Page 20 - AB FEB 18 2022
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                                                                                                   U S NEWS Diabierna 18 Februari 2022

                       National Guard deploys for new emergency: Teacher shortages

            (AP) — On past deployments Army National
            Guard  Spc.  Michael  Stockwell  surveilled  a
            desolate  section  of  the  U.S.-Mexico  border
            during a migrant surge, and guarded a ring of
            checkpoints and fences around New Mexico’s
            state Capitol after the January 2021 insurrec-
            tion in Washington.

            On his current mission, Stockwell helps students
            with assignments as a substitute science teacher at
            Alamogordo High School.

            Dozens  of  National  Guard  Army  and  Air  Force
            troops in New Mexico have been stepping in for
            an emergency unlike others they have responded
            to before: the shortage of teachers and school staff
            members that has tested the ability of schools na-
            tionwide to continue operating during the corona-

                                                             virus pandemic.                 had reported closing down for at  in  her  day  job  as  a  student  co-
                                                                                             least one day this school year.  ordinator at a military boarding
             “Dios ta amor... y amor ta                      While  many  other  states  and                                 school  in  Roswell,  which  has
             Dios, maske mi no ta na e                       school  districts  issued  pleas  for  New  Mexico  saw  a  surge  of  given her an edge as a substitute.
             mundo aki, tur dia lo mi ta                     substitute  teachers  amid  omi-  teacher  retirements  last  fall,
             banda di boso Curazon, mi por
             stens di loke Señor ta hasi”                    cron-driven surges in infections,  and  there  are  currently  around  At  a  middle  school  on  Al-
             Salmo 33                                        New Mexico has been alone in  1,000 open teaching positions in  amogordo’s Holloman Air Force
                                                             calling  out  its  National  Guard  a state with about 20,000 teach-  Base, students are used to seeing
             Cu dolor na nos curason, nos                    members. In 36 of the state’s 89  ers. Grisham stressed the guard  people  in  uniform,  but  not  in
             ta participa fayecimento di nos                 school districts, guard members  deployment is a temporary mea-  classrooms.
             ser stima:                                      have traded in mission briefs for  sure and state officials are work-
                                                             lesson plans to work for school  ing to bolster the teaching force  The  substitute,  Lt.  Amanda
                   Rosarita Wiersma-Morel                    systems.                        and  school  staff  through  in-  Zollo, works in the 911 dispatch
                                                                                             creased pay and other strategies.
                                                                                                                             center  in  Albuquerque  when
                        *04-08-1932 - †13-02-2022            When  Stockwell  first  walked                                  she’s not training or serving with
                                                             into the freshman science class,  At  Alamogordo  High  School,  the guard. She kept students on
                  Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues
                                                             wearing camouflage fatigues and  the  teacher  shortage  peaked  on  task during a lesson about cyber-
                                                             combat  boots,  some  students  Jan. 13, when 30 teachers, about  security, as they created and then
                                                             thought he was just visiting, like  a third of the teaching staff, were  attempted to break each other’s
                                                             a recruiter. Then he took a seat  out  due  to  illness,  professional  passwords.
                                                             in the teacher’s chair.         training, or family emergencies.
                                                                                                                             She  was  subbing  for  a  teacher
                                                             Roughly  80  service  members  In  some  communities,  there  who was having trouble finding
                                                             have  volunteered  to  work  in  have been concerns raised about  childcare.  The  principal,  Whit-
                                                             schools.  The  troops  have  gone  soldiers going in classrooms. In  ney  Anderson,  said  that  hav-
                                                             through background checks and  Santa Fe, the school district was  ing  Zollo’s  services  meant  that
                                                             taken brief courses required for  asked  if  soldiers  would  wear  for the first time that week she
                                                             substitute  teachers.  As  substi-  uniforms and carry guns, school  didn’t have to take over a class-
             The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
              He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:    tutes,  they  don’t  have  to  learn  district spokesperson Cody Dy-  room herself.
             He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth   much  about  curriculum,  but  narski  said.  Guns  were  always
             my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness   they need to be attentive to stu-  out of the question. The district  Zollo  doesn’t  talk  about  her
             for His name’s sake.                            dents.                          decided that soldiers would wear  work as an infantry officer with
                                                                                             civilian clothing.              her students, which, after a ner-
             With deep sorrow we announce the passing of our   Stockwell  has  been  filling  in                             vous laugh, she describes as “en-
             beloved:                                        since  late  January  when  his  Ultimately,  Santa  Fe  and  Albu-  gaging  with  and  destroying  the
                                                             students’  teacher  moved  to  an  querque,  two  of  the  largest  ur-  enemies  of  the  U.S.  in  close-
                                                             administrative  role  in  another  ban school districts, did not re-  quarter combat.”
                                                             school. One recent day, he shuf-  ceive  any  soldiers  despite  their
                                                             fled through the rows of school  requests  as  the  deployments
                                                             desks, kneeling to meet students  have  prioritized  smaller  and
                                                             eye-to-eye  as  he  helped  them  more rural school districts.
                                                             with assignments calculating the
                                                             depth  of  the  earth’s  crust,  and  Elsewhere,  when  given  the
                                                             other layers of the planet.     choice, some soldiers have opted
                                                                                             for  military  fatigues  over  civil-
                                                             Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, a  ian clothes to command respect
                                                             Democrat, called out the guard  in  the  classroom,  particularly
             Shirley Sylvia van Heyningen-Raymond            to help with the acute shortages  if  they’re  not  much  older  than
                         *29-01-1938 †16-02-2022             in  a  state  that  like  several  oth-  their students.
             Condolence and funeral date will be announced later   ers has struggled to find enough
                                                             educators.  At  least  100  schools  Sierra  already  works  with  kids
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