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Diahuebs, 26 October 2023 AWEMainta HEALTH 51
Mastering Your Mind:
The Four-Step SIFT Method
for Calm and Clarity
TODAY’S fast-paced world, life’s
challenges and constant demands can
easily lead to stress and overwhelm.
We’ve all been there, especially in
recent times, with the pandemic adding
an extra layer of anxiety to our daily
lives. Managing your mental well-being
is crucial in these turbulent times, and
one psychologist from UCLA has a
four-step method to help you find inner
calm and maintain a healthy mind.
Understanding the Turmoil
Stress is the primary culprit that
disrupts our inner peace. It has the
power to make us anxious, to cloud
our thoughts, and to strip away our
sense of serenity. Stress can arise from and headaches, along with emotional you to challenge irrational beliefs and
various sources, both external and turmoil. illogical narratives. By analyzing your
internal, affecting everyone in different thoughts, you regain control over your
ways. What might be a breeze for one The Road to Inner Peace: The SIFT mind.
person can be a storm for another, Method
depending on their perception. Sensations: Begin by focusing on the Achieving Calm and Clarity
physical sensations in your body. Practicing the SIFT method can
The Science of Stress These sensations are like signals your empower you to manage stress and
Stressors, the situations or factors body sends to your brain, either as regain a calm, balanced mindset. Stress
causing stress, can be positive or nega- positive gut feelings or negative phys- will always be a part of life, but your
tive, from work pressures to significant ical discomfort. Use them as anchors response to it is what truly matters.
life changes. Our individual percep- to connect with the present moment. With this method, you will develop the
tion plays a crucial role in how these Images: Many negative thoughts mani- ability to stay focused, think clearly,
stressors affect us. What’s more, stress fest as images in the mind. Connect these and respond rationally even in the face
is not just a mental burden; it takes a images with the distressing thoughts of overwhelming stressors.
toll on our physical and emotional well- they represent. Acknowledging them
being. is the first step to regaining control of In a world full of chaos and uncer-
your thought patterns. tainty, mastering your mind is your
Stress, the Flight-or-Fight Response Feelings: Understand what emotions superpower. By incorporating the SIFT
The body’s stress response is ancient are associated with those sensations method into your daily routine, you can
and natural, but its constant activa- and images. Embrace your feelings, keep your inner calm intact, nurture
tion, especially when facing chronic recognizing that there are no right or emotional well-being, and face life’s
stress, can lead to a host of issues. The wrong emotions. Label them and let challenges with resilience and grace.
amygdala, a part of our brain, triggers them flow naturally.
the release of stress hormones such Thoughts: Identify the thoughts that Your path to inner peace begins with a
as adrenaline, causing physical symp- contribute to your stress. The prac- single step—try the SIFT method and
toms like aches, heart palpitations, tice of observing your thoughts allows unlock the power of a calm, clear mind.