Page 4 - RIU HOTEL
P. 4
Friday 8 June 2018
In connection with World Environment Day
Children at Riu Palace Aruba plant bushes with Calú
over 4 million guests a year
and provide jobs for a total
of 28,894 employees. RIU is
currently the world’s 34th
ranked chain, one of the
Caribbean’s most popular,
the third largest in Spain in
terms of revenue and the
fourth largest in number of
ORANJESTAD, Aruba – June About RIU:
7th, 2018: In connection The international RIU chain
with World Environment Day was founded in Mallorca
Riu Palace Aruba organized by the Riu family in 1953 as
the event of plant bushes a small holiday firm and is
with their guest’s children. still owned by the family’s
The children reunited with third generation. The com-
RiuLand’s employees and pany specializes in holiday
enjoyed themselves with resorts and over 70% of its
RIU’s mascot, Calú. establishments offer its ac-
claimed All Inclusive by RIU
On June 5th was World En- service. With the inaugura-
vironment Day and Riu Pal- tion of its first city hotel in
ace Aruba had a day with 2010, RIU is expanding its
the children without the range of products with its
contamination of plastic, own line of city hotels called
where the taught the chil- Riu Plaza. RIU Hotels & Re-
dren how to plant bushes sorts now has 92 hotels in 19
and to take care of them. countries which welcome
The children had big smiles
and they enjoy the day
with Calú.
At the end of the event
RiuLand’s employees and
Calú gave the children a
small gift, which was a re-
cycle wood pencil. The
children as well as the
parents were happy with
the gifts and they thanked
RiuLand’s employees to
teach the children how to
plant a plant.