Page 46 - DIARIO 22AUG,2015
P. 46
PAGINA 46 --- + --- + --- WAKE UP ! !DIARIO ! ! DIASABRA 22 AUGUSTUS 2015
These days the Arubian air and use other and better the refinery on our sister
energy sources. The human island. The refinery next
is filled with discussions, being is also changing and door is a refinery that has all
unfortunately the petroleum conversions, a Catcracker
thoughts, opinions, personal industry has too many and a Lube complex. Our
negative aspects in it which do refinery cannot make nor
viewpoints, personal stands, not fit the changing lifestyles. produce white products. This
For example, in the developed contract runs until 2019 and
insights, ideas, wishes and world of today, such as in presently there are quite a
America and Europe, nobody bit of uncertainty if it will be
whatever else we may wish wants a refinery in their extended or renewed.
backyard, even if they are We should not get off on
to call it on the YES/NO getting it free. The current this thing about getting an
trend is to get away from instant jump in GDP of 12%
of the REFINERY in SAN fossil fuels and seek better, ------? % by starting back up
safer and environmentally the refinery because this is
NICOLAS. The talks and friendly energy fuels. far from being real. This was
supposed to have been the
encounters have grown and To stay withAruba specifically, case when Valero started back
the No.1 Oil Company in the up the last time also and we
become more weighty now world - Exxon owned and all know what happened and
operated the refinery here for how long it lasted. Our track
because, unfortunately, many years. In 1985 Exxon record tells us that we do not
shut down the refinery because do a solid job of evaluations
the issue is being heavily it was not profitable anymore with these types of issues
and could not foresee any way and it almost never helps or
moisturized with a lot of of making it profitable with benefits us.
the known petroleum/refinery We need to put a halt to these
political tissue. However, environment and outlook. flimsy and highly risky plans
We all know the history of in searching for a development
what about our trying to what happened with the later plan for San Nicolas and start
companies that came and thinking through solid , stable
make an attempt to evaluate the questionable equipment and sustainable projects that
condition and the attempts to are durable, progressive
and assess the situation from restart and run the refinery. and long-lasting. In the past
Now if the refinery was San Nicolas did their job of
a standpoint free from any showing such good incentives starting up and putting Aruba
and if there were beneficial on the map and provided
specific community group, attributes for starting it up the foundation and basis for
again then would ‘nt Valero, where and what we are today.
organization or party position who is one of the leading San Nicolas does not want to
refiners in the world, do so ? be treated as the orphanage of
and try to focus as close as Better yet, - would ‘nt some Aruba and does not have to bite
of the other big oil companies on every bone that is pitched
possible on the actual reality. like, - Exxon, - Shell,- BP, - - - on the ground. San Nicolas
be at our front door knocking has learned to live without a
Well, here we go : and wanting to talk to us ! refinery and definitely is not
It is somewhat ironic that, hooked on starting it up for
At the beginning of life and with all that is happening their survival. Many times the
nowadays with oil and the remark is made – “Suppose
society we started with the deplorable situation that our the refinery was somewhere
Southern neighbour petroleum else in Aruba, for instance,- in
Stone Ages where the natural industry is in, exactly, they the Oranjestad or Santa Cruz
are the partner who we want area, - would there have been
stone was the only primary to deal with. Nowadays they so much talk and/or effort in
are the ones who are coming trying to start it up again ! ! !
material and medium that we to us to help bail them out “ Aruba has a very intelligent
and to secure their survival. It and creative population
knew and had and which we goes beyond all understanding and the hope is that we will
that they would want to cut a definitely find a pleasant and
used to allow us to exist. As deal with us over and beyond satisfactory solution.
the contract agreement that
the world grew and time went they have with operating A.L.M.R.C.
on we discovered metals and
the human being progressed
by first using bronze and
after that going on to iron and
steel and other metals. The
evolution kept on changing
and as we discovered and
developed new things we
left the old materials and
systems behind and continued
adopting the new materials
and changes and the human
being continued to go forward
and advance. We all know
the history and we went on
to discover and invent many
things, such as the steam
engine and a lot more and Hoben no tabata sa cu
e ta bisti na manera
these new discoveries made sospechoso
our life and the world better.
One of the greatest findings
and developments of the
past was petroleum and the
petroleum industry because it
provided a leading source of
energy. Petroleum has made
one of the greatest impact in O R A N J E S TA D ( A A N ) - - Nan a par'e y papia cune.
Polis a wordo manda di parti Tabata e hoben di 14 aña di
determining what type of life central pa bay cu urgencia edad JD, cu a declara cu e
na Shiribana pa un situacion tabata eynan para buscando
many of us would be living sospechoso. Den e caso aki señal di Wifi pa Internet.
un persona na un manera El a wordo splica cu locual
and have lived. sospechoso tabata cerca di un e ta haciendo ta peligroso
casita di bende lotto. awendia y sospechoso pesey
Aruba has been governed by Ora polis a yega nan a copa a par'e pa papia cune. El a
un persona cu un capuchon mustra comprension y por a
the petroleum industry in every shinishi. sigui.
aspect for many years. But just Novena ta sigui na
Santa Cruz
like with other commodities
and developments before
this material, as was the case
in the past, this material and
industry has also changed
and is definitely not the same
like what we had with Lago, O R A N J E S TA D ( A A N ) - - 2015 pa 8.15 di mainta
Novena di Niño Hesus di Dialuna, 24 di augustus 2015
Coastal, El Paso and Valero Praga ta continua na Misa pa 5.45 di atardi.
Maria Inmaculata Concepcion Hoben y Mayornan; ban uni
refineries. The world is na Santa Cruz tur dia. den oracion pa venera nos
Triduo lo ta : Dushi Niño Hesus, awor cu
moving on and petroleum is Diasabra, 22 di augustus den e temponan dificil aki
2015 pa 6.15 di atardi nos mester di mas oracion cu
not the glorious industry that Diadomingo, 23 di augustus nunca.
it used to be. The petroleum
time is passing and the world
is looking and working on
all sorts of ways to find