Page 16 - CMB
P. 16
Diahuebs, 7 di April 2022|27
“Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada den Na nomber di su:
cunucu di yerba berde eta ponemi sosega. Yiunan: Joslin y Idalith Giel Mercado, Francis y Astrid Webb Hayer
E ta hibami na awa trankil, Pa mi bolbe haña Alvin Kock, Marlon y Patricia Webb Gonzalez
forsa”. Nietonan: Hillary Giel y Nico Chatram, Stephany Giel, Angel y Nelina Kock
Salmo: 23 Nelson Tovar
Bisanieto: Isaac Kock
Cuña: Sra.Vda Jolanda Webb Brete
Cu inmenso tristesa nos ta anuncia fayecimento di Sobrinonan: Ivyn Webb y famia, Desiree Webb y famia, Soraya Webb y famia
nos Manera su sobrinonan: Robert Luydens y famia, Roland Luydens y famia, Ingrid
querida Mama, Wela, Bisawela y Ruman: Luydens Ras y famia, Tito Luydens y famia, Tina Luydens, Maureen Croes y famia
Su amigo nan di cas: Elmira Colmenares y famia, Yvonne Tromp Zambrano y
famia, Maikel Koolman y famia, Chalier y Alana Brooks y famia, Soraya Isiso Roa
y famia, Maria y Tan Helder y famia, Roby Albus.
Suegra y suegro nan, primo y prima nan, comer y comper nan. Na su ex amiga
nan di Tanki Leendert Diamonds Softball team.
Famia nan Mercado Muñoz na Colombia, Gammariello y Lugo Raaz na
Demas famia nan: Webb, Giel, Kock, Muñoz, Hayer, Gonzalez, Brete, Chatram,
Tovar, Croes, Luydens, Brooks, Hei, Monart, Colmenares, CHung, Diaz, Heyde,
Dijkhoff, Britten, Trimon, Koolman, Baroud, Peash, Donata, Rasmijn, De Mei, Ras,
Every, Maduro, Sneek, Dania, Danies, Henriquez, Don y Orman.
Nos disculpa si den nos tristesa nos por a lubida algun famia of conocir.
Enbes di flor of krans lo tin un box pa un bon causa.
Margarita Webb, Nos ta invita tur famia y conocirnan pa asisti na e acto di entiero cual lo tuma
lugar dia 8 April 2022. E resto mortal di Margarita lo reposa for di 9am pa 11am na
Mihor conoci como “Ita” Auroral Funeral Home. Despues lo sali pa Santana centraal na Sabana Basora.
Despues di entiero nos no ta recibi bishita di condolencia na cas.
Left to mourn are his:
You who live in the shelter of the Most High, Wife: Etty Craigg-Lourens
who abide in the shadow of the Almighty, Daughters: Rebekah Craigg, Vikah Craigg
Judith Hazel-Craigg & Family, Elizabeth Craigg
will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my Brothers: Clinton McCleod, Danville Wyllie
fortress; Brother of the heart: Alwin Lacle & Family
my God, in whom I trust.” Aunts: Marian Andrews, Victoria Andrews, Olivia Muhammed-Andrews
Psalm 91, 1-2 Madeline Reed-Andrews
Uncle: Reginald Andrews
Sisters-in-Law: Olimpia Stefania-Lourens, Crisalta Lourens, Mildred Mercelina-Lourens
With a grateful heart we announce the Home- Glenda Lourens, Ruthline Lourens, Miraida de Winter-Lourens
going of our beloved Brothers-in-Law: Irvin Hazel, Hubert Lourens
husband, father, brother and friend: Nephews: Irve Hazel & family, Randy Hazel & family, RayMichael Hazel
Cousins: too numerous to mention.
Baden Powell: All Leaders, Explorers, Verkenners, Welpen & Bevers current and former
Scouting Aruba: All members
And especially: All his female friends, too numerous to mention
Special Thanks to: Dr. Marcel Ho-Kang-You, Lola Geerman, Onaya Tromp-Pourrier, Dr. Yuri
Casseres, Wilhelmina Kankerfonds, The Whole team at Oncologie
Condolences can be given on Friday April 8th from 19:00 pm to 21:00 pm, at Aurora Funeral Home in
We invite all family Craigg, Lourens, Andrews, Hazel, McCleod & Wyllie, ex-colleagues from Setar,
ex-colleagues from TeleAruba and fellow scouts, to partake in the funeral. The funeral will be held at
Reuben L. Craigg Wesley Methodist Church at LongFellowstraat 3, Oranjestad (located behind plaza Simon Bolivar), on
Saturday April 9th at 11:00 am, preceded by condolences starting at 10:00 am.
17/09/1956 – 01/04/2022 The Family will not be receiving private condolences at home prior to or after the funeral.
Lid in de Orde van Oranje-Nassau We appreciate your consideration in this.
Groepsleider & Hopman Baden Powell If in our grief we’ve neglected to mention someone, we offer our sincerest apologies.
groep 1, Scouting Aruba
Ex-Directeur TeleAruba