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                                                                                                           LOCAL Tuesday 14 June 2022


            Exploring the Mainstreet of San Nicolas

            SAN NICOLAS— At Just 11 miles southeast  Aruba, such as Art Rules Aruba and Aruba
            from  Oranjestad  you  will  enter  the  city  Art Fair, San Nicolas has had quite the aes-
            San Nicolas, also known as Sunrise City or  thetic  makeover  with  regards  to  vibrant
            Chocolate City. A city that is rich in authen-  street art. Each year more and more stun-
            tic culture and island charm. San Nicolas is  ning  murals  are  replacing  broken  down
            Aruba’s second largest city and was once  buildings with colorful art pieces that keep
            a  bustling  company  town  dominated  by  brightening up Sunrise City.
            the oil industry since the early 1930’s.
                                                       Must See, Do, Buy & Eat
            The new San Nicolas                        A little bit of everything can be found in the
            In the shadow of the refinery, an art capi-  main street. Stores selling shoes, clothing,
            tal is quietly beginning to grow. This is the  jewelry you name it. Arts & crafts by Co-
            new  San  Nicolas,  a  place  that  is  starting  secha  store  &  Creative  Center,  a  design
            to become a magnet for all that is young,  store  in  which  you  can  immerse  yourself
            cool and hip in Aruba. Indeed, San Nico-   in discovering genuine and locally made
            las has all of the ingredients of an emerg-  arts  and  crafts  which  reflect  the  diversifi-
            ing cultural hub — varied history, interest-  cation  of  the  Aruban  craft  heritage  and
            ing  architecture,  and,  perhaps  most  im-  the  artistic  supply  of  artisans.  Don’t  miss
            portantly,  an  urban  layout  that  makes  it  out on trying the exquisite food offered by
            walkable. As you walk around, the streets  the  cafes  and  restaurants  or  just  enjoy  a
            are silent but the walls are loud, filled with  peaceful walk admiring the murals, mosa-
            bright, colorful murals painted by a collec-  ic benches and all the history San Nicolas
            tion of artists from around the world. Thanks  has to offer.q
            to the efforts of various art organizations in
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