Page 2 - RIU HOTEL
P. 2
Tuesday 19 June 2018
After two day staff training
Riu Palace Antillas employees with more knowledge on wines
ORANJESTAD ― Riu Palace was founded in Mallorca
Antillas held a two day staff by the Riu family in 1953 as
training for their restaurant a small holiday firm and is
employees, in which there still owned by the family’s
were a lot of interest. During third generation. The com-
these two days, employees pany specializes in holiday
received different trainings resorts and over 70% of its
and were delighted for ev- establishments offer its ac-
erything they’ve learned claimed All Inclusive by RIU
so they can apply it in their service.
daily work. Furthermore, With the inauguration of its
they are happy for the op- first city hotel in 2010, RIU
portunity that Riu Palace is expanding its range of
Antillas is giving them in or- products with its own line of
der to keep growing in their city hotels called Riu Plaza.
work. RIU Hotels & Resorts now
has 92 hotels in 19 coun-
Employees had the op- tries which welcome over
portunity to taste different 4 million guests a year and
wines and learned more provide jobs for a total of
about new ones. Addition- 28,894 employees. RIU is
ally, they received informa- currently the world’s 34th
tion on the exclusiveness of ranked chain, one of the
these wines, as stated by their service offerings. hotels. According to Ray- knowledge with Riu Palace Caribbean’s most popular,
Raymond Kok, On Trade mond Kok, Americans are Antillas’ employees. the third largest in Spain in
Sales Manager & Som- They presented wines very familiar with prices of terms of revenue and the
melier of Pepia Est Aruba. that can connect with wines and will be very in- About RIU: fourth largest in number of
The staff training went very big crowds, accessible terested in these looking The international RIU chain rooms.q
well and everyone were and big names as Decoy, at the prices offered at Riu
very enthusiastic about Duckhorn, Italian wine compared to other hotels.
this training. This training Cecchi Riserva di Fami-
gave participants a better glia and many more. At At the end, Raymond Kok
understanding about the Riu Palace Antillas these were very pleased with the
wines and might be signifi- wines are more affordable opportunity given by Riu
cant for improvement of in comparison with other Palace Antillas to share his