Page 5 - AHATA
P. 5

                                                                                                           local Saturday 10 June 2023

            Students from EPI College are organizing a Fun Walk and Run to raise funds

            (Oranjestad)—On       June                                                                                          Those  interested  in  regis-
            24th,  students  from  the                                                                                          tering  can  do  so  at  EPI  or
            Health and Service depart-                                                                                          contact the following tele-
            ment of EPI College will be                                                                                         phone  numbers:  (+297)
            hosting a Fun Walk and Run                                                                                          567-8531,  (+297)  525-8770,
            to  celebrate  EPI's  25th  an-                                                                                     and (+297) 563-1040.
            niversary and raise funds to
            purchase  instruments  and                                                                                          With  the  funds  they  re-
            uniforms for EP's Brass Band.                                                                                       ceive,  EPI  intends  to  form
            They will also be assisting a                                                                                       their  own  brass  band  and
            social  organization,  as  re-                                                                                      also  contribute  50%  of  the
            ported.                                                                                                             funds raised to a charitable
            During a press conference,
            Julissa  Arends,  who  serves                                                                                       Arends  assured  that  they
            as  the  PR  for  the  Student                                                                                      have  approximately  1,000
            Council,  stated  that  the  Boulevard - Meiveld - Tara-  pants will have a water sta-  at  8:00  am  with  the  first  tickets for sale, but they ac-
            activity  will  involve  a  5KM  bana  Roundabout  -  Caya  tion at Sero Patrishi Round-  group.                    cept the community's help
            walk or run, starting at Gate  Betico  Croes  -  Marathon  about,  and  at  the  end,  Prizes  will  include  cash  re-  to  achieve  their  goal  of
            number 3 of EPI and ending  Roundabout  -  De  La  Sall-  there will be fruits and wa-  wards of up to 1,250 florins  creating their brass band in
            at  the  same  location.  The  estraat,  and  back  to  Ve-  ter.                      for  the  top  3  groups:  indi-  time  to  participate  in  next
            route  will  go  through  Ve-  nustraat EPI Gate 3.                                    vidual walkers, runners, and  year's  march  on  March
            nusstraat - De La Sallestraat                             Registration  begins  at  7:00  groups of five.           18th.q
            -  Sero  Blanco  -  Watty  Vos  Along  the  route,  partici-  am,  and  the  activity  starts

            Enjoy one of the best views on Aruba at the top of the Hooiberg Hill

            (Oranjestad)—If  you  are
            a  regular  hiker,  or  may-
            be  want  to  spice  up  your
            morning  work  out  session,
            then  you  might  enjoy  one
            of the most popular climb-
            ing sites on the island: The
            Hooiberg  Hill.  Accompa-
            nied  with  a  600-step  stair-
            case,  this  hill  overlooks  a
            great part of the island, the
            Caribbean sea, and some-
            times even the Santa Anna
            mountain  located  in  the
            coastal  state  of    Falcon  in
            Venezuela,  providing  one
            of  the  best  views  you  can  The  staircase  that  run  on  a  work  out  to  get  on  top.
            get on Aruba.                the side of the hill was first  In addition, there is now a
                                         built in 1951, when Mr. Edu-  gazebo placed halfway up
            located  at  the  center  dis-  ardo Tromp constructed it.  the stair for a little rest. The
            trict  of  the  island,  Santa  At  that  time,  the  staircase  view  at  this  resting  stop  is
            Cruz,  the  Hooiberg  Hill  is  consisted  of  900  steps.  also a sight to see.
            the  second  highest  point  Over  time,  as  the  steps
            on the island at 165 meters  faced erosion, the govern-   The best time to climb the
            above  sea  level  (or  about  ment decided to renovate  hill  would  be  early  in  the
            540  feet  above  sea  level).  these  stairs  in  1991.  This  morning  or  right  before
            The  highest  point  is  Ja-  new  project  delivered  the  sunset, as it may not be as
            manota  Hill  at  189  meters  newer  staircase  with  only  hot.  However,  the  hill  is  of
            (620  feet),  located  in  the  587  steps.  However,  don’t  course open all day, every
            Arikok National Park.        be  fooled—it  may  still  be  day.q
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