P. 8

8                                                                                                              Antilliaans Dagblad Dinsdag 9 januari 2018


BIOSCOPEN                                   A US-Latin American military                                                                          HET WEER OP
                                     intervention in Venezuela? It’s a long shot                                                                                                                                DE ANTILLEN

      4 - 10 JANUARI                 OPINIE                                                                                                       Verwachting voor               N
                                                                                                                                                  vanmiddag 12 uur      WO
TAD THE LOST EXPLORER AND            By Andrés Oppenheimer
THE SECRET OF KING MIDAS                                                                                                                          windkracht 4 - 5 bft           Z
Nieuw deze week                      O ne of Venezuela’s most                                                                                     golfhoogte 1 - 2 m
Dagelijks: 17.45                               prominent intellectuals,
Zat.- en zondagmatinee: 12.45 15.15            Harvard economics                                                                                  BOVENWINDSE EILANDEN
                                     professor Ricardo Hausmann,                                                                                                  Sint Maarten
JUMANJI: WELCOME                     has just published an article
TO THE JUNGLE                        that is raising eyebrows across                                                                              STahbeaBottom24  27Philipsburg
Dagelijks: 20.15                     the hemisphere: He is calling
Zat.- en zondagmatinee: 14.45        for a military intervention by                                                                                                     Oranjestad
Late show vr. en zat.: 23.00         the United States and other
                                     countries as the only way to end     Andrés Oppenheimer                    FOTO ANDRESOPPENHEIMER.COM        St. Eustatius 27
STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI             Venezuela’s humanitarian
Dagelijks: 18.15                     crisis.                              al candidates, and has stolen        so serious, and is deteriorating   BENEDENWINDSE EILANDEN
                                                                          three municipal and regional         so rapidly, that awareness of its
FERDINAND                               In his January 2 syndicated       elections.                           gravity is rising across the re-   Oranjestad       28 28
Dagelijks: 17.15 19.30               article, ‘D-Day Venezuela’,                                               gion.”
Zat.- en zondagmatinee: 13.00        Hausmann proposes that Vene-            Furthermore, Hausmann                                                       Aruba       Willemstad
                                     zuela’s opposition-controlled        argues that the Trump admi-             Hausmann is right in that
COCO                                 National Assembly impeach            nistration’s targeted financial      current talks between the oppo-                              Curaçao
Zat.- en zondagmatinee: 12.45 15.15  dictator Nicolás Maduro and          and visa sanctions against top       sition and Maduro’s dictators-
                                     appoint a new constitutional         Venezuelan officials, which          hip are not likely to succeed                                         28  Bron:
‘TIL DEATH DO US PART                government, which in turn            were started by President Ba-        because Maduro won’t allow
Dagelijks: 21.45                     could request military assistan-     rack Obama, won’t be enough          free and fair elections. And one       26                Kralendijk
                                     ce from other countries.             to topple the regime.                could argue in support of his
ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD                                                                                     argument that Venezuela is         Venezuela                   Bonaire
Dagelijks: 21.30                        Hausmann argues that all             It’s naive to think that, as the  already invaded by a foreign
Zat.- en zondagmatinee: 15.30        other avenues for a negotiated       economy worsens, the govern-         country - Cuba, which virtually            VANDAAG
                                     solution to Venezuela’s crisis       ment will lose power, or there       runs the Maduro regime.
JUMANJI: WELCOME TO                  have been closed by Maduro.          will be a coup d’etat, he says.                                         Overwegend half bewolkt en
THE JUNGLE MX-3D                     An international military ‘coali-    Senior military officers are so         But, judging from what I’m      droog. In de ochtend tijdelijk
Dagelijks: 21.15                     tion of the willing’ to support a    involved in smuggling, drug-         hearing from U.S. and Latin        zwaarbewolkt met kans op
Zat.- en zondagmatinee: 15.45        new government appointed by          trafficking and extra-judicial       American diplomats, Haus-          een bui. Matige tot vrij
                                     the National Assembly would          killings that they have a perso-     mann’s proposal for a military     krachtige oost- en zuid-
JUMANJI: WELCOME TO                  be legitimate and would have         nal investment in keeping the        intervention is highly unlikely    oostenwind; windkracht 4 tot
THE JUNGLE MX-2D                     many historic precedents, he         regime afloat, he says.              to get off the ground.             5 met af en toe uitschieters.
Dagelijks: 18.30                     says.                                                                                                        De zee is vrij rustig met golf-
Zat.- en zondagmatinee: 13.00                                                After reading the story, I           Most Latin American coun-       hoogtes van 1 tot 2 meter.
                                        Venezuela’s independence          called Hausmann and asked            tries have refused to even apply
JUMANJI: WELCOME TO                  hero, Simón Bolívar, himself         him whether he thinks that           personal financial and visa                 MORGEN
THE JUNGLE 3D                        gained the title of Liberator of     there is the slightest chance that   sanctions against Venezuelan
Dagelijks: 17.30                     Venezuela thanks to an 1814          the United States and Latin          officials. Even the leaders of     Licht tot half bewolkt met
                                     invasion organized and finan-        American and European coun-          Mexico, Brazil, Argentina and      kans op een plaatselijke lich-
PITCH PERFECT 3                      ced by neighboring Nueva Gra-        tries would support his military     Peru, who have been the most       te bui.
Dagelijks: 19.45 22.00               nada (today’s Colombia), Haus-       action proposal.                     vocal critics of Maduro, would
Zat.- en zondagmatinee: 14.30        mann argues. And France,                                                  oppose a military intervention     7               9     5
Late show vr. en zat.: 23.00         Belgium and the Netherlands             One of Latin America’s most       for fear of being called ‘U.S.                   8
                                     liberated themselves from op-        sacred foreign policy principles     lackeys’ by the opposition in
DOWNSIZING                           pressive regimes thanks to           following U.S. invasions in the      their respective countries.        Wega di
Dagelijks: 16.45 20.00               international military actions in    19th and 20th centuries has
Zat.- en zondagmatinee: 12.45        World War II, he adds.               been opposition to U.S. inter-          And a U.S. call for a regional  number
                                                                          ventions. Furthermore, polls         ‘military option’ could backfire,                Hausmann, a former Vene-          show Trump is the most unpo-         giving Maduro ammunition to
                                     zuelan planning minister who         pular U.S. president in Latin        proclaim himself a victim of
      4 - 10 JANUARI                 heads Harvard’s Center for           America in recent history, I         ‘U.S. imperialism’. What the
                                     International Development,           noted.                               international community
INSIDIOUS: THE LAST KEY              says that efforts to find a negoti-                                       should urgently do, in coordina-
Nieuw deze week                      ated electoral solution to Vene-        And on the U.S. front, despi-     tion with Venezuela’s opposi-
Dagelijks: 19.15 21.45               zuela’s growing humanitarian         te Trump’s short-lived remark        tion, is escalate diplomatic and
Zat.- en zondagmatinee: 12.45 15.15  crisis are not going anywhere.       in August that he would not          targeted economic sanctions
                                                                          rule out a ‘military option’ in      against Maduro unless he re-
THE GREATEST SHOWMAN                    Maduro has torpedoed such         Venezuela, it is extremely unli-     turns constitutional powers to
Dagelijks: 20.30                     talks time and again. Since July,    kely that the Trump administra-      the National Assembly and
Zat.- en zondagmatinee: 13.00 15.30  Maduro has appointed an un-          tion would seriously consider        restores democratic rule.
                                     constitutional Constituent As-       that possibility at a time when it
PHANTOM THREAD                       sembly to re-write the Constitu-     is struggling with bigger threats    Dit artikel van Andrés Oppenhei-
Dagelijks: 17.45 20.30               tion and replace key powers of       from North Korea and Iran, I         mer, redacteur van Miami He-
                                     the democratically elected Na-       added.                               rald, verscheen vrijdag in deze
FATHER FIGURES                       tional Assembly, has banned                                               gezaghebbende krant in Florida.
Dagelijks: 17.15 20.00               the three main opposition par-          ,,Venezuelans are dying of        Hij heeft op zondag ook de
Late show vr. en zat.: 22.45         ties from putting up presidenti-     hunger and lack of medicines,        tv-show ‘Oppenheimer Presenta’
                                                                          and Latin America’s attitudes        op CNN en Español.
JUMANJI: WELCOME TO                                                       are changing,” Hausmann
THE JUNGLE                                                                replied. ,,Venezuela’s tragedy is
Dagelijks: 18.30 21.15
Late show vr. en zat.: 23.00         Van een onzer verslaggevers           Cursussen                           met daarin informatie en tips.     Kòrsou
Zat.- en zondagmatinee: 13.00 15.45  Willemstad - Neurofitnesscur-                                             In de laatste editie wordt aan-
                                     sussen dragen bij aan de pre-        neurofitness                         dacht besteed aan het goed         Maandag 8 januari
FERDINAND                            ventie van obesitas. De cursus-                                           lezen van etiketten om de voe-
Dagelijks: 17.45                     sen worden aangeboden door           van obesitas. Meer informatie        dingswaarden van producten te      6  4788               4
Zat.- en zondagmatinee: 12.45 15.00  gewichtsconsulente Melly Berg-       hierover is te verkrijgen via de     leren kennen. In het boekje           9351               2
                                     land en vinden plaats op zater-      nummers 8697733, 8693275 of          worden verschillende termen        0  0487
STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI             dag 13 januari om 11.00 uur en       via de app. op 5208544. Mailen       op de etiketten van voedings-
Dagelijks: 20.00                     op maandag 13 januari om             kan ook naar info@coachingin-        producten uitgelegd.
Zat.- en zondagmatinee: 12.45 16.00  19.00 uur. Ook wordt er op 14
                                     januari, van 16.00 tot 18.00 uur                                          i
COCO                                 bij de Piramid Top, een lezing          Gewichtsconsulent Bergland
Zat.- en zondagmatinee: 12.45 15.15  gehouden over de bestrijding         brengt ook wekelijks boekjes uit     i

Laatste week
Dagelijks: 18.00
Late show vr. en zat.: 23.15

Laatste week
Late show vr. en zat.: 23.15
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