day and praised Carignan  and Syria.
            the  Canadian  War  Muse-    as  someone  of  the  right  For  the  last  three  years,
            um in Ottawa on Thursday.    caliber  to  take  over.  He  she  has  been  the  chief  of
            Prime     Minister    Justin  named her to the role ear-  professional  conduct  and
            Trudeau said that Carignan  lier this month.              culture, a job created as a
            is  the  first  woman  to  lead  “You are the very first wom-  result of the sexual miscon-
            the military of any Group of  an  to  ever  become  Chief  duct scandal in 2021.
            20 or Group of Seven coun-   of the Defense staff in Can-  Carignan  called  the  pro-
            try.                         ada, the very first in the G7  motion a natural step and
            “That could create a mod-    and the G20. You are a role  said that she is grateful.
            el  and  a  change  in  terms  model  for  all  Canadians  “I’m  ready  for  this.  I’ve
            of what is possible for wom-  and  the  world,”  Trudeau  worked all of this time,” she
            en,”  Carignan  said.  “It’s  a  said during the ceremony.  said.
            great  step  forward.  It  is  a  In 2018, Trudeau appointed  She  said  her  top  priorities   Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau shakes hands with Gen.
            result of many, many years  the first female head of the  include recruitment and re-  Jennie Carignan, incoming Chief of the Defence Staff, after her
                                                                                                   remarks at a change of command ceremony at the Canadian
            within  the  Canadian  Forc-  Royal  Canadian  Mounted  tention.                       War Museum in Ottawa, on Thursday, July 18, 2024.
            es.”                         Police and his Cabinet has  The  appointment  comes                                               Associated Press
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