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                                                                                                           local Friday 15 July 2022

            Eagle LNG Aruba held information sessions for the public

            regarding gas project

            Eagle LNG organized three days of  tion and knowledge, especially in
            information  for  which  they  invited  the  Netherlands  where  there  are
            the general public to find out more  a lot of problems with big disasters
            about  the  project  to  bring  natural  and that’s why we know about it.
            gas to Aruba, for the production of  How will you handle this?”
            electricity. The last information ses-
            sion is today, 6-9pm at MFA Sava-   Eagle LNG answered that they are
            neta.                               in  the  process  of  developing  the
                                                QRA, and that this will be included
            Part  of  the  environmental  impact  in  the  Environmental  Impact  As-
            study involves the practice of pub-  sesment. “We have a lot of experi-
            lic  meetings  with  the  community  ence building  LNG terminals.  And
            in order to know about any doubt  that’s also the reason why we have
            or concern regarding the project,  Royalhaskoning  with  us”,  Mr.  Ale-
            so that this can be incorporated in  jandro Bastardo, Project Manager
            the  environmental  impact  study.  of Eagle LNG Aruba, commented.
            Thus these information sessions are  Through the international standard
            part of the agenda.                 required  to  design  the  LNG  facil-
                                                ity and pipeline, it’s mandatory to
            The  goal  right  know  is  to  replace  do a QRA analysis, thus there is no
            the use of fuel oil with natural gas.  reason to worry, Eagle LNG Aruba
            According  to  Eagle  LNG,  the  big  emphasizes.  “The  QRA  will  surely
            advantage  is  that  natural  gas  is  be included.”
            the cleanest fuel that can be used
            to generate electricity. The project  Javier  Diaz,  Environmental  Con-  urally you don’t do it just like that  line Road still has not been identi-
            consists of two components, which  sultant  of    Eco  Vision  NV  in  Cura-  either.” Here Mr. Diaz refers to the  fied.  When  this  is  identified,  there
            within an area in the RDA property  çao, explained that they were in-   Environmental  Impact  Assesment,  will be another study on the social
            the  terminal  will  be  constructed  vited as an independent party to  where  Eco  Vision  together  with  components, if it affects people at
            to receive the LNG, and then the  analyze  the  situation  of  the  flora  Royalhaskoning  (from  the  Nether-  home, what the impact could be
            pipeline  will  be  built  to  send  the  and  fauna  in  the  areas  in  which  lands)  is  going  to  look  into  every  in case of an accident, if it’s in an
            natural  gas  from  the  terminal  at  the project will be developed. He  aspect,  to  ‘see  if  the  project  can  area with vegetation, etc.
            WEB Aruba.                          explained to our reporter that the  be realized or not’. “And if it can
                                                area for the project is not the only  be  realized,  we  must  see  which  Bastardo  told  our  reporter  that
            At the session on Wednesday, our  thing they must observe, but must  advices we must take into consid-      people  associate  LNG  with  large
            reporter noticed that the commu-    also  take  into  consideration  the  eration  when  doing  it.  Right  now  scale  projects.  “You  must  under-
            nity had critical questions, among  impact  area.  “These  areas  must  we are already in this process”, Mr.  stand that the technology already
            which, what will be the economic  also be researched to see how you  Diaz says.                             exists  worldwide  for  all  types  of
            impact of this project, tax revenue,  can  manage  it  or  adjust  the  way                                 scales.  What  needs  to  be  done
            jobs,  and  more.  Leopoldo  Hen-   you  construct”,  Mr.  Diaz  said.  The  It  is  calculated  that  by  august  of  to make it affordable for these is-
            riquez, representative for the Royal  system  that  Eagle  LNG  has  been  september  2022  this  will  be  com-  lands  to  receive  LNG  is  to  do  it
            Netherlands  Society  of  Engineers  using is one that was already used  pleted, Mr. Diaz says, adding that  on  the  scale  of  the  demand  that
            (KIVI)  commented that before an  in Alaska, and for Aruba, only the  Eco  Vision  has  a  lot  of  data,  but  the country has”, Mr. Bastardo ex-
            Environmental  Impact  Assessment  scale will change. The blueprint is  they  don’t  want  to  focus  only  on  plains.  He  added  that  the  size  of
            can  be  carried  out,  a  Safety  As-  already  made  for  the  area,  and  flora  and  fauna  and  leave  other  the installation is made on the de-
            sessment  must  be  done.  Mr.  Hen-  the  technology  is  also  already  things  outside,  so  in  this  case,  the  mand  of  WEB  because  it  cannot
            riquez highlighted: “It was already  there.                             current situation.                  be made any smaller. “This is what
            brought  forward  that  your  engi-                                                                         allows  for  it  to  be  competitive,  or
            neers are not aware of Risk Analysis  “It’s not necessary to wait 20 years  The  upcoming  works  are  only  for  make  it  more  affordable,  and  to
            and  QRA.  They  lack  the  informa-  for this to come to Aruba, and nat-  the  terminal,  because  the  Pipe-  replace fuel oil”, Mr. Bastardo said.
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