Page 18 - MIN JUS - MAY28,2015
P. 18

                                                                                                                                      Thursday 28 May 2015

FBI: Surveillance tools in jeopardy amid US debate 

ERIC TUCKER                      them from lapsing along        Americans’ phone records       lection a useful tool to the         court orders to collect
Associated Press                 with other parts of the act    in bulk. Provisions of the     FBI’s counterterrorism ef-           documents such as hotel
WASHINGTON (AP) — As             on June 1.                     Patriot Act dealing with       forts. But recently he has           and travel records during
Congress wrestles over           The Senate returns to ses-     lone-wolf targets and al-      expressed more concern               terrorism investigations,
renewing the law that            sion on Sunday, facing         low roving wiretaps would      about being able to main-            and which also would be
authorizes bulk collec-                                                                                                             affected by the deadline.
tion of Americans’ phone         FBI director James Comey speaks at FBI headquarters in Washington. As Congress debates             Attorney General Loretta
records, federal law en-         whether to renew a program that collects and stores American phone records, federal law            Lynch warned Wednes-
forcement officials are          enforcement officials are trying to focus public attention on the jeopardy to lesser-known         day against permitting
warning that legal author-       surveillance tools that they consider more valuable in fighting terrorism. (AP Photo/ Evan Vucci)  the expiration of “vital
ity is also at risk for lesser-                                                                                                     and uncontroversial tools
known surveillance tools         a deadline to reach a          also expire at midnight        tain the lone wolf and rov-          we  use  to combat terror-
that are even more valu-         last-minute agreement          with the phone records         ing wiretap capabilities, as         ism and crime.”
able in fighting terrorism.      to renew a once-secret         program.                       well as a separate Patriot           But civil liberties lawyers
The Patriot Act, passed          National Security Agen-        FBI Director James Comey       Act provision that allows            say the FBI already has the
after the Sept. 11, 2001 at-     cy program that collects       has called bulk phone col-     the FBI to obtain secret             tools it needs and haven’t
tacks, authorities give the                                                                                                         presented enough infor-
FBI flexibility to intercept                                                                                                        mation to justify their  use.
the calls of terror suspects                                                                                                        The American Civil Liber-
who continuously switch                                                                                                             ties Union accuses intelli-
phones during the course                                                                                                            gence officials and some
of an investigation and to                                                                                                          in Congress of “scaremon-
conduct surveillance on                                                                                                             gering” about the Patriot
“lone wolf” individuals who                                                                                                         Act and says the debated
pose threats but aren’t af-                                                                                                         authorities give the gov-
filiated with an internation-                                                                                                       ernment too much discre-
al terrorism organization.                                                                                                          tion in national security in-
U.S. officials have de-                                                                                                             vestigations.
fended the need for those                                                                                                           “Existing laws provide am-
powers over the last de-                                                                                                            ple authority for the gov-
cade, but have ampli-                                                                                                               ernment to obtain infor-
fied those efforts in recent                                                                                                        mation about individuals
weeks as the expiration                                                                                                             who are planning attacks
dates for their authority                                                                                                           of terrorism,” ACLU lawyers
nears without any signals                                                                                                           wrote in a memo urging
of a congressional com-                                                                                                             Congress to let the provi-
promise that would keep                                                                                                             sions expire.q

Rand Paul blames Republican hawks for rise of ISIS 

STEVE PEOPLES                    cent days made gains in        aggressive rhetoric, but       an isolationist in the race,         Jeb Bush faced pointed
Associated Press                 central Iraq.                  few specifics when asked       he has scaled back some              questions recently from
WASHINGTON (AP) — Re-            “ISIS exists and grew stron-   about IS.                      of his positions, no longer          a college student in the
publican presidential can-       ger because of the hawks       Paul favors less military in-  calling for deep cuts in             state of Nevada who said
didate Rand Paul is blam-        in our party who gave arms     tervention abroad, wants       the Pentagon budget, for             former President George
ing his own party for the        indiscriminately,” Paul said   a dramatic reduction           example, and no longer               W. Bush “created ISIS.”
rise of the Islamic State        on MSNBC’s “Morning            in  U.S. money to foreign      proposing the elimination            The younger Bush does not
group.                           Joe.” He continued: “They      governments and stands         of foreign aid, including to         blame his brother, but in-
The senator from Kentucky        created these people. ISIS     in opposition to the Patri-    Israel.                              stead accuses the Obama
said Wednesday that the          is all over Libya because      ot Act and the  U.S. policy    On the Islamic State, he             administration of creat-
Republicans’ foreign pol-        these same hawks in my         behind drone strikes. It all   wants coalitions of Arab             ing a void by withdrawing
icy hawks “created these         party loved — they loved       makes him something of         troops — instead of  U.S.            American forces, creating
people.” That assertion led      Hillary Clinton’s war in Lib-  an outlier on foreign policy   troops — to take the lead            a vacuum in Iraq that was
potential 2016 rival Bobby       ya. They just wanted more      and national security in       on the ground.                       ultimately filled by the Is-
Jindal, Louisiana’s gover-       of it.”                        the GOP field.                 Paul’s comments also un-             lamic State group.
nor, to say Paul was un-         Foreign policy has             He stood apart from many       derscore the challenge               In his interview earlier,
qualified to be president.       emerged as a central de-       in his party in opposing U.S.  for former Florida Gov.              Paul described Iraq as “a
The Islamic State group,         bate in the 2016 Republi-      military action in Syria be-   Jeb Bush, whose brother              failed state” and criticized
commonly referred to as          can presidential primary.      fore the ascension of the      launched the invasion of             Republicans who con-
ISIS, has seized one-third       Many of Paul’s Republican      Islamic State.                 Iraq more than a decade              demn his foreign policy as
of Iraq and Syria and in re-     colleagues have offered        Sensitive to being branded     ago.                                 weak.q
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