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Thursday 11 June 2020
Convenience Food and Health
By: Carlos Viana, Board lines” in the 80’s & 90’s In fact, these lab-altered, dustry funded research
Certified Clinical Nutritionist came with a message that insecticide filled, chemi- that downplayed the risks
(USA) time-consuming prepara- cally processed foods can of sugar and highlighted
tion of fresh meals is a thing have a negative effect the hazards of fat, an in-
ST. CRUZ — Most conve- of the past and conve- on health. Junk food, high dustry group called the
nience stores are filled nience food was modern processed food diets are Sugar Research Founda-
with convenience (pro- solution. Governments all linked to digestive issues, tion wanted to "refute" con-
cessed packaged) and/ over the world have been higher risk of obesity, de- cerns about sugar's pos-
or junk foods. The diction- allowing the food manu- pression, heart disease and sible role in heart disease,
ary defines “junk food” as facturing industry to cheat stroke, type 2 diabetes, and instead, put the blame (omega 9 from animal fat,
“food that is unhealthy but us, promoting a diet based cancer, and early death. on fat. People stopped omega 6 from vegetable
is quick and easy to eat” mostly on carbohydrates. eating fat because they fat, and omega 3 from fish
and “food that is not good Processed grains need little It is not just sugar, pro- were told it made them fat fat - *flax is a vegan option
for your health because it to no refrigeration, have a cessed grains, spike your or the foods would raise for 6 and 3), vitamins and
is high in fat, sugar, or artifi- long shelf life and do not body’s insulin. Spiking insulin their cholesterol. The “fat minerals also from fruits and
cial substances.” spoil like fresh, whole, natu- causes sugar to enter your free” diet hurt the health vegetables. There are no
ral foods. They also make cells too quickly. So, while of people because in “low “essential carbohydrates”.
Difficult to miss, fast food huge profits for big compa- eating these, your body’s fat” foods, the fat was re- Meats, fish, vegetables,
restaurants with big market- nies. response is to continue to placed by sugar. Lies that and fruits contain a small
ing budgets, selling meals feel hungry. You never feel greatly contribute to the amount of carbohydrates.
at cheap prices are every- Complex carbohydrates full or satisfied. You end up obesity epidemic. Be sure to eat a very varied
where. Junk food is placed are whole and nutritionally craving more “fast” food. diet. Try keeping nuts, seeds
at check-out counters in all complete like brown rice, This 'trick' is used by the in- Board certified in Nutri- and boiled eggs available
kinds of shops to entice im- sweet potato, beans and dustry, offering a drink refill tion; I never recommend for “convenient” healthy-
pulse buying to those, hun- others. Simple carbohy- "free". The artificial sugar fat-free diets. Foods high fat, snacks.
gry, tired or stressed. Occa- drates include highly pro- in the counter drink, spikes in natural fats are good for
sionally even I, will snack on cessed grains and starchy your insulin, so you go you. I eat eggs, salt-free Get the Point! You may be
some convenience or junk vegetables made into back to order more food. butter, olive oil and avoca- looking for convenience
food. The desire and need bread, rice, crackers, cere- Natural, unprocessed food does, all sources of good as we return to our busy
for women to work along als and snack foods which releases its sugar slowly, cholesterol. Your brain is lives. We occasionally buy
with government “guide- have no nutritional value. allowing your expanded 80% fat! What you do not a cooked meal to bring
stomach to produce cho- want to do is fry your food. home, choosing the best
lecystokinin (CCK), the first When you fry oil, the high possible ingredients but
discovered hormone that temperatures change the also convenience, and yes,
makes you feel satisfied. healthy fat into a ‘bad’ fat. once-in-a-while, I have and
What is real or the truth? ice-cream (real sugar, no
When shopping for food, You can stay on a low car- high-fructose corn-syrup) or
stay close to outer walls. bohydrate diet for the rest a grilled cheese sandwich
This is where the coolers are of your long life, eating pro- (though we prefer sprout-
usually placed for “health- tein, vegetables, a little fruit ed grain or homemade
ier” fresh produce, meats, and good fat. You do not bread) But, how often you
fish, and frozen frozen food. need any carbohydrates! ‘cheat’ matters when it
The aisles in the middle Carbohydrates, especial- comes to the impact of
have cans, snacks, candy ly with type O blood, the junk food on your health. A
and processed, ready to most common blood type, healthy body metabolizes
eat “pre-cooked” pack- is the foundation of type everything it needs. If you
ages full of added sugar, 2 diabetes. The essential are eating “healthy” and
grain, salts and artificial foods, those that you need still having digestive issues,
ingredients. You know, to survive and stay healthy or just need some guid-
“quick and easy” conve- are: essential amino acids ance, come in for some
nience food. Another food (from protein like beans, le- nutritional counseling. We
propaganda, in the 1960s, gumes, meat, poultry and can help you make eating
the United States sugar in- fish), essential fatty acids healthy convenient. q