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Monday 11 noveMber 2024 locAl
Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors at Marriott’s Aruba Ocean Club!
The Aruba Tourism Authority recently had the
great pleasure of recognizing Goodwill Ambas-
sadors of Aruba. The honorees were respec-
tively honored with a certificate for their years
of visits, loyalty, and love for the island of Aruba.
The honorary certification is presented on be-
half of the Minister of Tourism as a token of ap-
preciation and to say “Masha Danki” to guests
who have visited Aruba 10, 20, or 35 years or
more consecutively.
The three levels of honor are as follows:
Distinguished Visitor (10>years consecutively
visiting Aruba)
Goodwill Ambassador (20>years consecutively
visiting Aruba)
Emerald Ambassador (35>years consecutively ba Ocean Club bestowed the certificate upon • Aruba’s culture.
visiting Aruba) the honorees, presented them with gifts, and • Aruba’s weather.
thanked them for choosing Aruba as their fa- • “Love the Marriott Ocean Club”
The honorees were: vorite vacation destination, as their home away • “Love my home away from home”
Goodwill Ambassadors from home.
Mrs. Camille Gravallese & Mrs. Renee Caraviel- The top reasons for returning to Aruba provided On behalf of the Aruba Tourism Authority, we
lo from Methuen, Massachusetts, United States. by the honorees were: would like to express our sincere gratitude and
Ms. Keyttin Silva representing the Aruba Tourism • The family has a “big” love for the peo- appreciation to the honorees for their contin-
Authority, and staff members of Marriott’s Aru- ple who live on Aruba ued visits to the “One Happy Island”.q
Episode CXLIX- 149 Native Shamans
Among our Caquetios an- or cane toad excretion was Aboriginal tribes of the Ca-
cestors, Shamanism was ex- always dangerous for those ribbean, Central and South
pressed during the Cohoba experimenting whit it, and did America, including the Ca-
and Maco ceremonies. Sha- not always help the partici- quetioan groups of our islands,
mans organized ceremonies pant achieve any vision. Still, used to ground the seeds of
by serving chicha in calabash, it was a very important reli- the plant *Ana denantera pre-
corn beer to important men gious practice which has its regrina together with other
Our goal at Etnia Nativa is claiming to communicate of the community who lateron roots in Caquetian spiritual- herbs and grinded snails or
to create cultural awareness, with the spirits on behalf of will inhaled a preparation ism. It is believed that the cult shells, which they burn and
promote education and safe- the community, including consisting of a psychoactive dedicated to nature spirits then add the mixture into a
guard our heritage by guiding the spirits of the deceased powders or tasted poisonous was practiced along with container for its elaboration.
our readers to become the and those of the underworld. back of a cane toads. Sit- their mythological believes. This they obtain through the
next and new guardians of Shamans believe they can ting on a rock or a wooden Given the heterogeneity of sacred fire ritual. In this way
Aruba. communicate with both living stool, they would first stick a language and culture, they obtained a fine powder,
and dead to alleviate unrest, kind of spatula down their The story goes tells thatn some, essentially hallucinogenic,
In this episode we will raise unsettled issues, and to deliver throat, purging their stom- shamanic practitioners vision that was inhaled or blown
awareness regarding “Sha- gifts to the spirits, etc. ach and purifying the soul is acquired through dreams, in the nose of the compan-
mans” spiritual guides, priest to receive the sacred mes- without a formal apprentice- ion either as a remedy or for
or priestess who uses magic It is impossible to characterize sage and power to enter the ship, It is generaly accepted spiritual trance, known as he-
spels, potions and autocon- “shamanism” or “shamanic speritual world. The cohoba that all people share a bit cura to the Yanomamis of the
viction in order to heal the teaching practices” belong- ritual was intended to help of shamanic powers. Others Amazon region. A trance that
sick, divine the occult, and ing to a single indigenous its practitioners to contact have formal apprenticeships facilitates the interpretation
control events. Historically, it group of lowland South Amer- deities or spirits. And for the with masters. of messages, trowing effec-
has been anthropologists who ican and Caribbean. Their Shaman to diagnose illnesses tive spells and the offering of
identify these central figures knowledge and practices and predict the future. On In some cases the aggres- blessings through open portals
who where atrubuted the title vary considerably between the other hand, it has been sor may be the same per- of eathly power.
of "Shamans" or pajés and groups due to defferent re- interpreted to empower the son who heals. Among the
not the indigenous people. gios and the natural resoursec practitioner to transmit and as Arawakans of the Rio Negro If you love Aruba its origins
Shamanism is not associated aviable. a propitiatory to the ceramic and Guyana regions, there and its cultural heritage, be
with any particular religion nor effigies and diaties that were are a plurality of specialists part of the exclusive visitors of
is it itself a religion. Instead, Many "shamanic specialists" buried in Cunucos, which in who are classified by inten- Etnia Nativa: a cozy museum/
shamans across the world be- ritually administer substances turn transmit powers of fertility tion and by techniques. The home .This private residential
long to different organized for beneficial purposes, but to the agricultural purposes, potison owners can cause houses collections of native
spiritual view shamanism is an equal number of these to supply abundant yucca, harm or healing by appliy- art, archaeological artifacts
considered related to ani- individuals are recognized for maize, beans, peanuts, tab- eng their plant knowledge. and historic furniture, while the
mistic spiritual practice. their potential to send harm aco and pumpkins. Anyone who knows the right facilities themselves are the
to others. chants can cause harm. There result of the transformation
Shamans act as mediators The practice of using Yopo are a variety of healers, who of recycled materials. Meet
are distinguished by their Anthony Croes, our columnist
Article by: Etnia Nativa secret knowledge and the at his home! Book your visit
Whatsapp us +297 592 2702 and book substances and therapeutic Whatsapp + 297 592 2702- or
your Aruban exprerience techniques. mail: etnianativa03@gmail.
Etnia Nativa is close to the high rise hotels com. q