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                   Tuesday 16 augusT 2022

            Continued from Front                                                                                                the main reason is to save
            The  new  law  will  invest                                                                                         money, rather than to help
            nearly  $375  billion  in  cli-                                                                                     the environment.
            mate  strategies  over  the                                                                                         Fewer — roughly a quarter
            next decade.                                                                                                        — say they use an electric-
            Overall,  35%  of  U.S.  adults                                                                                     ity supplier that gets power
            say they are "extremely" or                                                                                         from  renewable  sources,
            "very"  concerned  about                                                                                            and only about 1 in 10 live
            the  impact  of  climate                                                                                            in a home with solar panels
            change  on  them  person-                                                                                           or drive a hybrid or electric
            ally, down from 44% in Au-                                                                                          car.
            gust 2019. Another third say                                                                                        Brad Machincia, a 38-year-
            they  are  somewhat  con-                                                                                           old welder, said he wouldn't
            cerned.  Only  about  half                                                                                          switch from his gas car to an
            say  their  actions  have  an                                                                                       electric  vehicle.  While  he
            effect on climate change,                                                                                           said he grew up in a West
            compared  with  two-thirds                                                                                          Virginia   household   that
            in 2019.                                                                                                            used  renewable  energy
            Black  and  Hispanic  Ameri-                                                                                        sources, he hasn't adopted
            cans,  women  and  Demo-                                                                                            those practices for his fami-
            crats  are  especially  likely                                                                                      ly in Christiansburg, Virginia.
            to  be  strongly  concerned                                                                                         Climate  change  used  to
            about  the  impact  of  cli-                                                                                        be  a  concern  for  him,  but
            mate  change  on  them       Employees of NY State Solar, a residential and commercial photovoltaic systems company, install   at this point, he feels like it's
            personally and about how     an array of solar panels on a roof, Thursday, Aug. 11, 2022, in the Long Island hamlet of Mass-  "beating a dead horse."
            their  personal  choices  af-  apequa, N.Y.                                                                         "There's nothing we can do
            fect the climate.                                                                                  Associated Press  to fix it," he said.
            Many    climate   scientists                                                                                        Individuals  should  feel  em-
            told  The  Associated  Press  she's  cut  back  on  driv-  ernment is complicit in that  tion, buy products with less  powered to make climate-
            that the shifts are concern-  ing.  She  thinks  individuals  behavior.                packaging and recycle.       driven  decisions  that  not
            ing but not surprising given  should do what they're told  "I don't know if that makes  Among  Americans  who  only help reduce emissions
            that  individuals  are  feeling  will help, but "it doesn't start  sense to say that individuals  believe in climate change,  but also improve their lives,
            overwhelmed  by  a  range  with little ol' me. It has to be  should have to work and fix  70%  say  it  will  be  neces-  said  Jonathan  Foley,  ex-
            of issues, now including an  larger scale," she said.     the  climate,"  the  Denver  sary for individuals to make  ecutive director at climate
            economy  plagued  by  in-    While  the  climate  crisis  will  resident  said.  "I  would  say  major  lifestyle  changes  to  nonprofit   Project   Draw-
            flation after more than two  require an "all of the above  my individual actions hard-  combat  the  issue.  Most  down. Foley thinks the find-
            years of a pandemic. In ad-  approach," it's "reasonable"  ly mean anything at all."   think  individuals  have  at  ings show that efforts to en-
            dition  to  being  outpaced  that  individuals  don't  feel  U.S. household greenhouse  least some responsibility.  gage  Americans  need  to
            by  other  issues,  climate  they  have  the  bandwidth  gas  emissions  are  not  as  Individuals   can   believe  shift away from doomsday
            change or the environment  to  tackle  climate  action  much  as  those  from  cars,  they personally don't have  scenarios,  include  diverse
            are mentioned as priorities  "on top of everything else,"  trucks and other transporta-  a  direct  impact  while  also  messengers  and  focus  on
            by  fewer  Americans  now  said Kim Cobb, director of  tion, electrical power gen-     recognizing  that  collective  the  ways  climate  solutions
            than just a few years ago,  the  Institute  at  Brown  Uni-  erating and industry. A 2020  action  is  essential  to  com-  can  intersect  with  Ameri-
            according to the poll.       versity for Environment and  University of Michigan study  batting  climate  change,  cans' other priorities.
            Diane  Panicucci  in  West  Society.                      of  93  million  U.S.  homes  said  Shahzeen  Attari,  who  Julio  Carmona,  a  37-year-
            Warwick,  Rhode  Island,  Roughly two-thirds of Amer-     estimates  that  20%  of  U.S.  studies  human  behavior  old  financial  clerk,  said  he
            believes  climate  change  icans  say  the  U.S.  federal  greenhouse  gas  emissions  and climate change at In-    recently  transitioned  his
            is  happening  and  that  it  government,    developed  comes  from  home  energy  diana University.                home  in  Bridgeport,  Con-
            needs  to  be  addressed.  countries abroad and cor-      use,  with  wealthier  Ameri-  The poll shows about 6 in 10  necticut,  to  solar  energy
            But for her, it's a lower prior-  porations  and  industries  cans'  per  capita  footprints  Americans  say  they  have  because  the  switch  will
            ity compared with other is-  have  a  large  responsibility  about 25% higher than low-  reduced  their  driving,  re-  help  reduce  his  carbon
            sues, including inflation and  to address climate change.  income residents.           duced  their  use  of  heat  footprint and his expenses,
            food and drug costs.         Fewer — 45% — say that of  But  like  many  others  that  or  air  conditioning  and  even if modestly.
            "There's  so  much  unrest  in  individual people.        spoke to the AP, that differ-  bought  used  products  in-  "I  thought  that  it  was  just
            this country right now," the  Jack Hermanson, a 23-year-  ence  hasn't  stopped  Her-  stead  of  new  ones.  Nearly  something  smart  for  us  to
            62-year-old  said.  "People  old software engineer, feels  manson  from  trying.  He's  three-quarters are using en-  do long term," he said. "I just
            are suffering."              strongly  that  corporations  been a vegetarian for four  ergy  efficient  appliances.  kind  of  wanted  to  do  my
            Panicucci    added    solar  are  the  "major  culprits"  of  years,  and  he  tries  to  bike  Among those who are tak-  part, whether or not it's gon-
            panels  to  her  house,  and  emissions and that the gov-  or  take  public  transporta-  ing  those  steps,  most  say  na make a difference."q

                                                                      U.S. offers more monkeypox vaccine to

                                                                      states and cities

                                                                      NEW YORK (AP) — U.S. offi-   allowing  221,000  doses  to  tion's limited supply of Jyn-
                                                                      cials  said  they are able  to  be  ordered  starting  Mon-  neos  monkeypox  vaccine
                                                                      ship  out  more  monkeypox  day.  But  officials  said  they  by  giving  people  one-fifth
                                                                      vaccine  doses  than  previ-  would   release   442,000  the  usual  dose,  injected
                                                                      ously  planned  —  because  doses  for  order  by  state,  just  under  the  skin.  Previ-
                                                                      of  a  strategy  shift  that  al-  local  and  territorial  health  ously,  each  vaccine  dose
            Jonathan Parducho, a pharmacist, removes a tray of vials of of   lows  more  shots  to  be  departments. The acceler-  required a full vial injected
            the Jynneos vaccine for monkeypox from a box containing 20   drawn from each vial.     ated release was only pos-   into  deeper  tissue.  They
            doses, in the vaccine hub at Zuckerberg San Francisco General
            Hospital, July 29, 2022, in San Francisco.                The  U.S.  Department  of  sible  because  U.S.  health  cited  research  suggesting
                                                     Associated Press   Health and Human Services  officials said last week that  that the reduced amount is
                                                                      had previously anticipated  they would stretch the na-    about as effective.q
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