Page 12 - AHATA
P. 12
Wednesday 15 February 2023
Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors
at Aruba Marriott Resort & Stellaris Casino
a token of appreciation to
the guests who visit Aruba
between the 10-20-35 and
more consecutive year
Our first Emerald Ambas-
sadors love coming to the
island for the friendliness of
the people that makes the
visitors feel safe, the cleanli-
ness of the island, the vari-
PALM BEACH - Recently, “Goodwill Ambassador” ety of restaurants and foo,
Aruba Tourism Author- and 36+ years “Emerald the beautiful beaches and
ity representative Ms. Olga Ambassador”. the consistency of beautiful
Ruiz had the great pleasure weather. Marriott Resort & Stellaris years of continued visits.
in honoring many loyal The honorees are George & Casino. The honorees were
Aruba visitors with their dis- Ann Dombroski residents of Ms. Olga Ruiz representing presented with memorable On behalf of the Govern-
tinctive certificates. These Connecticut, United States the Aruba Tourism Authority, gifts, what made the gift- ment of Aruba we want
certificates are a way to who have been honored and Mrs. Verna Dijkhof rep- ing section so special was to thank you for choos-
say “Masha Danki” for con- as the first ever Emerald resenting the Aruba Marri- that Mr. Dombroski is a coin ing Aruba as their favorite
tinuously choosing Aruba Ambassadors of Aruba. ott Resort & Stellaris Casino collector, and one of the vacation destination for
as a favorite vacation des- bestowed the certification symbolic gifts that an Emer- so many years. Aruba is
tination. The titles are as This symbolic honorary title of the first ever Emerald ald ambassador acquires is definitely their home away
following: 10+ years “Distin- is presented on behalf of Ambassadors at the Aruba the commemorative Emer- from home!q
guished Visitor”, 20+ years the Minister of Tourism as ald Coin that represents 35
Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors
EAGLE BEACH - Recently, their distinctive certificates. are as following: 10+ years
Aruba Tourism Authority These certificates are a “Distinguished Visitor”, 20+
representative Ms. Marous- way to say “Masha Danki” years “Goodwill Ambassa-
ka Heyliger had the great for continuously choosing dor” and 36+ years “Emer-
pleasure in honoring many Aruba as a favorite vaca- ald Ambassador”.
loyal Aruba visitors with tion destination. The titles
The honorees are David to the island for its lovely
and Diane Rittenhouse weather, friendly people
from Pennsylvania who and safety on the island.
have been honored as Dis-
tinguished visitors. Ms. Marouska Heyliger rep-
resenting the Aruba Tour-
This symbolic honorary title ism Authority, and mem-
is presented on behalf of bers of Manchebo beach
the Minister of Tourism as resort bestowed the Distin-
a token of appreciation to guished visitors certification
the guests who visit Aruba to the honorees, presented
between the 10-20-35 and them with gifts, and also
more consecutive year thanked them for choosing
mark. Aruba as their favorite va-
cation destination and their
The couple loves coming home-away-from-home.q