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P. 16

                        Friday 12 July 2024

            U.S. appeals court says some NCAA athletes may qualify as

            employees under federal wage-and-hour laws

            By MARYCLAIRE DALE                                                                     The Division I athletes and for-  would  not  meet  the  same
            Legal Affairs Writer                                                                   mer athletes behind the suit  criteria as employees.”
            PHILADELPHIA (AP) — College                                                            in Philadelphia are seeking  A district judge had refused to
            athletes whose efforts primar-                                                         more modest hourly wages  throw out the case, prompt-
            ily benefit their schools may                                                          similar  to  those  earned  by  ing  the  Indianapolis-based
            qualify  as  employees  de-                                                            their peers in work-study pro-  NCAA  to  ask  the  appeals
            serving of pay under federal                                                           grams. They argue that col-  court to stop it from going
            wage-and-hour laws, a U.S.                                                             leges are violating fair labor  to  trial.  The  three-member
            appeals court ruled Thursday                                                           practices by failing to pay  panel  heard  arguments  in
            in a setback to the NCAA.                                                              them for the time they ded-  February.
            The court, in the latest chal-                                                         icate to their sports, which  Defendants  include  the
            lenge to the NCAA’s long-                                                              they say can average 30 or  NCAA and member schools
            held notion of “amateurism”                                                            more hours per week.         including  Duke  University,
            in college sports, said that a                                                         Lawyer  Paul  McDonald,  Villanova University and the
            test should be developed to                                                            representing  the  plaintiffs,  University  of  Oregon.  An
            differentiate  between  stu-  Signage  at  the  headquarters  of  the  NCAA  is  viewed  in   has  suggested  that  ath-  NCAA spokesperson did not
            dents who play college sports   Indianapolis, March 12, 2020.                          letes might make $2,000 per  immediately return messages
            for fun and those whose ef-                                           Associated Press  month or $10,000 per year for  seeking comment Thursday.
            fort  “crosses  the  legal  line  college or NCAA reveal an  judge for fact finding.   participating in NCAA sports.  The  unanimous  Supreme
            into work.”                  economic reality that is that  The ruling follows a 2021 Su-  He said that many students  Court decision that spawned
            “With professional athletes as  of an employee-employer.”  preme  Court  decision  that  need the money for every-  the NIL payments lifted the
            the clearest indicators, play-  A  colleague,  in  a  concur-  led the NCAA to amend its  day expenses.             ban on college compensa-
            ing sports can certainly con-  ring opinion, questioned the  rules to allow athletes to profit  “This  notion  that  college  tion beyond full-ride scholar-
            stitute compensable work,”  difficulty of such a process,  from their name, image and  athletes  cannot  be  both  ships. Schools recruiting top
            U.S. Circuit  Judge  L.  Felipe  noting  that  nearly  200,000  likeness. In May, the NCAA  students  and  employees  is  athletes now can offer tens
            Restrepo  wrote.  “Ultimate-  students compete on near-   announced  a  nearly  $2.8  just not accurate when you  of thousands of dollars in ed-
            ly,  the  touchstone  remains  ly 6,700 Division I teams. The  billion revenue-sharing plan  have student employees on  ucation-related benefits such
            whether the cumulative cir-  NCAA had hoped to have  that  could  steer  millions  of  campuses,” McDonald said  as study-abroad programs,
            cumstances of the relation-  the case dismissed, but it will  dollars  directly  to  athletes  Thursday. “It’s just beyond be-  computers  and  graduate
            ship between the athlete and  instead go back to the trial  by next year.              lief, the idea that the athletes  scholarships. q
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