Page 16 - IVA
P. 16
CLASSIFIED Thursday 7 december 2017
Dr. Angela
Tel. 583 9669
San Nicolas
Dr. Ramautar
Divi Links Golf Tel. 584 4280
studio WK 48 room #2108 EMERGENCIA 911
26/10 Weeks remain $5,000
divi Village
1br WK 50 rm # 3202
17 Weeks remain $5,500
call:630-1307 POLICE 100
NOORD 527-3200
Aruba Divi Phoenix STA. CRUZ 527-2900
In this Wednesday Dec. 6, 2017 photo, baker Martha Rabello 1br WK 47 rm#1206 SAN NICOLAS 584-5000
bakes coffee cookies in the kitchen of Fanwood Presbyterian POLICE TIPLINE 11141
Church in Fanwood, N.J. 18/10 weeks remain $6,500 FIRE DEPT. 115
(AP Photo/Julio Cortez) 1br WK 50 rm#502 FIRE DEPT. 582-1108
35/10 remain $6,500 HOSPITAL 527-4000
Lawsuit is half baked over New call:630-1307 DENTAL CLINIC 587-9850
Jersey home baked goods ban AMBULANCE 582-1234
Paradise Beach Villas RED CROSS 582-2219
By A. IZAGUIRRE pending litigation. 1 br Wk 45 room #304
Associated Press New Jersey became the 1 br WK 47 room #214 Women in Difficulties
Home bakers in New Jer- only state in the country to Garden View $4,500 each PHARMACY
sey say their brownies and bar the sale of homemade call:630-1307 Oranjestad:
muffins are perfectly safe baked goods after a similar Eagle Tel. 587 9011
and they should be able rule in Wisconsin was invali- San Nicolas
to sell them, according to dated in June. Special Of The Week Seroe Preto Tel. 584 4833
a lawsuit filed Wednesday The nearly decade-long Aruba Divi Phoenix
seeking to strike down the push to overturn the regu- 2br Week7 room#751/752 INFORMATION 118
country’s only ban on the lation in New Jersey has 32weeks on the contract TAXI-TAS 587-5900
sale of homemade baked gained supporters who say reduce Price PROF. TAXI 588-0035
goods. that people should be able $25K usage 2017 TAXI D.T.S. 587-2300
The New Jersey Home Bak- to sell baked goods without call:630-1307 SERVICE AUA 583-3232
ers Association sued the going through the expen- A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850
state’s health department sive and time-consuming 280-2828
over rules that require effort of opening a store- cruIse shIP
people to have a license front. A legislative proposal Divi Dutch Village
before they can sell their has been blocked by a 1br WK46 rm#71 $5,500
home-baked treats. state senator who says that 14/6 weeks remain
“Right now, people need home kitchens need to be 2br WK47 rm# 103 $6,500
every chance they can get regulated like any other 17 Full Weeks Old contract December 7
to make an honest living,” bakery if people are going call:630-1307 celebrity eclipse
said plaintiff Martha Ra- to cash in on their cookies. carnival Vista
bello, a 38-year-old mother “I want to strike a balance Aruba Airport 524-2424
of two who said she likes here,” said Sen. Joseph Marriott Surf Club American Airlines 582-2700
to make bite-sized cookies Vitale, a Democrat who 2br Gold GV $4,000 Avianca 588-0059
that pair with coffee. “We chairs a state committee 2br Gold OV $7,000 Aruba Airlines 583-8300
want to be on the right side on health and has refused 2br Gold Os $8,500 Jet Blue 588-2244
of the law.” to bring a bill up for a vote. 2br Gold OF $14,000 Surinam 582-7896
A spokeswoman for the The bakers also note in their 3br Gold OV $12,000 Aruba Foundation
New Jersey Department lawsuit that the state allows call:630-1307 For those Visually Incapasitated
of Health said the agen- them to sell the same treats Tel. 582-5051
cy doesn’t comment on at charity events.q AL-ANON group
Marriott Ocean Club Sabana Liber #8, Noord
Timeshare For Sale TIME SHARE FOR RENT 1br Gold OV $5,000 Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081
Divi Golf & Beach Divi Phoenix 2br Gold OV $8,500
studio unit #2353, birdie one bedroom 2 full bath room # 1br Gold OF $9,000 FUNDACIONS
week #50 633 price $4500 for 2 weeks 2br Gold OF $16,000 Tel. 582-4433
23 uses left on contract call or text 215 9067397 call:630-1307
$9,000 usd e-mail Centro Diabetic Arubano
Includes 2018 maintenance fee ________________________________208196 Tel. 524-8888 We KNOW hOW TO seLL Narcotics Anonymous
631 848 1024 (usa) yOur TIme share IN aruba Tel. 583-8989
31 years exp your local
Time share experts QUOTA Club
Vacation Special TIME SHARE FOR SALE Free appraisal, No Listings Fee Tel. 525-2672
Divi Dutch Village Divi Phoenix
week #49 dec. 9-16 4P only one bedroom unit # 633 sleeps call:630-1307 Women in Difficulties
$500 up to 6 people week 1 and 2 Foundation
Tel. 583-5400
aruba beach club have 37 weeks left price $37000 ________________________________208675
week 51 and 52 1 bedroom 5P for 2 weeks Bloodbank Aruba
$1200 Tel. 587-0002
call 583 4403 / 560 3297 or call 215 9067397 mrs Lydia
________________________________208678 ________________________________208196