Page 13 - AHATA
P. 13

                                                                                                           LOCAL Thursday 5 January 2023

            Organ concerto for adults and children

            Gabriel Dessauer

                                                                      he  founded  the  German-    cital  at  St.  Ignatius  Loyola,  Salt Lake City.
                                                                      English  project  choir,  the  New York.
                                                                      Reger-Choir.  He  has  lec-                               In  November  2015  Des-
                                                                      tured  at  international  con-  Since  1992,  Dessauer  has  sauer  was  the  organist  for
                                                                      ferences,  especially  about  conducted  events  for  the  a  sing-along  organized  by
                                                                      the music of the composer  Rheingau  Music  Festival  the  Diocese  of  Limburg
                                                                      Max Reger.                   called the Orgeltour (organ  in  St.  Bonifatius.  A  choir  of
                                                                                                   tour), visiting historic organs  150 volunteers studied Ga-
                                                                      Dessauer  has  given  recit-  in  the  region;  from  Rhein-  briel  Fauré's  Requiem  and
                                                                      als  in  Europe  and  the  U.S.:  gau  to  the  cathedrals  of  performed it as part of the
                                                                      at the Washington National  Worms,  Speyer,  Würzburg  Wiesbadener Bachwochen
                                                                      Cathedral  and  at  St.  Pat-  and Fulda.                 festival.
                                                                      rick's Cathedral, New York.
                                                                      He played the Kotzschmar  Every  year  on  3  October,  Entrance fee is for the res-
                                                                      organ  in  the  Merrill  Audi-  German  Unity  Day,  Des-  tauration  of  the  church
                                                                      torium  in  Portland,  Maine,  sauer has conducted works  roof. This church is a place,
                                                                      and  in  the  Cathedral  of  such as Mendelssohn's Elias,  open  for  prayer  and  wor-
                                                                      Our  Lady  of  the  Angels  in  Ein  deutsches  Requiem  of  ship.  Especially  a  place
                                                                      Los Angeles. In 2004, he lec-  Brahms,  and  Verdi's  Messa  of  worship  for  our  visiting
                                                                      tured at the National Con-   da Requiem                   guests, tourists and inhabit-
                                                                      vention  of  the  American  In  2014,  Dessauer  toured  ants.
                                                                      Guild of Organists in Los An-  the US, playing concerts at
                                                                      geles  on  the  choral  music  the  Washington  National  We are honored to receive
                                                                      of Max Reger. In 2005, Des-  Cathedral, at St. Mary's Ca-  Gabriel   Dessauer   and
                                                                      sauer played at the Spreck-  thedral  in  San  Francisco,  have  him  give  a  beauti-
                                                                      els Organ Pavilion in San Di-  California,  and  at  the  Salt  ful  concert  in  beautiful
                                                                      ego. In 2010, he gave a re-  Lake  Tabernacle  organ  in  Oranjestad.q

            Please join us Monday Jan-
            uary 30, 4 PM for a special  Gabriel  Dessauer,  organist
            concert  in  our  wonderful  and director
            Church!  One  hour  of  won-  Gabriel  Dessauer  (1955)  is
            derful Baroque and Roman-    concert  organist,  cantor
            tic Organ Music, played by  and an academic. He was
            the famous German organ-     responsible  for  the  church
            ist  and  conductor  Gabriel  music  at  St.  Bonifatius,  a
            Dessauer  on  the  famous  church in Wiesbaden, from
            Flentrop Organ.              1981 to 2021. He also con-
                                         ducted the Choir of St. Bon-
            Beautiful works of Bach, Mo-  ifatius  until  2018.  Gabriel  is
            zart, Liszt (B-A-C-H), Bédard  an  internationally  known
            and  Widor  will  be  played.  organ recitalist. He was an
            The  program  is  especially  organ  teacher  at  the  fac-
            directed  towards  children.  ulty  of  the  Music  Conser-
            Parents: bring your kids!    vatory  of  Mainz.  In  1985,
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