Page 15 - AHATA
P. 15

Thursday 18 april 2024 locAl

            The Aruba Collection offers a glance into Aruban history, one click away!

            (Oranjestad)—This    week                                                                                           have  shared  their  collec-
            marked  a  huge  accom-                                                                                             tions of old photos of rela-
            plishment for Aruban histo-                                                                                         tives  that  have  either  vis-
            rians and archivists, as the                                                                                        ited or work at the refinery
            National  Library  of  Aruba                                                                                        during  the  early  1920/30s,
            (BNA),   announced     that                                                                                         offering  a  different  glance
            they,  in collaboration with                                                                                        of  the  Aruban  landscape,
            The  Internet  Archive,  have                                                                                       and taking us back in time
            created an online platform                                                                                          to  a  place  where  Aruba
            in  which  people  from  all                                                                                        was  experiencing  its  first
            around  the  globe  can  ac-                                                                                        stages  of  industrial  devel-
            cess the history and culture                                                                                        opment.
            of  Aruba.  Containing  over
            100,000 files so far, the Aru-                                                                                      3D  scans  of  ancient  arti-
            ba  Collection  holds  docu-                                                                                        facts are also a project that
            ments,  photos,  and  even                                                                                          is  currently  being  devel-
            3D  images  that  date  back                                                                                        oped at the BNA. In collab-
            hundreds—or  even  thou-                                                                                            oration  with  1403  with  the
            sands of years.                                                                                                     Brenchie’s lab, they started
                                                                                                                                creating 3D images of an-
            Aruba Today sat down with                                                                                           cient  artifacts,  offering  an
            Mr. Peter Scholing from the                                                                                         entire  view  of  the  object
            BNA and Edrick Croes from                                                                                           from all angles. This can be
            the  national  archives  of  tures  submitted  from  the  they  continue  to  uncover                               found as well on the web-
            Aruba (ANA) to talk about  time  when  the  first  refinery  more random pieces of lost  A  few  years  ago,  the  BNA  site.
            their  mission  regarding  the  LAGO  opened  on  Aruba,  records—some  even  by  campaigned for people to
            (digital) Aruban collection,  and the island saw a boom  accident.                     bring  their  own  collection  There are hundreds of doc-
            and  the  types  of  docu-   in  migration  from  different                            of  old  documents  or  pho-  uments  that  you  can  find
            ments  they  currently  have  parts of the Caribbean and  Through  collaborative  ef-  tos  through  their  program  and read, all ranging in lan-
            and  continue  to  receive  the US.                       forts  with  11  separate  en-  called  “Trece”  (bring)  that  guages  like  Papiamento,
            throughout  the  years  form                              tities,  the  collection  data  could  be  stored  in  the  ar-  Dutch,  English,  and  Span-
            all around the world.        Scholing  and  Croes  men-   base was set up to offer the  chives  of  Aruba.  This  way  ish.  The  national  library  is
                                         tioned that one of the main  visitor  an  accessible  expe-  it  creates  a  pathway  for  interested  in  digitalizing  all
            There are thousands of dif-  challenges about this proj-  rience  navigating  the  rich  the new generation to feel  of their files, as well as those
            ferent  files  in  the  Aruba  ect was the fact that histori-  deposit  of  the  database.  more  connected  to  their  found  in  the  Netherlands.
            Collection, including docu-  cal documents and stories  The  database  acts  as  a  cultural  heritage  and  also  This  was  especially  impor-
            ments  ranging  from  earlier  about  Aruba  have  been  hub  where  materials  and  inspire  them  to  keep  pre-  tant during the pandemic,
            settlements  in  the  colonial  scattered all over the world  documents  housed  under  serving  the  fragile,  yet  im-  when  they  realized  that
            era,  slavery  on  the  islands,  over  the  past  hundreds  of  these different entities can  portant  files  of  our  island’s  many people were starting
            the  families  that  have  years, and so it has been a  be  found  right  under  one  stories.                      to use their already existing
            come  and  gone  through-    continuous effort to search  website  domain.    These                                 digital  database  all  over
            out  hundreds  of  years,  to  for  those  lost  stories  and  entities  include  the  BNA,  The archivists have also em-  the world.
            recipes  on  traditional  Aru-  to link missing pieces to in-  ANA, UNOCA, the national  phasized about the contri-
            ban cooking, digital copies  complete puzzles. For them  museum  (MANA),  Monu-        bution  that  tourists  have   The collection can be found
            of  old  (and  discontinued)  it has also been an adven-  mentenfonds,  University  of  had  on  the  growth  of  the      on
            newspapers, and even pic-    ture  at  the  very  least,  as  Aruba and more.          collection,  as  many  visitors

                                                                                                        Aruba to me

                                                                      ORANJESTAD — You are back and we would like to portrait you! By inviting you to send
                                                                      us your favorite vacation picture while enjoying our Happy Island.

                                                                      Complete the sentence: Aruba to me is ……. Send your picture with that text (including
                                                                      your name and where you are from) to: and we will publish
                                                                      your vacation memory. Isn’t that a special way to keep your best moments alive?
                                                                      Please do note: By submitting photos, text or any other materials, you give permission
                                                                      to The Aruba Today Newspaper, Caribbean Speed Printers and any of its affiliated
                                                                      companies to use said materials, as well as names, likeness, etc. for promotional pur-
                                                                      poses without compensation.
                                                                      Last but not least: check out our website, Instagram and Facebook page! Thank you
                                                                      for supporting our free newspaper, we strive to make you a happy reader every day
                                                                      For today we received a lovely message from our awesome visitors John and Stepha-
                                                                      nie Hart from Lumberton, NJ, USA.

                                                                      They wrote to us saying: “Our 2nd home away from home! 30 years and counting...”

                                                                      Thank you for sending us this wonderful message sharing what Aruba means to you
                                                                      with us and our readers!q
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