Page 8 - AHATA
P. 8
LOCAL Wednesday 29 May 2024
Soul Beach Music Festival’s success continues
(Oranjestad) - This past the crowd. They played The headlining act of the
weekend, in which Memo- a range of loved songs as night was the one and only,
rial Day is observed; Aruba well as introduced the au- the iconic Mariah Carey,
had the pleasure to host dience to new music with one of the most looked for-
once again Soul Beach a local touch. It was fun ward to acts of the festival.
Music Festival. A weekend music that got everyone
full of laughter, joy, good dancing. Mariah Carey is an author,
music and long lasting entrepreneur, philanthro-
connections made. The next act of the night pist, producer and multiple
was none other Skip Mar- award-winning artist and
The Soul Beach Music Festi- ley, the maternal grand- songwriter. She is the best-
val is more than just a mu- son of the legendary Bob selling female artist of all
sic festival, for the past 22 Marley. Skip Marley, who time with more than 200
editions of the festival it has is a part of the legendary million albums sold to-date
been an experience curat- reggae family that includes and 19 Billboard Hot 100 #1
ed in such a fantastic way his mother Cedella along singles (18 of which are self-
that both visitors and locals with unlces Ziggy, Stehpen penned) - more than any
alike look forward to it year and Damian Marley, has solo artist in history. With her
in and year out. It is a place his own sound that adds distinct five-octave vocal
where you build new con- touches of contemporary range, prolific songwriting,
nections, new friendships, pop, rap and rock. He first and producing talent.
make new lifelong memo- rose to prominence af-
ries and gain a new home ter being featured of Katy Carey is truly the template
away from home, with the Perry’s 2017 hit “Chained to of the modern pop per-
added bonus of great mu- the Rhythm,” which he fol- formance. Mariah is also
sic and a wonderful experi- lowed over the next years an inductee to the Song-
ence. with several singles of his writers Hall of Fame, and
own, namely the mega hit has been recognized with
This year’s edition featured “Slow down,” the chart- multiple Grammy Awards,
one of the biggest names topping collaboration with numerous American Mu-
in music and comedy, H.E.R., that was included in sic Awards, three Guinness
with iconic headliners like his debut EP Higher Place World Record titles, both
Mariah Carey, Boyz II Men, the following year. Billboard’s “Artist of the De-
Earthquake and DJ’s like cade” and “Icon" awards
DJ Jazzy Jeff, DJ Frank Si, DJ He gave an electrifying and much more.
Trauma, DJ Envy, DJ Aktive performance that was
and DJ Outkast. more than just watching She gave a captivating
an artist perform, it was an performance that left ev-
The main concert contin- experience that took you eryone in the audience in
ued on saturday with unfor- on a journey of sublime en- awe at her stage presence
gettable performances joyment and discovery of and her exquisite vocals.
On saturday, the audience new music and for those She opened the night sing-
was delighted with a com- who may not have heard ing one of her many hits,
bination of local flavor and him before, he delighted taking everyone back in
international sensations. the crowd with Bob Mar- time along the duration of
ley songs combined with a her performance.
The opening act for the Skip Marley twist. He gave Carey was the cherry on
night was NFuzion, a lo- a performance that will go top that made the sat-
cal group that wowed the down in the books as one urday night concert an
crowd with their amazing of the best seen, and left iconic night that no one
rhythms, great stage pres- everyone in the audience present will ever be able to
ence and interactions with wanting more. forget.q