Page 9 - WEB OCT 7, 2015
P. 9
BUSINESSWednesday 7 October 2015
US group: Put Alibaba site back on “notorious” fakes list
HONG KONG (AP) — A Trade Representative to clean up the site. ous reforms” is behind the that it’s ready to discuss
clothing and shoe industry return Alibaba to its list of “Our members face enor- group’s decision to call for problems with the group,
group is calling for the U.S. online and physical mar- mous difficulty working with Taobao’s reinstatement to “however for months they
government to put Chi- ketplaces that reportedly Taobao in solving the prob- the list, she said. have refused to meet with
nese e-commerce giant engage in or facilitate sub- lem of counterfeits, mean- Members have com- us.”
Alibaba’s Taobao site back stantial copyright piracy while illegal merchandise plained about “the slow, Earlier this year, French lux-
on its list of “Notorious Mar- and trademark counterfeit- continues to proliferate,” sluggish, and confusing sys- ury products group Kering
kets” for counterfeit goods. ing. the association’s president, tems Taobao uses to pro- SA, which owns Gucci and
The American Apparel and Fakes have been a long- Juanita Duggan, said in a cess takedown requests” Yves Saint Laurent,
Footwear Association said running problem for Al- statement. for offending listings, the
Tuesday that “counterfeits ibaba Group. Taobao was “The sheer volume of coun- group said. It represents filed suit in a New York
remain rampant” on Tao- first added to the list in 2011 terfeits on the site as re- brands such as American Court against Alibaba, ac-
bao three years after it was and removed a year later ported by our members, Eagle, Jockey, Macy’s and cusing it of profiting from
taken off the list. after the company worked along with the company’s Abercrombie and Fitch sales of counterfeits de-
The group urged the U.S. with trademark owners to unwillingness to make seri- Alibaba said in a statement spite its pledge to combat
A rally in energy stocks doesn’t lift broader market
KEN SWEET Traders Glenn Kessler, left, and Kevin Lodewick work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. hit hard. The Nasdaq Bio-
AP Business Writer U.S. stocks paused Tuesday, closing moderately lower after five straight days of gains. technology Index fell near-
NEW YORK (AP) — U.S. ly 4 percent after the re-
stocks paused Tuesday, (AP Photo/Richard Drew) cently announced 12-na-
closing moderately lower tion Trans-Pacific Partner-
after five straight days of or 0.7 percent, to 4,748.36. 8 percent, to $55.21. Du- in recent years, and the ship trade deal provided
gains. DuPont and energy The biggest gainer in the Pont’s CEO Ellen Kullman company has been a tar- only eight years of certain
companies rose sharply, S&P 500 and Dow was announced she would re- get of activist investors like kinds of drug patent pro-
but the overall market was chemical giant DuPont, tire effective next week. Du- Nelsen Peltz. tection, less than the 12
weighed down by health- which rose $3.93, or nearly Pont’s profits have lagged Biotechnology stocks were years that the industry was
care stocks, especially bio- lobbying for.
technology companies. Biotech stocks have been
Investors remain mostly in hammered in recent
standby mode, with the months because of inves-
closely watched minutes tor concerns that the in-
from the Federal Reserve’s dustry might face more
September meeting com- scrutiny from Washington
ing out on Thursday and over its drug pricing prac-
third-quarter company tices. The index is down 24
earnings just around the percent from its peak in
corner. late July.
The Dow Jones industrial Barring some geopolitical
average added 13.76 crisis or massive company
points, or 0.1 percent, to news, the next major move
16,790.19. The Standard & for the market will likely
Poor’s 500 index lost 7.13 come Thursday, when in-
points, or 0.4 percent, to vestors will get the minutes
1,979.92 and the Nasdaq from the Fed’s latest policy
composite lost 32.90 points, meeting in September. q
Wal-Mart expands protein bars to main grocery aisles
A. D’INNOCENZIO world’s largest retailer, space in the first aisle. Mart has been expanding to compare coverage op-
AP Retail Writer As part of this overall push, its preventative and well- tions and enroll in Medicare
NEW YORK (AP) — Protein along with many other ri- Wal-Mart Stores Inc., based ness products like specialty plans or public exchange
and health bars at Wal- in Bentonville, Arkansas, prescriptions. plans created under the
Mart are getting ready for vals, are going on a health also said Tuesday that it will “Customer behavior is Affordable Care Act. Cus-
prime time. be offering free blood glu- changing,” said Michelle tomers can enroll online or
The world’s largest retailer kick aimed at their cus- cose, blood pressure, and Gloeckler, executive vice by phone or at more than
plans to expand its offer- vision screening at all of its president of consumables 2,400 stores, from Oct. 15
ing of bars like Special K tomers as they fight to 4,400 stores on Saturday. In and health and wellness at through Jan. 31. New this
and Clif beyond the over- addition, more than 10,000 Wal-Mart’s U.S. division dur- year, DirectHealth is work-
the counter section that grab more of their share of of Wal-Mart licensed phar- ing a conference call with ing with Jackson Hewitt to
features diet supplements macists will offer immuniza- reporters. “Customers are staff licensed insurance
to the more visible main the wellness and healthy tions in select stores for a taking an active role in their agents in about 250 stores.
grocery aisles of some of fee. Calling it “America’s health.” These agents will help navi-
its stores, starting in Janu- food business. biggest health fair,” the For the second year in a gate shoppers with more
ary. Wal-Mart is also con- event has expanded from row, Wal-Mart will be work- than 70,000 Health Ex-
sidering eventually placing Target Corp. announced its first health fair last year ing with, change plans available to
these nutritional bars near when it was held in 2,200 an online health insur- them as well as help cus-
the cash registers. last month that it was stores. ance comparison site and tomers older than 65 enroll
The move comes as the Over the past year, Wal- agency, to allow shoppers for Medicare.q
pushing granola bars and
healthy grab-and-go
snacks over candy at the
checkout aisles in 30 of
its stores. And CVS Health
Corp. is also adding more
fresh foods and healthier
snacks at many of its loca-
tions while moving bagged
candy out of prime store