Page 10 - Aruba Bank 24 JULY 2015
P. 10

                                                                                                                                        Thursday 23 July 2015

NYC strikes deal with Uber: No                                   GOP scrambling to adjust to ‘Trumpism’
cap on company during study 
                                                                 BILL BARROW
JONATHAN LEMIRE                  Tony Shorris, in charge at      Associated Press                Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump speaks at his
Associated Press                 City Hall as de Blasio returns  AIKEN, South Carolina (AP)      South Carolina campaign kickoff rally in Bluffton, S.C., Tuesday,
NEW YORK (AP) — New              from a conference at the        — Donald Trump is on his        July 21, 2015.
York City and Uber struck        Vatican. “The company           way to the Mexican bor-
an eleventh-hour deal that       eventually agreed to what       der, the latest event in a                                                       (AP Photo/Stephen B. Morton)
backs off, for now, placing      we’ve been asking for a         presidential campaign
a cap on the number of           while.”                         some of his Republican ri-      experience in the Vietnam    been more measured,
cars the ride-hailing com-       City officials said the deal,   vals would like to dismiss as   War where he was tortured
pany can have on the             which will keep Uber at         a sideshow — a “carnival        as a prisoner, called him    though showing signs of
streets of the nation’s larg-    its current rate of growth,     act,” as one puts it. But the   “dumb” and laced into his
est city.                        was reminiscent of what         billionaire developer and       record on veterans’ issues   growing  exasperation.
Mayor Bill de Blasio’s ad-       the de Blasio administra-       reality TV host has been        in the Senate.
ministration announced           tion offered Uber early in      stealing their thunder for      In Washington, former Texas  Bush, in particular, has con-
late Wednesday — on the          the negotiating process.        days and left them scram-       Gov. Rick Perry was asked
eve of a City Council vote       It was brokered after Uber      bling to adjust to a race       about Trump’s planned        spicuously tried to avoid
that could have estab-           officials reached out to        dominated by a bombas-          trip on to the border. He
lished the restriction — that    Shorris on Tuesday night,       tic longshot.                   snapped, “I hope he can      alienating Trump’s sup-
Uber agreed to a four-           setting up a meeting with       Trump will be in Laredo,        find the border because
month study on the impact        officials from the council      Texas, on Thursday, high-       I’m not sure he’s ever been  porters — “good people”
of the cars on the city’s traf-  and the mayor’s office the      lighting his unyielding         there before.”
fic and the environment.         next day.                       stance on immigration. The      This, after Perry denounced  with “legitimate concerns”
Under the deal, the city will    Though City Council staff-      trip will revisit a topic that  Trump’s campaign as a
not cap Uber’s growth dur-       ers said the cap legislation    has stirred criticism that has  “cancer on conservatism”     — even while branding
ing those four months.           would have passed, the de       now grown into open hos-        and “barking carnival act”
The agreement contrasts          Blasio administration’s po-     tility from some Republican     in a speech that laced       Trumps’ rhetoric “ugly” and
sharply with the legislation     sition appeared to weak-        contenders.                     into “Trumpism: a toxic mix
the council was set to vote      en as Uber unleashed its        From party heavyweights         of demagoguery, mean-        “mean-spirited.”
on Thursday, which called        ad campaign. Officials in       like Jeb Bush to recently       spiritedness and nonsense
for a 1 percent cap on the       the mayor’s office said a       announced candidates            that will lead the Repub-    The feud is unfolding as the
San Francisco-based com-         cap could still be imposed      like Wisconsin Gov. Scott       lican Party to perdition if
pany’s growth within New         if Uber reneges on the          Walker and Ohio Gov.            pursued.”                    candidates prepare for the
York City during a yearlong      agreement,                      John Kasich, the contend-       Indeed, the insults flying
study. Uber has steadfastly      though it was unclear if the    ers are confronted by           between Trump and his        first Republican debate, a
opposed any cap, and             necessary council votes         Trump’s hair-trigger habit      fiercest critics have been
the company and City Hall        would still be there in four    of calling out his critics by   caustic. Sen. Lindsey Gra-   venue to which the top 10
had traded increasingly          months.                         name, vilifying the Repub-      ham called him a “jackass”
nasty barbs over the past        “We are pleased new driv-       lican establishment and         a day earlier and Trump      in national polling will be in-
week.                            ers will continue to be free    roiling the debate over im-     responded by calling Gra-
But the hostilities were set     to join the for-hire industry   migration and more.             ham an “idiot” and giving    vited out of a swollen line-
aside to announce the sur-       and partner with Uber,”         On Thursday, Trump plans        out the senator’s cellphone
prise arrangement, which         Josh Mohrer, Uber NYC’s         to hold a news confer-          number, jamming his voice    up of 16. Although they are
also included a commit-          general manager, said in a      ence at the U.S-Mexico          mail.
ment to turn over far more       statement. “Together, we        border, meet members of         Others in the field have     all accomplished, few are
data to the city on the lo-      can build an even better,       the union that represents
cation and duration of its       more reliable transporta-       Border Control agents and                                    well known nationally, and
rides. The company also          tion system.”                   speak to law enforcement
agreed to discuss working        The $40 billion company         officers, his campaign                                       “Trumpism” isn’t making it
toward making more of its        has become a dominant           said. The border became
vehicles handicap-acces-         force on the streets of New     a flashpoint in the Repub-                                   easier for them to get their
sible and contributing to        York, dispatching 25,000        lican debate when Trump
the region’s mass transit        cars — up from under 100        branded Mexican immi-                                        messages out at a time
network.                         just four years ago — com-      grants rapists and drug-
“The city received a will-       pared to 13,000 of the city’s   bearing criminals.                                           when mere name recogni-
ingness on the company’s         iconic yellow taxis.            After that episode came
part to make sure there          In pushing for a cap, the de    a broadside against Sen.                                     tion can drive popularity in
was no effort to flood the       Blasio administration cited     John McCain, who earned
market with dramatically         concern over increased          Trump’s ire by saying his                                    polling. Trump, a longtime
increased rates of growth,”      congestion on Manhat-           remarks about immigrants
said First Deputy Mayor          tan’s clogged streets. q        had brought out “crazies.”                                   celebrity, is almost guaran-
                                                                 Trump mocked McCain’s
                                                                                                                              teed a spot in the debate.

                                                                                                                              Bush, in South Carolina on

                                                                                                                              Wednesday, said he wasn’t

                                                                                                                              approaching the debate

                                                                                                                              thinking about Trump or

                                                                                                                              any rival who might be on

                                                                                                                              the stage. “My objective

                                                                                                                              with this is to, wherever I

                                                                                                                              can, share my record,” he

                                                                                                                              said. q
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