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a26 obituario/u.s. news
Diamars 3 mei 2022
As wildfire closes in, New Mexico residents
prepare to flee
(AP) — Wind-whipped
flames raced across more of
New Mexico’s pine-covered
“Señor ta mi wardador , mi’n tin falta di nada; mountainsides on Monday,
Den cunucu di yerba berde, E ta ponemi closing in on a town of 13,000
sosega. E ta hibami na awanan tranquil, pa mi people where residents hur-
bolbe hanja forsa”
Salo 23:1,2,3 ried to pack their cars with
belongings, others raced to
clear brush from around
Cu inmenso dolor na nos curazon, nos ta their homes, and police were
participa fayecimento di:
called in to help evacuate the
state’s psychiatric hospital.
Firefighting crews were bat-
tling to keep the fire, the largest
burning in the U.S., from mak-
ing another run across the state’s
drought-parched landscape.
The blaze in the foothills of the In the last five years, California one of the most populated stops
Rocky Mountains near the small for example has experienced the along Interstate 25 before the
northeastern New Mexico city eight largest wildfires in state Colorado state line.
of Las Vegas already has charred history, while Colorado saw a
more than 188 square miles (487 destructive blaze tear through Operations Section Chief Todd
square kilometers). suburban neighborhoods last Abel said Monday that crews
December. were busy using bulldozers
Amber K. Kock Campbell Fire officials said they expect the to build fire lines to keep the
*17-09-1966 †27-04-2022 blaze to keep growing, putting Fire officials warned Monday flames from pushing into neigh-
it on track to be one of the larg-
that the fire in northern New borhoods.
Na nomber di su: est and most destructive in the Mexico would keep spreading
Estimado esposo: state’s recorded history. at dangerous speeds and in dif- The county jail, the state’s psy-
José Alfredo C. Kock ferent directions due to shifting chiatric hospital and more than
The sky above the city’s historic winds, low humidity and high 200 students from the United
Yiunan: plaza, made famous as a back- temperatures. They said the ma- World College have evacuated
Alfred Kock y pareha Glinny Kock & famia drop in several movies and tele- jority of the coming days feature and what businesses remained
Amber Eline Kock y pareha Dhany Tromp & famia vision series, was a sickly tinge of more high winds that would open were having a hard time
Nieto y nietanan stima: Dylan Kock, Alyssa Kock, yellow and gray as thick smoke make suppression efforts diffi- finding workers as more people
Dhaeline Tromp, Dhareline Tromp y Dharvin blotted out the sun. As ash fell cult. were forced from their homes.
Tromp around them, Chris Castillo and
his cousins were cutting down The fire — fanned by an extend- “We’re trying to house and feed
Tata: †Lionel (Leo) Campbell
Mama: Lourdes (Luchi) Campbell Croes trees and moving logs away from ed period of hot, dry and windy people with skeleton crews.
Rumannan: Jerehm Campbell y esposa a family member’s home. conditions — ballooned in size Hundreds of people have lost
Anabella Maduro & famia Sunday, prompting authorities their homes. It’s an extraordi-
Joshua Campbell y esposa Elisa Duijm & famia “We’re all family here. We’re try- to issue new evacuation orders nary tragedy,” said Allan Affeldt,
Cuña: Maria Josefina C. Kock & famia ing to make a fire line,” he said for the small town of Mora and a hotelier in Las Vegas. He said
Ayudante: Naty Aubry other villages. most of his staff were evacu-
Tanta y omonan: Bernardo (Shona) Croes & famia Other family members were ated from their homes and he
†Felicita (Sita) Geerman & famia driving around with cattle trail- Residents in some outlying canceled guest reservations to
†Hermogenes (Mooi) Croes & famia ers, waiting to help anyone who neighborhoods of the town of accommodate firefighters and
†Jolanda Geerman Croes & famia calls to move livestock.
†Idelfonso (Foncho) Croes & famia Las Vegas were told to be ready emergency crews.
†Modesto Croes Jr. & famia to leave their homes as the
Azucena (Chena) Arrebola Croes & famia Wildfires have become a year- smoke choked the economic The 197 patients at the Behav-
†Rudolfo Valentino (Vale) Croes & famia round threat in the drought- hub for the farming and ranch- ioral Health Institute were being
†Xiomara (Mara) Croes & famia stricken West and they are mov- ing families who have lived for sent to other facilities around
Kearn Campbell na Inglatera ing faster and burning hotter generations in the rural region. the state, with some being trans-
Debby Trikometis Campbell & famia na Inglatera than ever due to climate change, It’s also home to New Mexico ported in secured units and oth-
Karina Maduro Campbell & famia scientists and fire experts say. Highlands University and is ers escorted by police.
Jenny Boyé Campbell & famia na Hulanda
†Keith Campbell & famia
Sobrino y sobrinanan, primo y primanan, Ihanan
cual ta mucho hopi pa menciona
Y demas famia: Kock, Campbell, Croes, Geerman,
Arrebola, Trikometis, Rohoman, Herrera, de
Pool, Paalman, de Cuba, Tromp, Flanegin, Lopez-
Ramirez, Duijm, Maduro, Panneflek y Beeker
Kier a invita tur amigo bisiña y conocir pa asisti na
e acto di condolencia cual lo tuma lugar: diamars 3
mei 2022 di 7or pa 9or di anochi na Pray Funeral
Home na San Nicolaas.
E entiero lo tuma lugar diaranson 4 mei 2022 pa 4or
di atardi na Misa Sagrado Curazon na Savaneta y ta
Sali pa Santana Catholico na Savaneta, e restonan
mortal di nos Amber stima lo ta reposa for di 2or te
cu 4or di atardi den misa.
Nos diculpa si den nos tristesa nos por a lubida
algun familiar y/of conocir.
Nos ta lamenta cu despues di entiero nos lo no
ricibi bishita di condolencia na cas.