Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20200402
P. 31
locAl Thursday 2 april 2020
Military cooks prepare lunch meals for food bank Aruba
SAVANETA — Since March Desaroyo). The food is pre-
30, the military cooks from pared by the kitchen staff
Marinebase Savaneta of the Marinebase, which
have been preparing 200 then is transported by Ana-
lunch meals per day for the conda to the location of
less fortunate. FPNC.
The food is kept warm by
They will do so for one week special transport contain-
and in collaboration with ers. Volunteers of the food
the Fundacion Pa Nos Co- bank distribute the food
munidad (FPNAC) Aruba in convenient take away
and the CEDE (Centro pa trays.q
Frequently Asked Questions of Covid-19
By the Department of Public tive test result in the absence of 5. Can a person test negative and you must stay at home for 7 days,
Health (DVG Aruba) symptoms is very low. Further- later test positive for COVID-19? but all other household members
more, because of testing capac- A negative result means that the who remain well must stay at
1. What are the symptoms and ity, only those complying with spe- virus that causes COVID-19 was home and not leave the house for
complications that COVID-19 can cific criteria will be tested. There is not found in the person’s sample. 14 days. The 14-day period starts
cause? a sufficient amount of tests avail- In the early stages of infection, it from the day when the first person
Reported illnesses have ranged able for those complying with the is possible the virus will not be de- in the house became ill.
from mild symptoms to severe ill- criteria. tected. For COVID-19, a negative
ness and death for confirmed test result for a sample collected 8. Who is at higher risk of getting
coronavirus disease 2019 (COV- 4. What are the criteria for testing? while a person has symptoms like- very sick from this illness?
ID-19) cases. The following symp- The criteria for testing is adapted ly means that the COVID-19 virus Older adults, people with under-
toms may appear 2-14 days after in accordance with the develop- is not causing their current illness. lying medical conditions (heart
exposure: fever, cough, shortness ments surrounding the virus. At the disease, diabetes, lung disease,
of breath or sore throat. moment, the criteria for testing in- 6. When do I need to go in quar- HIV). Therefore, they are recom-
clude the following: antine? mended to self-quarantine as a
2. When can I get tested? You need to go in quarantine if preventive measure.
To be tested, you need to com- A patient with acute respiratory ill- you recently travelled abroad, or
ply with several criteria. If you ness (cough or shortness of breath if you are instructed to do so by 9. I live in a house with a person
experience the symptoms of the or sore throat) the Department of Public Health. that has been sent into quaran-
coronavirus, call the national Call The latter may be because you tine, can I leave the house?
Center (2800101) and the profes- AND one or more of the following have been in contact with a con- You can leave the house if you
sionals will assess and inform you if (3) criteria: firmed case of COVID-19. have maintained yourself (your-
you meet the criteria for testing. If with a travel history during the selves) to the follow rules:
this is the case, you will be provid- past 14 days (prior to onset of 7. How long should I stay home if I Sleeping in separate bedrooms.
ed with further instructions. If you symptoms) have coronavirus-like symptoms? Using separate areas. If you are
are not being tested, this means OR who has been in close con- If you live alone and you have sharing the same space, clean
that you do not comply with the tact with a confirmed case during symptoms of coronavirus illness this area regularly.
criteria. the past 14 days (prior to onset of (COVID-19), however mild, stay at
symptoms) home for 7 days from when your Maintain “Social Distancing” with
3. Why is preventive testing not OR who has had repetitive close symptoms started. a minimum of 2 meters (6 feet)
done? contact (within 1 meter) with any- distance from each other at all
Because it is not effective; it gives one with a travel history during If you live with others and you are times.
information on a specific point in the past 14 days (prior to onset of the first in the household to have Keep your house as open as
time and the likelihood of a posi- symptoms) symptoms of coronavirus, then possibel.q