Page 14 - AHATA
P. 14
LOCAL Monday 17 June 2024
Adriaan Laclé
One of Aruba’s richest men in the twentieth century
(Oranjestad)—The name Adriaan he fathered 16 children. However,
Laclé may ring a bell to locals as it has been said that only 11 of
one of the bigger roads on the is- those 17 made it past 18 years of
land, but about a century ago, age. Perhaps two of his most well-
Adriaan Laclé was a rich business- known daughters are Maria Mon-
man, well-known for his generosity, ica Laclé and Maria Veneranda
wealth, and taste. Laclé, who went on to marry suc-
cessful brothers Eloy Arends and
Adriaan was born in 1866 and was Maximilian Arends, respectively.
the eldest of six children. Not much Their houses are still standing; Eloy
is known about his childhood up- and Maria Monica’s mansion func-
bringing or any of his earlier busi- Today his house still stands in good tions as a townhall, used to host
ness ordeals, but during his hay day condition and can be found in the civil marriages, while Maximilian
he often helped people get loans, back streets of main street Oranjes- and Maria Veneranda’s house
was a well-established trader, and tad. stands on the opposite side of the
owned several plots of land. In fact, road to them—though currently
he commissioned the construction Regarding his personal life, it has under renovation after years left in
of the famous La Quinta Carmen been said that he was married ruin.
manor—now a restaurant. Though twice during his lifetime. He had his
he himself never lived in the beau- first daughter during his first mar- Source: De Kolibrie op de Rots (en
tiful manor, his own house also re- riage but lost his wife soon after her meer over de geschiedenis van
flected his success and good taste. birth. During his second marriage, Aruba) by Evert Bongers.
Aruba’s most family-friendly beaches
(Oranjestad)—One of the big-
gest concerns that parents have
when travelling with their children
is a guarantee of their safety and
healthy enjoyment. Therefore, we
thought it would be a great help
to travelling parents to list off some
the most family-friendly beaches
around the island.
Baby Beach in San Nicolas
Baby Beach is one Aruba’s most
popular and visited beaches, and
for good reason: This sandy and
quiet lagoon is a great place for
parents to sit back and relax while
their children play in the shallow the bridge, passed the mangrove and high-rise hotel areas, these lay down a big blanket and have
shores of the beach. Beside the re- trees near the entrance sign. Here, beaches are the most accessible a little picnic. This is also one of the
laxing atmosphere, there are also there are small and big palapas, for visitors on foot. These beaches best places to snorkel, as this area
several services that may accom- perfect for big and small families also offer many palapas free to is filled with little fish and corals,
modate your stay, like a parking to set up their belongings. In this use, but you can also rent chairs even close to the shore.
lot, sun tent rentals, chairs, bath- area, the shore is also shallow, fall- and tents. Much like Baby Beach,
rooms and a snack bar right at the ing right around your knee before these sites are one of the best Palm Island
far left of the beach. slowly getting deeper: perfect for beaches for your children to play Ok, this one is technically not a
kids to safely play. and build sand castles. beach, but a must-visit attraction
Mangel Halto in Pos Chiquito for family fun. This small water park
Mangel Halto is situated in the Eagle Beach/Palm Beach in the Boca Catalina in Malmok oasis is located further down the
back streets of the Pos Chiquito hotel area Boca Catalina is a small bay beach Mangel Halto Beach and is reach-
city. Though there are several stairs Yet another highly popular beach near the Malmok beach area fur- able by boat. This water park of-
on the sides of the beach cliff site, Eagle Beach and Palm Beach ther down the hotel areas. Though fers 6 hours of fun activities, food,
leading you down, the best spot is where most of our visitors go to it may not be a very sandy beach, drinks, and a chance to see pink
for families to hang out is across tan, swim or play in the white sand. it is relatively quiet and tranquil. flamingoes up close!
Because they are near the low-rise This is a great place for family to