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                                                                                                           local Wednesday 25 OctOber 2023

            Chogogo Tours

             Chogogo Tours takes pride in being a multi-     and  expanding  our  wheelchair-accessible
             service operator of tour & transfer vehicles for    tour options.
             any  and  all  purposes.  Their  knowledgeable
             team has an excellent reputation in the field
             of normal and disabled access transport, with
             a specialization in open-air and closed  bus-
             es and minivans.
                                                                                                              Their  latest  additions  to  the  ever-expand-
             Through our diversity of buses and vans, they                                                    ing  fleet  include  two  air-conditioned  vans
             offer customized transport to suit your  party’s                                                 that  can seat up to 12 guests but are also
             needs – from private or group island tours and                                                   equipped with lifts to make them accessible
             discount party buses to  port/airport transfers,                                                 to  wheelchairs.
             and if needed, all with wheelchair access. As                                                    So whether it is a transfer for your party, an
             of September 2019,  Chogogo Tours has up-                                                        Island or Beach Hopping Tour or their famous
             graded its services for disabled or less-mobile                                                  Bar Hopping Tour on one of our Party Buses,
             visitors,  offering    rental  beach  wheelchairs                                                Chogogo Tours is the tour operator for you.q

            Aruba’s Bocas: home to the rarest fossil reefs on the planet!

            (Oranjestad)—If you’ve been  Aldo Moro, presented their  thousands of years, and the
            to the northern coast of Aru-  research on these fossilized  effects that this fluctuation
            ba already, you’ve probably  coral reefs at the University  has had on the coral reefs of
            noticed how the ground dif-  of Aruba. Their focus for their  the windward side of Aruba.
            fers entirely from the sandy  research  included  study-
            beaches  on  the  southern  ing  the  health  and  forma-  These findings can certainly
            part of the island. These hard  tion patterns of these coral  put things into perspective.
            surfaces, with sharp bumps  reefs, and to investigate how  The  ground  on  which  we
            and holes are actually fos-  these reefs have responded  have  walked  many  times
            silized coral reefs, of which  and can respond to fluctu-  in  the  northern  part  of  the
            its growth and changes can  ating sea levels or extreme  island hold such rich history,
            be traced back to the last  weather, like hurricanes and  history  that  dates  back  to
            glacial period.              tsunamis.                    a time that most of us can-
                                                                      not  even  imagine.  As  the
            On  May  30  2023,  geosci-  Through  underwater  and  scientists  themselves  have
            entists,  Dr.  Patrick  Boyden  land  surveillance,  and  3D  pointed out, these fossilized  This research is also important  you are ever visiting one of
            from  the  Marum  research  models  of  the  reefs,  they  reefs on the windward side  for the future of coral reefs on  the bocas or driving along
            faculty  at  the  University  of  were able to narrow down  are truly an incredible and  the island. By studying rising  the northern part of the is-
            Bremen, Prof. dr. Alessio Ro-  when these formations start-  rare  remnant  of  geologi-  sea  levels  and  climate  im-  land,  please  be  conscious
            vere from the Ca' Foscari Uni-  ed to take place. They were  cal history, as they provide  pact on these coral reefs, we  to help protect our natural
            versity of Venice and Prof.  also able to track the fluc-  a clear view of how these  are able to take concrete  historical remnant. Oh, and
            dr. Gianfranco Scicchitano,  tuation of sea levels during  reefs have formed.          action in protecting and pre-  wear  (coral-friendly)  sun-
            from  the  University  of  Bari  the  past  hundred  or  even                          serving our coral reefs. So, if  screen! q
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