Page 31 - 17apr23
P. 31
E programa nobo di Colegio EPI ta un joke
The opening of the new dropout rate. takes away the coaching, in these meeting, but our we are paying for the pro-
course at Colegio EPI was Classes which started mentorship and learning voices are ignored and gram.
an irresponsible move on with 23 students have platform that we are ac- seem as if we are fighting The new EPI program
the part of DPS, the min- now significantly reduce customed to. According a losing battle. The people is a joke. This has cause
ister of education and the in size and has only 8 to DPS, the program ex- in these high positions are great disturbance in the
director. Educators and students. Amidst this, the plains everything yet still taking our money but is school community and
students were not given voices of the future doc- students are concerned not complying with their students are not motivat-
the necessary information tors, accountants etc. are about their purpose and end of the deal. ed by this sudden change
or training to properly ex- ignored. If our future is in reason to show up. To show how disorga- without adequate prepa-
ecute the course objective the hands of these leaders Our educators had a nized the school is the ration. The students are
effectively. The educators then we have a big prob- meeting with DPS and schedule for our test week frustrated while the people
are caused to familiarize lem. How is it fair for us the outcome they received was sent but we have yet from DPS, the minister of
themselves with course students to pay for a ser- was to continue the teach- to finish handling some of education and the director
content and information vice that we have not re- ing. The meeting did not the topics. While in peri- of the school sit in their of-
while simultaneously pre- ceived? This system is a bring any justice to the od 3, we are still on topic fices and the teachers take
senting same to students. mess. voice of the students and it from period 2. We are the heat for them. The stu-
Is it fair to open a new The grading system has gave rise to the following confused and do not know dents of Colegio are ad-
course without the neces- been adjusted for period questions; What are they what to do and the people vocating for a change. We
sary resources to prop- 1 due to the level of poor going to teach? Didn’t in higher position do not refuse to sit in this pro-
erly facilitate it? Students organization and subse- DPS say the program does even care enough to hear gram while our money is
are asked to pay fees for quently this has caused it all?, why do we need to our voices. We want to be wasted. We need an urgent
a course which they are a disruption in the usual come to the school, why heard and see changes be- change.
not receiving lessons and schedule. There is a gen- do we need educators? It cause this new course was
to accept a new transition eral change in the teach- is so frustrating because not properly prepared for
standard that disregards ing approach as educa- DPS is listening to people any of the students, and Un docente.
their grades and achieve- tors are now in a rush to
academic semester. It is and students are at a dis- Detencion di prome sospechoso
ment for the previous have the test completed
demotivating, exhausting advantage. The introduc-
unbearable and has re- tion of the new program at di asesinato di rapper Boechi
sulted in a higher student Colegio EPI is a joke as it
WILLEMSTAD: E in- esaki, a bin haya sa cu e terie, pa detencion.
vestigacion rond di ase- sospechoso nobo aki no Den fin di siman, un
sinato cu a socede e ano- ta na Curaçao mas, sino team special di Recher-
chi di 9 December 2022 na Hulanda. che na Vlaardingen,
na Curaçao di Ruchendel E ora ey, Ministerio tabatin suficiente infor-
Windster, mihor conoci Publico di Willemstad a macion pa asina nan a
como ‘Boechi’, a produ- haci un peticion na Lan- tene un accion special
ci informacion nobo cer- delijk Parket di Neder- pa detene e sospechoso.
ca Recherche. Danki na landse Openbare Minis- Di e forma ey a detene e
homber Churendi C., di
44 aña naci na Curaçao.
A bin haya sa cu despues
di e crimen cometi na
December, el a huy pa
Hulanda y a bay sconde
na Vlaardingen.
E tin algun anteced-
ente, e.o. pa casonan di
atraco y tambe envolvi-
mento den otro caso di
Diahuebs siman pasa
el a wordo traslada cu
KLM di Hulanda pa
Bonaire, unda el a keda
encarcela den un sec-
cion special di prison na