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A28    u.s. news
                    Diasabra 26 Maart 2022

                           House leaders call on Nebraska Rep. Fortenberry to resign

                                                                                                   literally all around the world,
                                                                                                   who’ve  been  praying  for  us  The winner of the GOP pri-
                                                                                                   and pulling for us,” he said.  mary  is  likely  to  face  state
                                                                                                                                Sen. Patty Pansing Brooks, a
                                                                                                   The judge set sentencing for  Democrat from Lincoln, but
                                                                                                   June  28.  Each  count  carries  Nebraska’s 1st Congressional
                                                                                                   a  potential  five-year  prison  District is heavily Republican
                                                                                                   sentence and fines.          and  hasn’t  been  competitive
                                                                                                                                in decades.
                                                                                                   Felons are eligible to run for
                                                                                                   and  serve  in  Congress,  but  On  Friday,  Pansing  Brooks
                                                                                                   the  vast  majority  choose  to  said  Fortenberry’s  convic-
                                                                                                   resign under threat of expul-  tion was a “wake-up call” that
                                                                                                   sion. Congressional rules also  the  district  needs  a  change
                                                                                                   bar members from voting on  and called for an overhaul of
                                                                                                   legislation after a felony con-  campaign finance laws to in-
                                                                                                   viction unless their constitu-  crease transparency.
                                                                                                   ents reelect them.
                                                                                                                                “We cannot allow a return to
                                                                                                   It was the first trial of a sitting  business as usual as this dust
                                                                                                   congressman  since  Rep.  Jim  settles,” Pansing Brooks said,
            (AP)  —  Republican  U.S.  tainty while he focuses on his  after denying to the FBI that  Traficant, D-Ohio, was con-  adding that Nebraska is like-
            Rep. Jeff Fortenberry on Fri-  family and other affairs.”  he was aware he had received  victed  of  bribery  and  other  ly  “to  be  the  brunt  of  some
            day  faced  growing  pressure                             illicit funds from Gilbert Ch-  felony charges in 2002.   jokes” because of Fortenber-
            from  congressional  leaders  McCarthy  said  he  texted  agoury, a Nigerian billionaire                            ry’s conviction.
            and Nebraska’s GOP gover-    Fortenberry  about  the  con-  of  Lebanese  descent  who  Campaign  spokesman  Chad
            nor to resign after a Califor-  viction  and  planned  to  talk  lives in Paris.       Kolton  said  Friday  that  Fortenberry, 61, did not tes-
            nia jury found him guilty of  to  him  about  the  matter  on                          Fortenberry had no immedi-   tify  at  trial  but  his  lawyers
            lying  to  federal  authorities  Friday.                  The three men who funneled  ate  response  to  the  calls  for  argued  that  he  wasn’t  aware
            about an illegal $30,000 cam-                             money  to  Fortenberry  from  his resignation.            of  the  contribution  and  that
            paign donation from a Nige-  “I  think  when  someone’s  Chagoury  were  all  of  Leba-                             agents directed an informant
            rian billionaire.            convicted,  it’s  time  to  re-  nese descent and had ties to  “He’s  spending  time  with  to feed him the information
                                         sign,” McCarthy told report-  In  Defense  of  Christians,  a  his family right now,” Kolton  in a 10-minute call to set him
            House Speaker Nancy Pelosi  ers in Jacksonville, Florida.  nonprofit  Fortenberry  sup-  said. “That’s what’s most im-  up.
            and  House  Minority  Leader                              ported  that  was  devoted  to  portant today.”
            Kevin McCarthy both urged  Pelosi said Fortenberry’s con-  fighting religious persecution                           Assistant U.S. Attorney Mack
            the  nine-term  congressman  viction  “represents  a  breach  in the Middle East.      Fortenberry’s  indictment  in  Jenkins said there was ample
            to leave office, as did Nebras-  of the public trust and confi-                        October  drew  a  serious  Re-  recorded evidence in the case
            ka  Gov.  Pete  Ricketts,  who  dence in his ability to serve.  Outside   the   courthouse,  publican  primary  challenge  and  the  jury’s  swift  verdict
            has  endorsed  Fortenberry’s  No one is above the law.”   Fortenberry  said the  process  from state Sen. Mike Flood,  vindicated  the  prosecution’s
            top Republican primary chal-                              had been  unfair and that he  a former speaker of the Ne-  efforts.
            lenger.                      A  federal  jury  in  Los  An-  would  appeal  immediately.  braska  Legislature  who  has
                                         geles  deliberated  for  about  He would not say if he would  since won the endorsements  “Our  view  is  that  it  was  a
            “The people of Nebraska de-  two  hours  Thursday  before  suspend his campaign for re-  of  Ricketts  and former  Gov.  simple  story,”  Jenkins  said.
            serve active, certain represen-  finding  Fortenberry  guilty  election, saying he was going  Dave  Heineman.  A  Flood  “A politician caught up in the
            tation,” Ricketts said. “I hope  of  concealing  information  to spend time with his family.  campaign  spokesman  de-  cycle  of  money  and  power.
            Jeff  Fortenberry  will  do  the  and  two  counts  of  making                         clined  to  comment  Friday  And  like  I  said,  he  lost  his
            right thing and resign so his  false  statements  to  authori-  “I’m  getting  so  many  beau-  on the news of Fortenberry’s  way.”
            constituents  have  that  cer-  ties. Fortenberry was charged  tiful  messages  from  people  conviction.

                           Lawsuit: EPA fails to protect Montana rivers from pollution

            (AP)  —  A  conservation  cording  to  the  lawsuit  filed  has  been  assessed  for  pollu-  rules  would  protect  rivers  that the rules would degrade
            group  has  filed  a  lawsuit  Thursday  in  U.S.  District  tion and most of it was found  and  streams  that  are  vital  to  waterways.
            against  U.S.  environmen-   Court in Great Falls.        to be impaired, or harmed by  the state’s tourism and recre-
            tal  officials  for  alleged                              pollution, to at least some de-  ation industries, while creat-  EPA  spokesperson  Richard
            failure  to  intervene  after  Nutrient  pollution  comes  gree, according to federal and  ing  flexibility  in  how  nutri-  Mylott  said  the  agency  had
            the  Montana  Legislature  from  farm  fertilizer,  indus-  state agencies.            ents get reduced by polluters.  no comment on the litigation
            rolled  back  longstanding  trial  plants,  treated  sewage                                                         against the agency.
            water pollution rules.       waste, pet waste and numer-  Montana’s Republican-dom-    They have rejected concerns
                                         ous  other  sources.  It  can  be  inated  Legislature  last  year
            The  Bozeman-based  Upper  harmful  to  fish  and  human  repealed  longstanding  rules
            Missouri  Waterkeeper  group  health  by  encouraging  the  that  dictated  specific  water
            said a set of replacement rules  growth of algae blooms that  pollution  limits, also known
            proposed  by  the  Montana  are sometimes toxic.          as numeric standards. Those
            Department of Environmen-                                 limits  are  being  replaced
            tal  Quality  will  allow  more  Montana  has  almost  60,000  with  “narrative”  standards
            nutrient  pollution  to  enter  miles  (97,000  kilometers)  of  that describe what conditions
            streams, rivers and other wa-  perennial rivers and streams,  should be present for a water-
            terways across the state.    including  major  rivers  such  body that’s free of pollution.
                                         as  the  Missouri  that  drains
            The  U.S.  Environmental  into  North  Dakota  and  the  A  broad  framework  for  the
            Protection  Agency  has  over-  Clark Fork of the Columbia  new rules was released earlier
            sight  of  the  state’s  pollution  that drains into Idaho.  this month and more details
            rules  and  is  required  to  ap-                         are due later this year.
            prove  or  reject  the  changes  Water quality for about a third
            but  has  failed  to  do  so,  ac-  of  Montana’s  river  mileage  State  officials  have  said  the
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